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École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Beyrouth
Institut national des télécommunications et de l'informatique


(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3347 elias.rachid@usj.edu.lb

Elias A. Rachid was born in Lebanon, in 1966. He received the MS. degree in telecommunications engineering from Saint-Joseph University (Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Beyrouth ESIB-USJ), Beirut, Lebanon, in 1990 and the Ph.D. degree in electronics and signal processing (microwave) from University Marnes La Vallée, Paris and National Institute of Telecom Evry, France. He participate to a long seminar (450 hours) concerning the satellites and the CubeSats with European and Americans specialists from TSTi.  He joined the ESIB since 1990 and actually, he is a full professor and the director of CINET, the center of electrical and telecommunications industries in ESIB. Since 2009, he is IEEE senior member. His research interests include electromagnetic scattering and diffraction, ray-tracing methods and the area of printed antennas, electromagnetic pollution and CubeSat building and space mission .

Electronique et Traitement du SignalUniversité de Marne-la-ValléeFrance2004
DEA Modélisation mathématiques et Génie logicielUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1999
Ingénieur Electricité- option TélécommunicationsUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1990
Diplôme d'ingénieur1990

- Space and Micro/Nano satellite technologies - Building a CubeSat (table top)-Antennes et Propagation guidée
- Circuits Micro-ondes
- Radars et Satellites
- Conception des circuits RF
- Systèmes Optiques et Laser
- Microcontrolleurs et Microprocesseurs
- Communications Analogiques
- Electroniques Analogiques
-Electroniques Numériques
- Systèmes et Réseaux Linéaires
- Traitement Numérique du Signal (DSP)
- Traitement et Conception des Images
- Propagation Libre et Faisceaux Hertziens.
Innovations, Conceptions et Déploiements: CubeSat building (tabletop), Traitement des données biomédicales,
plus de 200 projets électroniques : Maison Intelligente et Reconnaissance Vocale, Reconnaissance des Matricules de Véhicules, Gestion des parkings, …

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
in space and satelliteTSTi01/07/201931/07/2019
in space and satelliteTSTi01/07/201931/01/2019
in space and satelliteTSTi01/07/201931/01/2019
Professeur AssociéESIB01/09/200931/08/2015
Maitre de conférenceESIB01/09/200231/08/2009
Maitre AssistantESIB01/01/199101/09/2002

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

conception des antennes imrimées, Methode de calcul des champs EM, Pollution EM, Building Satellites, Space and base station, RF frequencies et  lasers et fibres optiques 

- M. Sultan, B. Daya, E. Rachid”Comparaison of Artificial Intelligence Models to predict Phases of Patch Array Antenna”, ICRAET conference, Rome Italy, January 2024
-R. Salmen, E. Rachid and N. Hemadeh “Advancements in Wildfire Detection and Prediction: An In Depth Review ” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, ISSN:2278-3075, Volume 13 Issue 2 January 2024 p.no 6-15
- H. Moughnieh, R. Barake, M. Rammal & E. Rachid “A Novel SAR Reduction Technique in Antennas for Mobile Communication Using Loaded U-Shaped Edges” ", IEEECAMA 2023 (IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications), Italy 2023
- R. El Hajj Chehadeh, S. Sadek, Raafat Lababidi and E. Rachid “New Feeding Network Topology for Patch Arrays Dedicated For Spatial Intersatellite Communication", IEEECAMA 2022 (IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications), Guangzhou China 2022
-M. Yassin, Elias Rachid "A Survey of Positioning Techniques and Location Based Services in Wireless Networks" IEEE 2015 Int. Conf. Signal Processing, Informatics, Communication and Energy Systems, Feb 2015, Kozhikode, India. 
- H. Moughnieh, R. Barake, M. Rammal & E. Rachid “New Concept for SAR Reduction in 5G Antenna Application” IEEECAMA 2021 (IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications), Juan Le Pin France 2021
- R. El Hajj Chehadeh, S. Sadek, Raafat Lababidi and E. Rachid “High Gain Vivaldi Antenna for 5G CubeSat Applications” IEEECAMA 2021 (IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements & Applications), Juan Le Pin France 2021
- A. Elhajj Hassan, N. Fadlallah, M. Rammal, G. Nashef and E. Rachid “Wideband Reconfigurable Millimeter-Wave Linear Array Antenna Using Liquid Crystal for 5G Networks”, WET Wireless Engineering and Technology 2021
- A. Elhajj Hassan, N. Fadlallah, M. Rammal, G. Nashef and E. Rachid “Reconfigurable Stacked Patch Antenna Using Liquid Crystal for Millimeter Wave” IEEE CAMA November 2019, Bali, Indonesia.
-M. Fakih, A. Diallo, P Le Thuc, R. Staraj, O. Mourad and E. A. Rachid” A Dual-Band PIFA for MIMO Half-duplex 4G and Future Full-Duplex 5G communication for Mobile Handsets”, 2018 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications, CAMA 2018 Sweden September 2018
-M. Fakih, A. Diallo, P Le Thuc, R. Staraj, O. Mourad and E. A. Rachid” Optimization of Efficient Dual Band PIFA system for MIMO Half-Duplex 4G/LTE and Full-Duplex 5G communications
  • September 2019
  • IEEE Access PP(99):1-1
  • September 2019
  • PP(99):1-1,
  • DOI:10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2940556
    - E. Rachid “EMF Backscattered from an S-Shaped Inlet Cavity Calculated by Spectral Rays Tracking method” 16th Conf. EUROEM 2008, EPFL, July 2008, Lausanne, Suisse
    - E. Rachid and M. Moughabghab “Health Effects of EMF Exposure in the TV Band” 16th Conf. EUROEM 2008, EPFL, July 2008, Lausanne, Suisse
    - C. Mounsef, M. Khoury, E.A. Rachid "A New Design for WLAN Antennas: Synthesis of Parabolic Forms in the band of 5-6GHz", Second European Conference on Antennas and Propagation (EUCAP2007), November 2007, Edinburg, UK
    - E Rachid and C. Letrou, "Spectral Domain Ray Tracking: An alternative ray method for open-ended waveguide and cavities analysis" International Union of Radio Science General Assembly 2002, no 1827, 27th, Maastrchit, The Netherlands, August 2002.


    IEEE Member

    IEEE Senior Member 2009