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Joseph HATEM

Chargé de Cours - Vacataire

Faculté de médecine (FM)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext joseph.hatem3@usj.edu.lb

• Doctorat de spécialité - Neurologie

Médecine et Santé


- J. Hatem , F. Bouhour , P. Petiot , M. Sindou , C. Vial. Intra-operative monitoring of facial electromyographic responses during microsurgical vascular decompression for hemifacial spasm, prognostic value. Clin . Neurophysiol .: 111: (Suppl.1) S59 (2000). Poster presented at the 10 th European Congress of Clinical Neurophysiology. Lyon, France , August 26-30, 2000.            - J. Hatem , M. Sindou , C. Vial . Intraoperative monitoring of facial EMG responses during microvascular decompression for hemifacial spasm. Prognostic value for long term outcome: a study of 33 patients. British journal of Neurosurgery 2001 15 (6): 496-499.          - Final thesis in general medicine: Spontaneous dissection of the internal carotid artery ; five cases reported with review of the literature. Supervisor : Pr Assistant Salam Koussa , Neurologist at the Hôtel-Dieu de France.              - Final thesis of General Neurology: ictal SPECT with subtraction images, Study of a series of 32 patients at the Lyon Neurological Hospital. Work done in the epileptology department of Pr. François  Mauguière under the supervision of Pr Philippe Ryvlin .