The Effect of Zirconia Etching Solution on Microtensile Bond Strength of Zirconia Ceramics to Resin Cement: An In-Vitro Study.
Description :
New surface treatment options are nowadays being established in order to increase the bond strength of zirconia to resin cements. One of these new products is the Zirconia Etchant Cloud System. The aim of this study is to determine the efficacy of this advancement to obtain rough zirconia surface. In order to do so, zirconia blocks will be prepared and distributed in four groups: The untreated zirconia group, the sandblasted group, the etched group and finally the sandblasted then etched group. They are then bonded to prepped extracted molars and then thermocycled to reproduce aging in the mouth. The specimens are cut in sticks (1 x 1 mm) (17) and subjected to the microtensile bond strength.
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