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Projets de Recherche

Effect of bleaching on the surface roughness of a fresh and aged composite: An in vitro study

Description :

Studies in a variety of adult populations have revealed that 19.6% to 65.9% of people are not satisfied with their tooth color. Generally, this dissatisfaction has been linked to a greater need for dental aesthetics procedures such as teeth whitening. Bleaching agents come in contact with different restorative materials. While it is generally believed that the macroscopic visibility of bleaching effects on composites is minimal, microscopic alterations on the surface may lead to adverse outcomes. Thus, this study aims to evaluate the effect of in-office bleaching on the surface roughness of a fresh and aged nanohybrid composite. The surface roughness will be evaluated using Scanning electron microscope (SEM) and profilometer. Additionally, this study explores the effect of post-bleaching polishing in restoring the initial surface roughness of the composite.

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Chercheur(s) :
Pr Carina Mehanna
Dr Dalia Abou saad

Projet présenté au CR, le : 01/06/2023

Projet achevé auprès du CR : 01/03/2025