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Projets de Recherche

Comparative study of marginal micro-leakage between colored compomer and conventional compomer in primary molars.

Description :

A total of 30 non-carious primary molars which are extracted for orthodontics reasons will be selected. The teeth will be randomly divided into 2 groups of 15 teeth each.Class I cavities will be prepared on all the 30 teeth using a tungsten carbide fissure bur No.330 then a diamond round bur with proper water cooling. The shape of the cavity will be drawn with a permanent marker before performing according to the following: the depth 1.5mm occlusal preparation with no mechanical retention form. All teeth will be restored with the same brand products to decrease the variables bias. Group A restored with conventional compomer and group B restored with colored compomer. All teeth will be stored for 24 hours in distilled water, then subjected to thermocycling for 10,000 cycles at a temperature of 5°C ± 2°C and 55°C ± 2°C with dwell time of 30 seconds. Each tooth will be covered with nail polish except an area approximately within 1 mm of periphery of the restoration. The apices will be occluded with modeling wax to prevent leakage through root apices. The teeth will be then immersed in 0.5% basic fuchsin dye for 24 hours at room temperature. After removal from the dye and rinsing, the teeth will be mounted in self-curing acrylic blocks and sectioned buccolingually through the center of the restoration with a low-speed diamond saw. Examination under stereomicroscope (16X magnification) to measure the depth of the dye penetration at the two surfaces of the cavity.

Titulaire :

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Chercheur(s) :
Dr Jean-Claude ABOU CHEDID

Projet présenté au CR, le : 22/11/2024

Projet achevé auprès du CR : 22/05/2025