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Délégué du doyen - à la recherche

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur associé - PhD

Faculté de médecine dentaire (FMD)
Laboratoire de Recherche Cranio-Faciale (LRCF)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext carole.chakar@usj.edu.lb

2024…………………………….. VISITING PROFESSOR AT PARIS 13 NORD-UMR CNRS 7244 2023- 2024 SAINT JOSEPH UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF DENTAL MEDICINE  Associate Professor in the Periodontology Department  Director of the Master in Periodontology Program  Research Delegate of the Faculty of Dental Medicine at St Joseph University Research Council  President of the Centenary Committee of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, St Joseph University of Beirut  Director of the Oral Biology Unit at the Cranio-Facial Laboratory, St Joseph University of Beirut 2023 Director of the ITI ME Study Club, Beirut, Lebanon Fellow of the F.I.C.D 2022 Research delegate of the Faculty of Dental Medicine, at St-Joseph University 2020 -2021 Member of the Publication Committee at St Joseph University of Beirut, Faculty of Dental Medicine 2018 -2024 Member of the Research Committee at St Joseph University of Beirut, Faculty of Dental Medicine Member of the Innovation Committee at St Joseph University of Beirut, Faculty of Dental Medicine Coordinator of Oral Biology Laboratory, St Joseph University of Beirut, Faculty of Dental Medicine 2017 Member of Quality Evaluation (preparation for ADEE mission), St Joseph University of Beirut, Faculty of Dental Medicine 2014-2017 Member of the Education committee at St Joseph University of Beirut, Faculty of Dental Medicine 2013 Director of the Oral Biology Unit at Laboratory of Cranio-Facial Research , St Joseph University of Beirut, 2013-2016 President of the Lebanese Society of Periodontology 2011-2013 Scientific coordinator of the Lebanese Society of Periodontology

• Doctorat d'université-Biologie et Biomateriaux du milieu buccal
• Master de Recherche en Biologie et Biomateriaux du milieu buccal
• Certificate de Biologie de développement craint facial
• Diplome de Parodontologie Clinique et d'hygienebucco dentaire appliquée
• Doctorat d'exercice - Chirurgie dentaire

Médecine et Santé

• L’axe 1 explore les biomatériaux et la régénération tissulaire de la cavité buccale. • L’axe 2 explore la thérapeutique implantaire. • L’axe 3 explore les techniques numériques et digitales au service de la chirurgie orale et implantaire.

2014 • Chakar C, Naaman N, Soffer E, Cohen N, El Osta N, Petite H, Anagnostou F. (2014). Bone formation with deproteinized bovine bone mineral biphasic calcium phosphate in the presence of autologous platelet lysate: comparative investigation in rabbit. International Journal of Biomaterials, 1-10. 2015 • Chakar C., Soffer E., Cohen N., Petite H., Naaman N., Anagnostou F. (2015). Vertical bone regeneration with deproteinised bovine bone mineral or biphasic calcium phosphate in the rabbit calvarium: effect of autologous platelet lysate. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 26(1), 23. • Felgueiras HP, Castanheira L, Changotade S, Poirier F, Oughlis S, Henriques M, Chakar C, Naaman N, Younes R, Migonney V, Celis JP, Ponthiaux P, Rocha LA, Lutomski D. (2015). Biotribocorrosion (tribo-electrochemical) characterization of anodized titanium biomaterial containing calcium and phosphorus before and after osteoblastic cell culture. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 103(3):661-9. 2016 • Kassis C., Khoury P., Corbani K., Hilal G., Hardan L., Chakar C, (2016). Effect of different pulp capping materials using Er-Yag laser and conventional techniques on secretion of IL-b and IL-6. .Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association. 2018 • Abou Fadel R., Samarani R., Chakar C. (2018). Guided bone regeneration in calvarial critical size defect using a double-layer resorbable collagen membrane covering a xenograft:a histological and histomorphometric study in rats. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 22(2), 203-2013. • Kassir A. R., Chakar C. (2018). Current knowledge and future perspectives of bone replacement grafts. International Arab Journal of Dentistry, 9(1), 15-18. • Khalil S., Abrahamian L., Chakar C. (2018). The horizontal ridge augmentation using the cortical lamina: a clinical and radiographic prospective study. Journal Clinical Periodontology special issue Abstract Europerio, Vol 45, S19, 326. 2019 • Doueihy R., Chakar C., Hilal G., Majzoub Z. (2019). Effect of a novel thermal treatment on rough titanium implant surfaces- In Vitro Evaluation. International Arab Journal of Dentistry, (10)2, 43-53. • Sreih R., Ghosn N., Chakar C., Mokbel N., Naaman N. (2019). Clinical and radiographic periodontal parameters: Comparison with software generated CBCT measurements. International Arab Journal of Dentistry, 10(1), 9-18. 2020 • Abou Khalil R., Ghosn N., Mokbel N., Chakar C., Naaman, N. (2020). Key factors for a successful surgical guide : A prospective pilot study. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology.Vol.8, Issue 3,47-56. • Chakar C., Khalil S., Mokbel N., Kassir AR. (2020). Current knowledge and future perspective of barrier membranes : A biomaterials perspective. International Arab Journal of Dentistry, Vol 11, No 1, 43-50. • Saber A., Chakar C., Mokbel N., Nohra J. (2020). Prevalence of Interproximal Contact Loss Between Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses and Adjacent Teeth and Its impact on Marginal Bone Loss: A Retrospective Study. The International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Implants, 35(3), 625-630. • Gabriel Menassa, Abdel Rahman Kassir,Luca Landi , Nada Naaman, Carole Chakar. Implant placement with sinus floor elevation via the lateral approach using only absorbable collagen sponge: 12-month post-loading radiographical outcomes and implant survival rate. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 25, pages 231–236 (2020) 2021 • Gabriel Menassa, Abdel Rahman Kassir, Luca Landi, Nada Bou Abboud Naaman, Carole Chakar (2021). Implant Placement with Graftless Sinus Floor Elevation via the Lateral Approach: A Case Series With 4 Years Post-Loading Radiographical Outcomes and Implant Survival Rate. The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Volume 00, Number 00, 2021,1-5. • Layale Bou Semaan, Carole Chakar, Nadim Mokbel (2021). Non-Surgical and Surgical Therapy : Decision Making and Clinical Approaches. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD),2021, 12(2),81-89. • Tamara Rebeiz, Carole Chakar (2021). Diagnosis and Treatment of an Altered Passive Eruption : A case Report. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD),2021, 12(2),114-121 • Rami Abou Khalil, Tony Yammine, Nadim Mokbel, Chantal Farra, Carole Chakar (2021). Follicular cyst associated with a de novo EDA mutation, a case report. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD),2021, 12(2),108-113. • Khayat Rudy, Menassa Gabriel, Chakar Carole (2021). Periodontal Microbiome Part II: A Literature Review. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD),2021, 12(2),101-107. • Chakar Carole, Menassa Gabriel, Khayat Rudy. (2021). Periodontal Microbiome Part I: A Literature Review. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD),2021, 12(1), 40-47. • Gabriel Menassa, Abdel Rahman Kassir,Luca Landi , Nada Naaman, Carole Chakar (2021).. Implant placement with sinus floor elevation via the lateral approach using only absorbable collagen sponge: 12-month post-loading radiographical outcomes and implant survival rate. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. 25, pages 231–236 (2021) • Abdel Malak S., Chakar C., Romanos A., Rachidi S. (2021). Appraisal of Schoolchildren’s Feelings and Attitudes Towards Dentists and Their Potential Impact on Oral Health. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice : Vol. 22, Issue 1,23-26. • Abdel Malak S., Chakar C., Romanos A., Rachidi S. (2021). Prevalence and Etiological Factors of Dental Trauma among 12 and 15 Year-Old Schoolchildren of Lebanon : A National Study. The Scientific World Journal. Vol. 2021, 1-7. • Abboud H., Kassir AR., Khalil S., Saadé J., Chakar C. (2021). Bone regeneration using deproteinized bovine bone mineral (DBBM) in a crestal sinus elevation technique : A histological and histomorphometrical pilot study. International Arab Journal of Dentistry. Vol. 2021 12(1):25-31. • Chemaly C., Kallassy M., Samarani R., Abou Fadel R., Naaman N., Chakar C. (2021). Bone healing in critically sized defects in rat calvaria, transplanted with chitosan alone, or associated with collagen and/or chondroitin sulfate:histological and histomorphometric pilot study. International Journal of Dentistry Research, 6(1). • Fahes H., Chakar C., Ghosn N., Mokbel N. (2021). Alveolar ridge preservation on maxillary molars using solvent dehydrated bone allograft and d-PTFE membrane : a CBCT and histologic human pilot study. The International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry, March 2021, 41(2): 27-35. • Bou Karam M. El Khoury J., Chakar C., Changotade S., Lutomski D., Naaman N., Godeau G, Elm’selmi A, Younes R., Senni, K. (2021). Heparan-mimetics: Potential agents of tissue regeneration for bone and periodontal therapies. Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices. 11 (2021),1-10. 2022 • Bou Semaan, L., Chakar C., Menassa. G. Free gingival graft in a patient with systemic sclerosis: a case report. International Journal of Research and Reports in Dentistry.In Press • Kassis C., Khoury P., Corbani K., Mansour C., Hardan L., Yared G., Chakar C. (2022). Response of dental pulp capped with calcium-silicate based material, calcium hydroxide and adhesive resin in rabbit teeth. Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences. Vol 21(2022) ;1-12. • Saleh, A., Menassa, G., & Chakar, C. (2022). Effect of Systemic Diseases on Periodontal Microbiome. A Literature Review. Part III. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 13(1), 53-62. 2023 • Megarbane JM., Khayat R., Chakar C., Mokbel N. Effect of Supportive Periodontal Therapy on Tooth Loss in Regular and Irregular Compliant Smokers and Non-Smokers: A Retrospective Cohort Study with a Follow-up Up to 50 Years. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 14(290-101),91-101. • Khoury N., Menassa G., Chakar C., Kassir Abdel Rahman, Naaman N. Clinical and radiographic evaluation of bone remodeling around implants placed in horizontally augmented bone: A pilot study . International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 14(290-101),112-119. • Abi Rached S, Chakar C, Samarani R, Menassa G, Sembronio S, Pucci R, Calabrese L, Cantore S, Malcangi A, Spirito F, DI Cosola . Radiographic marginal bone level evaluation around two different tissue-level implant systems :A one-year prospective study M.Minerva Dent Oral Sci. 2023 Dec;72(6):298-311. doi: 10.23736/S2724-6329.23.04786-1. Epub 2023 Jun 16 2024 • Rebeiz T., Nasr L., Kassir AR., Menassa G., Chakar C. Assessment of the association between the Implant Disease Risk Assessment (IDRA) tool and periimplantitis: a retrospective cohort study with up to 8 years of follow-up. International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.S0901-5027(24)00147-4 • Khalil, S., Ghosn, N., Mokbel, N., & Chakar, C. (2024). The horizontal ridge augmentation using equine xenograft and the cortical lamina: A clinical, radiographic and histological prospective study. International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD), 15(1), 38-47.