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Stage professionnel | Specialization Internship

Students registered in the 3rd year of Hospitality Management program, are required to undergo a Specialization and Insertion training for a duration of 20 weeks. This training has two objective 1) Allow the students to develop their skills and know how in the area of interest; 2) Build up the relation between the student and the company to help increase employment chances. The relation between the student and th company will be built around a training plan monitored by the training coordinator. This will help insure the student will gain the knowledge and insights to perform properly. Also, under the supervision of the training coordinator, the students will be required to perform a job hunt to secure their training.

Temps présentiel : 0 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 500 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Rapport de stage

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