(+961) 1 421 000 ext khalil.chalfoun@usj.edu.lb
Father Khalil Chalfoun was ordained a priest in the Maronite Church in 1991. He holds a PhD in Theology from the Institut Catholique de Paris, France, in Anthropology and Religious Sciences from the Sorbonne-Paris IV in 1987. Father Chalfoun has been teaching theology in several theological faculties in Lebanon since 1991 and wrote several articles and books in theology and anthropology. He was Director of the Collège Technique de la Sagesse (technical institute) from 1991 to 2000. Then, he was Dean of the Faculty of Religious Sciences and Theology at La Sagesse University from 2001 to 2015. And from 2015 to 2020, he was appointed President of the La Sagesse University in Beirut, Lebanon.
• Doctorat de 3ème cycle en sciences des religions
• Dea in history of religion
• Canonical master in theology
• Canonical bachelor in theology
Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences
More than 120 publications in international specialized journal, among them here are some articles : - الخوري خليل شلفون، في لاهوت الرجاء المسيحيّ، منشورات الحكمة، 2021 -صفحات من حكاية عمر. مقالات في الفلسفة وعلم الأديان، منشورات الحكمة، 2019 -الافخارستيا نبع الحياة، مطبعة معوشي وزكريّا، 2022 الشرّ والشرّير، مساهمة في كتاب نجّنا من الشرّير، USJ-ISSR، 2021 - -قراءة في وثيقة الأخوّة الإنسانيّة، المقاصد، 14-2020 - Article « La place et le rôle des laïcs dans le Synode des Évêques pour le Liban (1995) et dans le Synode patriarcal maronite (2003-2006) », Revue POC, 2024