comparison of treatment outcome of occlusal splints and physiotherapy regarding their effect on posture
Description :
Occlusal appliances allow the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) to adapt to an orthopedically more stable position, they also allow for a better neuromuscular activity by reducing abnormal activities of the joint and improving normal muscle function thus reducing TMD.In addition to occlusal splints, physical exercise can be an alternative to relieve pain and relax surrounding muscles of the TMJ. In summary, physical exercise and occlusal splints are treatment options for TMD, and promising results of both modalities have been shown. Furthermore, it is stated in many articles the relation between TMD and posture, so if TMD can affect posture and vice versa we can postulate that treatment of TMD might also affect posture. Thus, it can be concluded the need of an in vivo study to compare both treatment modalities effect on posture and which treatment have more promising results for posture improvement
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