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Chaire de management de la sécurité routière
École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Beyrouth


(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3354 wassim.raphael@usj.edu.lb

Dr. Raphael is a Professor of Civil Engineering the current Dean of the Faculty of Engineering – ESIB, at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut. He graduated as a civil engineer from ESIB. He got his PhD from Ecole Centrale Paris, France and the HDR form Université Blaise Pascal France. His research and teaching activities concentrate on design and behavior of concrete structural systems, structural integrity, materials, reliability approaches, dynamic programming, road safety, etc. Prof. RAHAEL has numerous research publications in prestigious international journals and conference proceedings, and has accumulated an outstanding record of outreach activities and services in government and non-government organizations.

HDRUniversité Blaise-Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand II)France2014
Grade de DocteurEcole Centrale ParisFrance2002
DEAUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1997
Génie CivilUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1996

Béton armé Structures Bases de calcul des structures Actions sur les constructions Conception et fiabilité des ouvrages

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

Génie civil Structures - Matériaux - Fiabilité - Béton - Fluage

Kobeissy, F., Faddoul, R., Carnis, L., & Raphael, W. (2024). A Clustering Analysis of Lebanese Adaptive Driving Behaviors in Response to Road Complexity. The Open Transportation Journal, 18. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/0126671212315104240521104431 Zgheib, E., Sawma, R., El Khoury, J., & Raphael, W. (2022). “New phenomenological creep model for predicting creep of concrete with silica fume”. Advances in Concrete Construction. Vol. 14 (1), 71-77 DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/acc.2022.14.1.071. Abounoas, Z., Gomez, M. S., Raphael, W., Badr, Y., Faddoul, R., Guillaume, A., (2022). Regional road safety observatories: benchmarking of information systems. Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue LVIII – Nov. 2022, 89-104 Daou, H. Raphael, W., (2022). Ensemble Tree Machine Learning Models for Improvement of Eurocode 2 Creep Model Prediction", Civil and Environmental Engineering, https://doi.org/10.2478/cee-2022-0016 Ismail, S., Raphael, W., Durand, E, Kaddah, F, Geara, F. (2021). Analysis of the structural response of Beirut port concrete silos under blast loading. Archives of Civil Engineering, 67(2). Ismail, S., Raphael, W., Durand, E. (2021). Monitoring the Beirut Port Silos’ Structural Heath Response Few Months After Blast Loading Using 3D Laser Scan. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, 15(3). Ismail, S., Raphael, W., Durand, E. (2021). Case study of the Beirut port explosion using 3D laser scan and nonlinear finite element model. Research on Engineering Structures and Materials. Daou, H. and Raphael, W. (2021). “A Bayesian Regression Framework for Concrete Creep Prediction Improvement: Application to Eurocode 2 Model”. Research on Engineering Structures & Materials. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17515/resm2021.272ma0303 Mourad, L., Bleyer, J., Mesnil, R., Nseir, J., Raphael, W. and Sab, K. (2021). “Topology optimization of load-bearing capacity”. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization Journal. Daou, H. and Raphael, W. (2021). “Comparison between various creep calculation methods for the time-dependent analysis of Terminal 2E at Roissy”. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering, V.15, No. 1. Daou, H. and Raphael, W. (2021). “Identifying the Weight of Factors Affecting Creep of Concrete Using Factorial ANOVA”. Key Engineering Materials, 872, 21–25. https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/kem.872.21 Abounoas, Z., Raphael, W., Badr, Y., Faddoul, R., Guillaume, A., (2020). Crash data reporting systems in fourteen Arab countries: challenges and improvement. Archives of Transport, 56(4), 73-88. Lopez-Valdes, F., Bohman, K., Raphael, W. & Koppel, S., (2020). “Understanding users’ characteristics in the selection of vehicle seating configurations and positions in fully automated vehicles”. Journal of Traffic Injury Prevention special issue Ismail, S., Kaddah, F., Raphael, W., (2020). “Numerical modelling of seismic midrise concrete frame structures rested on silty sandy soil with consideration of soil structure interaction effects”. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering. Vol. 14, No. 1 Geara, C., Faddoul, R., Chateauneuf, A., & Raphael, W. (2020). “Hybrid inspection-monitoring approach for optimal maintenance planning”. Journal of Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Daou, H., Raphael, W., Chateauneuf, A., Geara, F., (2020). “Probabilistic Assessment of Structural Safety of Complex Structures– Application to Terminal 2E at Roissy, CDG Airport”. Procedia Structural Integrity. Vol 22, pp. 17-24 Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2020). “Bayesian Linear Regression analysis of the effect of silica fume on concrete creep predictions and structures’ safety”. First International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components. Procedia Structural Integrity. Vol.22, pp. 25-32 Geara, C., Faddoul, R., Chateauneuf, A., & Raphael, W. (2019). “A predator-prey optimization for structural health monitoring problems”. Journal of Matec Web Conf., Vol. 281 Koppel, S., Bohman, K., Lopez-Valdes, F. & Raphael, W. (2019). “Seating configuration and position preferences in fully automated vehicles”. Journal of Traffic Injury Prevention; 20(sup2):1-7 Geara, C., Faddoul, R., Chateauneuf, A., & Raphael, W. (2019). “Bayesian updating for uncertain condition state using permanent monitoring and sequential inspections”. Journal of Matec Web Conf., Vol. 261 Daou, H., Abou Salha, W., Raphael, W. & Chateauneuf, A. (2019). “Explanation of the collapse of Terminal 2E at Roissy - CDG Airport by nonlinear deterministic and reliability analyses”. Case Studies in Construction Materials Journal. Vol. 10. Saad, L., Chateauneuf, A. et Raphael, W. (2018). “Stochastic dependency in life-cycle cost analysis of multi-component structures”. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Journal. Vol. 15, Issue 5 Faddoul, R., Raphael, W., et Chateauneuf A. (2018). “Maintenance Optimization of Series systems subject to reliability constraints”. Reliability Engineering and System Safety Journal, RESS - Vol. 241, Issue 2, 391-401 Raphael, W., Zgheib, E. & Chateauneuf, A, (2018). “Experimental investigations and sensitivity analysis to explain the large creep of concrete deformations in the bridge of Cheviré”. Case Studies in Construction Materials Journal. Vol. 9 Saad, L., Chateauneuf, A. et Raphael, W. (2017). “Robust formulation for Reliability-based design optimization of structures”. Journal of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization – Vol 59, 570-587 Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., Matar, P., & Moukarzel, I. (2017). “Bayesian approach for quantifying silica fume and water reducer impact on creep of concrete”. Magazine of concrete research. Vol.70(8), 400-409 Dib, E., Caron, JF., Raphael, W., Stefanou, I., Kaddah, F. (2017). "Numerical analysis and investigation of short and long term behavior of unidirectional composites". Journal of Composite Materials Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., Matar, P., Moukarzel, I., & Faddoul, R., (2017). “Approximate Bayesian Computation Method: SAFE_USJ_Update of the Eurocode 2 Creep model. Deterministic and Probabilistic – Rejection Algorithm Approach”. International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering. Vol.4, Issue 1, 29-33 Saad, L., Aissani, A., Chateauneuf, A. et Raphael, W. (2016). “Reliability-based optimization of direct and indirect LCC of RC bridge elements under coupled fatigue-corrosion deterioration processes”. Journal of Engineering Failure Analysis – Vol 59, 570-587 Ibrahim, E., Soubra, AH., Mollon, G., Raphael, W., Dias, D. et Reda, A. (2015). “Three dimensional face stability analysis of pressurized tunnels driven in a multilayered frictional medium.” Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology TUST – Vol. 49, 18–34 Kamari, Y., Raphael, W. et Chateauneuf A. (2015). “Reliability Study and Simulation of the Progressive Collapse of Roissy Charles de Gaulle Airport.” Case Studies in Engineering Failure analysis Vol. 3, 88–95 Faddoul, R., Raphael, W., Soubra A.H. et Chateauneuf A. (2015). “Partially Observable Markov decision Processes incorporating epistemic uncertainties”. European Journal of Operational Research – EJOR Vol. 241, Issue 2, 391-401 Chateauneuf, A., Raphael, W. et Pitti, RM. (2014). “Reliability of prestressed concrete structures considering creep models.” Journal of Structure and Infrastructure - Taylor & Francis Edition, vol. 10, issue 12 Raphael, W. et Chateauneuf, A. (2014). “A New model for creep calculation using a large experimental database.” Accepté dans la revue : Journal of Structural Concrete, FIB Faddoul. R., Raphael, W., Soubra, AH. et Chateauneuf, A. (2013). “Incorporating Bayesian networks in Markov Decision Processes.” Journal of infrastructure Systems, ASCE, Vol. 19, Number 4, 415-424 Faddoul. R., Soubra, AH., Raphael, W. et Chateauneuf, A. (2013). “Extension of dynamic programming models for management optimization from single structure to multi-structures level.” Journal of Structure and Infrastructure - Taylor & Francis Edition, Vol. 5, Issue 9 Raphael, W., Faddoul. R., Geara, F. et Chateauneuf, A. (2012). “Improvement of the Eurocode 2 Shrinkage Model for Concrete Using a Large Experimental Database.” Journal of Structural Concrete – FIB – Vol. 13, 174-181 Raphael, W., Faddoul. R., Feghaly, R. et Chateauneuf, A. (2012). “Analyses of the Reasons of Roissy Terminal 2E Collapse in France Using Deterministic and Reliability Assessments.” Journal of Engineering failure analysis –Vol. 20,1-8 , Faddoul. R., Raphael, W. et Chateauneuf, A. (2009). “A Generalized Partially Observable Markov Decision Process updated by decision trees for maintenance optimization.” Journal of Structure and Infrastructure – Vol. 5, Taylor & Francis Edition Cited by 13 Raphael, W., Faddoul. R., El-Asmar, D. et Chateauneuf, A. (2009). “Information-based formulation for Bayesian updating of the Eurocode 2 Creep Model.” Structural Concrete Journal, FIB - Thomas Telford Edition, Volume 10, Issue 2

• Best Paper Award in the 6th International conference on advances in civil engineering

Membre du Board de l’ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineering) – Lebanon Group + Advisor du Student chapter ESIB Membre da la FIA high Level Panel expert group in Road Safety (Fédération internationale de l’automobile) Membre de plusieurs comités techniques à Libnor et à lordre des ingénieurs