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Chef de département - Prothèse fixée et occlusodontie

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur - PHD

Faculté de médecine dentaire (FMD)
Laboratoire de Recherche Cranio-Faciale (LRCF)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext amine.el-zoghby@usj.edu.lb

Amine N. El Zoghbi University Professor | Prosthodontics Orofacial Pain Specialist Jdeidet El Metn, Lebanon (P.O Box 90200) Tel : +961-1-887956 - Mobile: +961-3-813393 - Fax: +961-1-887957 | amine.el-zoghby@usj.edu.lb PERSONAL Date of Birth: 3th May 1962 Place of Birth: Kfertey, Lebanon Citizenship: Lebanese Languages: English, French Arabic: read, written spoken EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND Saint Joseph University, Faculty of Dental Medicine. Beirut, Lebanon. 2007-2010: PhD in biology and materials of the mouth cavity and environment: “Functional relative between posterior and anterior guidance”. Supervisor: Prof.J D Orthlieb (Mediterranean University, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Marseille, France). Saint Joseph University, Faculty of Dental Medicine Beirut, Lebanon. June 2004: Proficiency superior studies diploma (DEA)in biology and materials of the mouth cavity and environment . June 2004 Aix-Marseille II University , Faculty of Dental Medicine. Marseille, France. July 1988: Thesis: Diagnostic significance of para-clinical exams on patients with internal TMJ Disorders. July 1986: Clinical Assistance: Full removable Prosthodontics. September 1986: University Diploma in Occlusion. Saint Joseph University, Faculty of Dental Medicine Beirut, Lebanon. June 1985: Doctor in Dental Surgery (DDS). August 1984: Baccalaureate Diploma, part II Field: Biology. ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Saint Joseph University, Faculty of Dental Medicine Beirut, Lebanon 2022 – Present Full time Professor | Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion 2020 – Present Co-director of Craniofacial Research Laboratory: Division of Cranio-Facial Anomalies 2019 – Present Head of Fixed Prosthodontics Department 2015 – 2020 Professor | Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion 2010 – 2015 Assistant Professor | Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion 2000 – 2020 Head of Orofacial pain and Occlusion Unit 1995 – 2010 Senior Lecturer | Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion 1989 – 1995 Assistant | Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion 1987 – 1989 Clinical Instructor | Department of Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion TEACHING EXPERIENCE Saint Joseph University, Faculty of Dental Medicine Beirut, Lebanon 2008 – Present Instructor – Implant Zimmer System 2007 – Present Director – University Diploma in Occlusion 2004 – Present Pre-clinical, clinical and support lecturer – University Diploma in Occlusion 1992 – Present Undergraduate lectures and preclinical training - Occlusion Courses: 3rd and 4th year - Pre-clinical Occlusion course: 3rd and 4th year - Clinical Fixed Prosthodontics and Occlusion: 5th year 1996 – Present Support lecturer in Occlusion for postgraduate 1993 – Present Post graduate lectures 1993 – Present Pre-clinical and support lecturer in Occlusion MEMBERSHIPS 2024- chair section Middle East PFA - 2021 - present Chair Section of the Lebanese Section of Pierre Fauchard Academy - 2019 - present Member of the Pierre Fauchard Academy - 2019 - present Member of the American Society of Orofacial Pain - 2010 - present National representative of European Academy of craniomandibular disorders EACD - 2007- present Full Member of the European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders - 2001- 2006 Candidate Member of the European Academy of Craniomandibular Disorders. - 1999 - Present Member of National College of Occlusion (France). AUTHORSHIPS AND CONTRIBUTIONS - 2023: A Novel 3D Evaluation of the Correlation Between the Condylar Position and Angle Classification in a Lebanese Population: A Pilot Study – in the International Arab Journal of Dentistry. - 2022: The Prevalence and Predicting Factors of Temporomandibular Disorders in COVID-19 Infection: A Cross-Sectional Study – in Cureus. - 2021: Effect of Occlusal Splints on Posture Balance in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: A Prospective Study - in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. - - 2018: Outcomes of increased occlusal vertical dimension on the stomatognathic system: A systematic review. – in the Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association Sept 2018 - 2010: Canine et incisive maxillaires : mieux connaître la morphologie pour optimiser la function – in Revue d’Orthopédie Dentofaciale. - 2009: Functional harmony between the sagittal condylar path inclination and the anterior guidance inclination – in the International Journal of Stomatology and Occlusion Medicine. - 2009: PADOM: Device support the construction of a guide for positioning mandibular implants– in the International Journal of Stomatology and Occlusion Medicine. - 2009: Gouttières Occlusales: mise au point - In Revue de Stomatologie et de Chirurgie Maxillo-faciale. - 2008: Reconstruction of the curve of Spee – in Stomatologie. - 2008: Inclination of mandibular canine in relation to the condylo-occlusal line – in J. Stomat. Occ. Med - 2004: La function de guidage – in Les cahiers de prothèse n° 128 du 01/12/2004 - 2004: Reconstruction prothétique du guidage antérieure – in Les cahiers de prothèse n° 128 du 01/12/2004 ONGOING PROJECTS - Clinical research in collaboration with the pneumology department at Hotel Dieu de France Hospital in Beirut (Pr Riachi Moussa ) on mandibular advancement devices in Sleep Apnea. - Correlation between vitamins temporo mandibular disorders. PRESENTATIONS In Lebanon: - 2018 :Posture et occlusion (2) Apnée de sommeil - 2016: Micromovement Evaluation of Original and Compatible Abutments at the Implant–abutment Interface – In the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. - 2016 :Treatment of TMJ :Gap between evidence and practice - 2014 :Bruxisme - 2014 :Luxations méniscales - 2011 : Internal derangements of TMJ (AUB) - 2010 : Rôle du dentiste dans les apnées du sommeil - 2007: «Evolution du guidage antérieur». - 2003: « Functional anatomy of incisive and maxillary canines: in healthy subjects”. « Céphalométrie: concept d’aide au diagnostic occlusal » - 2002: « Approche thérapeutique dans le D.A.M.: diagnostic différentiel » - 2001: « Utilité de la transcranienne dans la recherche de la pente condylienne ». - 1997: «Compatibilité entre l’ATM et la téléradiographie de profil », Université Libanaise. - « L’Orthodontie et la dysfonction cranio-mandibulaire »,Ordre des Dentistes du LIBAN. - 1995/96: « Corrélations entre examens cliniques radiologiques dans les dérangements internes de l’ATM », Université Libanaise : « Nouvelles imageries en Odonto- Stomatologie ». « Rôle du P Latéral dans les dysfonctions muscolo-articulaires », Ordre du Corps Dentaire du LIBAN. - 1994/95: « Apports DG des incidences radiologiques dans les dérangements internes des ATM », Université Libanaise, cycle de formation continue : « Cent ans de radiologie », « Malocclusions et troubles visuels », 2èmes Journées Scientifiques d’Orthodontie. - « Démarches thérapeutiques dans les dysfonctions de l’appareil manducateur », Ordre du Corps Dentaire au LIBAN. « Approche multidisciplinaire des dérangements de l’ATM », Université Saint-Joseph, centenaire de la découverte des rayons X. - 1993/94 : « Rôle de l’occlusion dans les troubles usuels », Congrès de l’Ordre Dentaire : « 1er Symposium de la douleur ». - 1990: « L’axiographie », 1er congrès de l’Ordre des Dentistes du Liban. « Dysfonction de l’ATM », Article –Revue de l’Ordre des Dentistes du Liban. Abroad : - 2010: Evaluation of the relationship between anterior guidance and condylar path. - 2007: El Zoghbi A,Orthlieb JD.Meeting of the European Academy of Cranio mandibular disorders.Morroco. - 2005: El Zoghbi A,Orthlieb JD Meeting of the European Academy of Cranio mandibular disorders.Morroco.. - 1997: «Stabilité occlusale », SYRIE. - 1996: «Diagnosis of internal derangement of TMJ by imaging», Jordanie. EXTERNAL ACTIVITIES - 2022 - Present President of the USJ - FMD Alumni Federation - 2018 - Lebanese Dental Association: Chairperson of the Scientific Committee | Treasurer and member - 2016 - Research representative - St joseph University - 2010. - Present Scientific reviewing board :International Arab Journal of Dentistry - 2009 - 2013 Associate editor Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association - 2008 - 2015 Associate editor: International journal of stomatology and occlusion medicine. - 1998- 1999 Board Member of the Lebanese Dental Association (LDA)

• Doctorat d'université - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• D.E.A - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• Doctorat d'exercice - Chirurgie dentaire

Médecine et Santé

Prostho occlusion -Temporo Mandibular Dysfunction Orofacial Pain

- 2023: A Novel 3D Evaluation of the Correlation Between the Condylar Position Angle Classification in a Lebanese Population: A Pilot Study – in the International Arab Journal of Dentistry. - 2022: The Prevalence Predicting Factors of Temporomandibular Disorders in COVID-19 Infection: A Cross-Sectional Study – in Cureus. - 2021: Effect of Occlusal Splints on Posture Balance in Patients with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder: A Prospective Study - in the Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice.