(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3785312 nada.mouawad@usj.edu.lb
• linguistique
• lettres Langue et litterature
• lettres Langue et litterature
Linguistics 1,2,3,4
Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences
“Theater and revolution in
Arabic world” March 2017. International conference organized by American
Embassy in Beirut and USEK (Université St Esprit Kaslik).
“History of Lebanese war in
the modern literature” January 2014. Aarhus University Denmark.
"The role of
evaluation and self-assessment in learning to write". December 2012, in the symposium "for
producing meaningful evaluation" organized by the Faculty of Philosophy
and Humanities, USEK (Université St Esprit Kaslik).
"Disorder of languages
or disorder of cultures? “September 2012Published in the papers of the
international conference, organized by the University Jean Moulin Lyon III,
Garnier Flammarion.
" November 2008 Published in the papers of the international conference
organized by USEK (Université St Esprit Kaslik).
"M Bobble the French
Prophet," March 2007, published in the papers of the international
conference organized by USEK (Université St Esprit Kaslik).
- Enseignement, Recherche, Documentation, Consultant. - Edition et Presentation, journaliste TV radio . - Coordination.