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Boutros SOUTOU

Vice-président - Comité d'évaluation

Chargé de Cours - Vacataire

Faculté de médecine (FM)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext boutros.soutou@usj.edu.lb

Dermatologue libanais, 15 ans d’expérience.

Arabe, français et anglais lus, écrits et parlés.

45 ans

Membre de l'Ordre des médecins du Nord; 1741.

membre de la société libanaise de dermatologie; 

membre de la société française de dermatologie et du groupe thématique Urticaire;


• master en sciences biologiques et médicales
• diplome universitaire d'éducation en sciences de la santé
• diplome interuniversitaire de dermatologie esthetique, lasers et cosmetologie
• Diplome de spécialisation - Dermatologie
• attestation de formation spécialisée
• Diplome de docteur en médecine
• C1 de génétique

Médecine et Santé

Recherche clinique continue avec de multiples publications (cf. publications) : Département de dermatologie, Faculté de Médecine, USJ ; service de dermatologie, Hôtel-Dieu de France. [lasers, urticaire, acné, grossesse...]

Recherche fondamentale (en cours):                                                                                                                  Projet multidisciplinaire « Microbiome cutané et grossesse FPH87 »                                                                                                                                               Tuteur : Pr Dolla Karam Sarkis                                                                                                                    Laboratoire des agents pathogènes - Faculté de Pharmacie et laboratoire de physiologie - Faculté de Médecine, USJ.

SAID FE, SHAMI P, RAZZOUK B, SOUTOU B, BRIHI E, SALAMOUN W, AFTIMOS G, SAADE M. Secondary Axillary Node Carcinoma Following Treatment of Hodgkin’s Disease. Breast J 2004; 10: 167-168.


SOUTOU B, JAMOUS R, HELOU J. Lettre à la rédaction. Risques oculaires présumés du laser chez les dermatologues (Presumed exposure of dermatologists to ocular risks of laser). Ann Dermatol Venereol 2008; 135: 508-9. 


TOMB R, SOUTOU B. Cas pour diagnostic : Éruption estivale récidivante. Recurrent summer rash. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2008; 135: 873-4. 


TOMB R, SOUTOU B. Deux cas de kératose lichénoïde chronique dans une même fratrie. Réponse favorable à la photothérapie UVB. Keratosis lichenoides chronica in two siblings with marked response to UVB phototherapy. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2008; 135: 835-8. 


TOMB R, SOUTOU B, ZALLOUA P. Dysplasie ectodermique anhidrotique familiale : une mutation rare du gène EDA1. Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia. Report of a rare mutation in EDA1. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2009; 136: 28-31. 


TOMB R, SOUTOU B. Cas pour diagnostic : Ulcérations douloureuses périorificielles chroniques. Persistent painful periorificial ulcerations. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2009; 136: 62-64.


TOMB R, SOUTOU B, CHEHADI S. Hypodermite à plasmocytes, variante histologique de la morphée profonde. Plasma cell panniculitis: A histopathological variant of morphea profunda. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2009; 136: 256-9.


SOUTOU B, ARACTINGI S. Myeloproliferative disorder therapy: assessment and management of adverse events-a dermatologist's perspective. Hematol Oncol 2009; 27(S1):11-13. 


HELOU J, SOUTOU B, JAMOUS R, TOMB R. Nouveaux effets indésirables du laser dépilatoire axillaire. Novel adverse effects of laser-assisted axillary hair removal. Ann dermatol Venereol 2009; 136: 495-500. 


SOUTOU B, NASSAR D, RÉGNIER S, PARANT O, KHOSROTEHRANI K, ARACTINGI S. Dermatological manifestations associated with pregnancy. Exp Rev Dermatol 2009; 4: 329-340. 


NASSAR D, SOUTOU B, ARACTINGI S. Cutaneous side effects of EGF receptor inhibitors. Bull Cancer 2009; 96: S85-91. 


SOUTOU B, VIGNON-PENNAMEN D, CHOSIDOW O. Neutrophilic dermatoses. Rev Med Interne 2011; 32: 306-13. 


FRANCÈS C, COSNES A, DUHAUT P, ZAHR N, SOUTOU B, INGEN-HOUSZ-ORO S, BESSIS D, CHEVRANT-BRETON J, CORDEL N, LIPSKER D, COSTEDOAT-CHALUMEAU N. Low blood concentration of hydroxychloroquine in patients with refractory cutaneous lupus erythematosus: a French multicenter prospective study. Arch Dermatol 2012;148:479-84. 


BARREAU M, DOMPMARTIN-BLANCHÈRE A, JAMOUS R, CHABABI M, SOUTOU B, REYNIER-REZZI J, LAPLAUD AL, ACHER A, ROD J, JEANNE-PASQUIER C, FRAITAG S. Nodular Lesions of Self-healing Juvenile Cutaneous Mucinosis: A Pitfall! Am J Dermatopathol 2012; 34:699-705.


ABU-RUSTUM RS, FRANGIEH A, FAHED R, SOUTOU B, ABDELAHAD A. Limitations of 3-dimensional sonography in the prenatal evaluation of a skin denudation syndrome. J Ultrasound Med 2013; 32: 1301-3.


Biazar C, Sigges J, Patsinakidis N, Ruland V, Amler S, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A; EUSCLE co-authors [Haust M, Nyberg F, Bata Z, Mihályi L, Olteanu R, Pujol RM, Sánchez-Schmidt JM, Medenica L, Skiljevic D, Reich A, Szepietowski JC, Dalle Vedove C, Girolomoni G, Hawro T, Zalewska-Janowska A, Glaeser R, Huegel R, Jedličková H, Bygum A, Laurinaviciene R, Benoit S, Broecker E, Bahmer FA, Aberer E, Wutte N, Lipozencic J, Marinovic B, Sárdy M, Bekou V, Ruzicka T, Frances C, Soutou B, Lee H, Worm M, Gruschke A, Hunzelmann N, Steinbrink K, Romiti R, Sticherling M, Efurt-Berge C, Averinou G, Papafragkaki D, Antiga E, Caproni M, Mayer B, Volc-Platzer B, Kreuter A, Tiggs C, Heil PM, Stingl G] Cutaneous lupus erythematosus: first multicenter database analysis of 1002 patients from the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE).Autoimmun Rev 2013;12:444-54.


Sigges J, Biazar C, Landmann A, Ruland V, Patsinakidis N, Amler S, Bonsmann G, Kuhn A; EUSCLE Co-Authors [Haust M, Nyberg F, Beta Z, Mihályi L, Olteanu R, Pujol RM, Sánchez-Schmidt JM, Medenica L, Skiljevic D, Reich A, Szepietowski JC, Dalle Vedove C, Girolomoni G, Hawro T, Zalewska-Janowska A, Glaeser R, Huegel R, Jedličková H, Bygum A, Laurinaviciene R, Benoit S, Broecker E, Bahmer FA, Aberer E, Wutte N, Lipozencic J, Marinovic B, Sárdy M, Bekou V, Ruzicka T, Frances C, Soutou B, Lee H, Worm M, Gruschke A, Hunzelmann N, Steinbrink K, Romiti R, Sticherling M, Erfurt-Berge C, Avgerinou G, Papafragkaki D, Antiga E, Caproni M, Mayer B, Volc-Platzer B, Kreuter A, Tigges C, Heil PM, Stingl G] Therapeutic strategies evaluated by the European Society of Cutaneous Lupus Erythematosus (EUSCLE) Core Set Questionnaire in more than 1000 patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Autoimmun Rev 2013;12:694-702.


HELOU J, HABRE M, SOUTOU B, MAATOUK I, IBRAHIM T, TOMB R. Reversibility of hyperhidrosis post axillary depilatory laser. Lasers Med Sci 2014; 29: 717-21.


Kuhn A, Sigges J, Biazar C, Ruland V, Patsinakidis N, Landmann A, Amler S, Bonsmann G; EUSCLE coauthors [Haust M, Nyberg F, Bata Z, Mihályi L, Olteanu R, Pujol RM, Sánchez-Schmidt JM, Medenica L, Skiljevic D, Reich A, Szepietowski JC, Dalle Vedove C, Girolomoni G, Hawro T, Zalewska-Janowska A, Glaeser R, Huegel R, Jedličková H, Bygum A, Laurinaviciene R, Benoit S, Broecker E, Bahmer FA, Aberer E, Wutte N, Lipozencic J, Marinovic B, Sárdy M, Bekou V, Ruzicka T, Frances C,Soutou B, Lee H, Worm M, Gruschke A, Hunzelmann N, Steinbrink K, Romiti R, Sticherling M, Erfurt-Berge C, Avgerinou G, Papafragkaki D, Antiga E, Caproni M, Mayer B, Volc-Platzer B, Kreuter A, Tigges C, Heil PM, Stingl G]. Influence of smoking on disease severity and antimalarial therapy in cutaneous lupus erythematosus: analysis of 1002 patients from the EUSCLE database. Br J Dermatol 2014;171:571-9.


SOUTOU B, ARACTINGI S. Dermatoses spécifiques de la grossesse. Rev Med Interne 2015; 36: 198-202.


SOUTOU B, ARACTINGI S. Skin disease in pregnancy. Best Pract Res Clin Obstet Gynaecol  2015; 29: 732-40.


SOUTOU B, ARACTINGI S. Peau et grossesse. Mise au Point. La Revue du Praticien 2017 ; 67 : 411-414.


BADDOURA R, GHANEM A, HALABY E, SOUTOU B, TOMB R. Screening for psoriatic arthritis: targeting phenotypes may improve case detection. Joint Bone Spine 2019 May 5 [Epub ahead of print].


ZOGHAIB S, KECHICHIAN E, SOUAID K, SOUTOU B, HELOU J, TOMB R. Triggers, clinical manifestations, and management of pediatric erythema multiforme: A systematic review. J Am Acad Dermatol 2019; 81:813-822.


Amsler E, Du Thanh A, Soria A, Berard F, Viguier M, Lefevre S, Vigan M, Barzegar C, Boussaid R, Hacard F, Gabison G, Staumont D, Marmion N, Pouplard C, Delaunay J, Badaoui A, Nosbaum A, Pralong P, Castelain F, Bouillet L, Sarre ME, Vermeulen C, Tetart F, Bachtarzi Z, Doutre MS, Martinache C, Bara C, Augey F, Boccon Gibod I, Nicolas JF, Maatouk I, Mathelier Fusade P, Soutou B, Goujon Henry C, Hoarau C, Crépy MN, Bernier C, Cambazard F, Guinepain MT. Management of urticaria by French specialists compared to international guideline recommendations. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract2020;8:1761-1763.


SOUTOU B, SENET P, LIONNET F, HABIBI A, ARACTINGI S. Sickle cell disease induces resistance to cutaneous carcinogenesis. Orphanet J Rare Dis 2020;15:66. doi: 10.1186/s13023-020-1341-9.


SOUTOU B, TOMB R. The Multifaceted Engagement of the Dermatologist in the Covid-19 Pandemic.

SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine 2020, 2(9), 1388-1392.


HELOU J, KORKOMAZ J, STEPHAN F, SOUTOU B. Searching predictive factors of efficacy and safety in a fractional CO2 laser. Dermatol Ther. 2020 Nov;33(6):e13985.


HELOU J, MAATOUK I, SOUTOU B. Big toenail onychomycosis features associated with response to 1064 nm Nd: YAG laser treatment. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2022 Mar;21(3):1031-1035.


SOUTOU B*, MASSIH C*, SLEILATY G, TRAK-SMAYRA V, NASR M, HELOU J, HOKAYEM N, FERRAN F, SLEILATI FH, STÉPHAN F, HALABI-TAWIL M, TOMB R. Clinical and pathological features associated with high-risk, multiple, and recurrent basal cell carcinomas: a retrospective cohort analysis from the Levantine coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Arch Dermatol Res. 2022 Jan 21. doi: 10.1007/s00403-021-02316-w. * equal contribution

SOUTOU B*, El HACHEM G*, HELOU J, STEPHAN F, KECHICHIAN E, ZEINATY P, TOMB R. Psoriasis features associated with infertility and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Ann Dermatol Venereol. 2022 Feb 17:S0151-9638(22)00005-9. * equal contribution

HELOU J*, SOUTOU B*. Eight-year sustained efficacy and safety of fractional CO2 laser combined with sun exposure in resistant nonsegmental vitiligo: case report. J Cosmet Dermatol2022 Aug 18. doi: 10.1111/jocd.15315. Epub ahead of print. * equal contribution

HELOU J*, SOUTOU B*, MAATOUK I*, MERHY R, ASSAF J, SARKIS AS, JABBOUR R, KAIKATI J, TOMB R.  Beneficial UVB phototherapy preceding a fractional CO2 laser-UVB protocol in refractory non-segmental vitiligo. J Cosmet Dermatol.2022 Dec;21(12):6783-6787. doi: 10.1111/jocd.15396. Epub 2022 Sep 25. PMID: 36121343. * equal contribution


SOUTOU B*, SLEIMAN J*, TOMB R, KECHICHIAN E, HELOU J. Prevalence of adverse events varies with the different oral isotretinoin brands in acne treatment: a retrospective observational study. Arch Dermatol Res. 2023 Jan 19. doi: 10.1007/s00403-023-02532-6. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36656385. * equal contribution