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Responsable - Formation continue

Chargé(e) d'enseignement - MA- Master in research in cinema - IESAV, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut

Institute for Theater, Audiovisual and Cinematic Studies (IESAV)
Laboratory of Littératures et Arts (LLA)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 5359

Yara Nashawaty teaches cinema and audiovisual at the Institute of Theater, Audiovisual and Cinema Studies (IESAV) of the Saint-Joseph University (Beirut, Lebanon), where she has been a lecturer since 2009, full-time faculty member since 2014 and head of Program of Undergraduate Studies between 2014 and 2021. She is currently responsible of the Continuous Learning Department that she initiated in 2022. Her courses include practical and theoretical approaches in both Audiovisual B.A. and M.A. curriculums. She also taught at ALBA – University of Balamand as well as in Finland and Spain as a visiting teacher. Aside from receiving a B.A. and M.A. in Cinema and Audiovisual Studies, she also holds a University Diploma in Educational Practices from the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Saint-Joseph University. She is also a board member of IESAV and a co-founder of TAABIR Workshops.

Film directing (BA)

History of documentary (BA)

Scriptwriting workshop (MA)

Research methodology (BA)

Introduction to filmmaking (BA)

Consultancy for diploma film projects (BA)

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

Cinema, Documentary, Pedagogy, Ethics, Memory

NASHAWATY Yara, Entre nostalgie et amertume – In This Place, Reels of Beirut, Revue Regards, N˚ 28, Editions de l’USJ, Novembre 2022.           


NASHAWATY Yara, Cinematheque Beirut – Entretien avec Nour Ouayda, Revue Regards, N˚21, Editions de l’USJ, Mars 2019.              

Responsable des Formations Continues à l’Institut d’Etudes Scéniques Audiovisuelles et Cinématographiques (IESAV), Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban