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Faculté de pharmacie

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(+961) 1 421 000 ext salim.makhoul@usj.edu.lb

A vivid professional with more than 25 years of experience in the flour milling industry, Salim has been part of various business lines, ranging from milling engineering, lab and quality control, to advanced baking and enzymatic flour treatment in Germany, Switzerland, Italy and the United States. In 1997, he joined Crown Flour Mills, one of the most modern and competitive mills in the Middle East, in the capacity of a technical and development manager, to lead Crown Bake, the innovative arm of Crown Flour Mills. Salim oversees the research and development division, the bread improvers and premixes unit, the engineering and reengineering processes as well as the international market handling. His efforts revolve around eliminating additives from mixes to provide healthy clean labeled products in the GCC, west Africa and Levant.

Milling EngineeringThe Swiss School of Milling St. GallenSuisse2002

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Head of technical sales and Product development.Crown Flour Mills01/01/1997

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

Milling, cereals, breads
