(+961) 1 421 000 ext 5517 may.haddad@usj.edu.lb
Professor at the School of Translators and Interpreters of
Beirut (ETIB), the Faculty of Languages and Translation (FdLT) of USJ.
Holder of a PhD in Modern Languages; Concentration:
Translation. The thesis title: “Exploring
Arabic Translation Studies, from Jahez to Elias Abu
Director of the Research Center in Translation Studies,
Arabic Terminology and Languages(CERTTAL) within the FdLT.
Responsible for the PhD department at FdLT and ETIB.
Research delegate of the FdLT and the ETIB to the USJ
Research Council.
Editor-in-chief of the FdLT journal, Al-Kīmiyā, and member
of its Scientific committee.
Member of the Scientific Committee
of the Journal À Tradire published by University of Rennes 2,
Her teaching activities cover theoretical and practical
courses at the School of Translators and Interpreters of Beirut (ETIB) and at
the ETIB branch in Dubai (STDB).
Her research mainly focuses on the history of translation in
the Arab world. She is also interested in the areas of research methodology in
translation, interdisciplinarity in translation studies, terminology, and
methods of teaching Arabic as a foreign language.
• Doctorat en langues vivantes- Option traduction
• Diplôme de traducteur
• Licence en langues vivantes-mention traduction
Oral and Written Skills for Translation Purposes- BA
Translation Strategies C-A- BA
Introduction to Sight Translation- BA
Literary Translation C-A/B-A – MA
Terminology: Theories and Practice – MA
History of Translation – MA
History of Translation (School of Translation Dubai Branch - STDB) – MA
Economic Sectors Domain (English-Arabic)- (School of
Translation Dubai Branch - STDB)- MA
Language, Discourse and Research -MA
Research Methodologies in Languages and Translation Studies - PhD
Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences
History of Translation
(2023). L’autoportrait du traducteur dissimulé dans ses écrits, l’exemple de
Hunain Ibn Ishaq Atelier de traduction, 39-40, 273-288. https://atelierdetraduction.usv.ro/numero-39-40/
(2021). Baṣmat al-mutarjim al-dhâtiya in‘ikâs li shakhṣiyyatihi [The Translator’s Imprint,
a Reflection of his Personality] بصمة المترجم
الذاتية انعكاس لشخصيته Al-Kimiya,
20, (With Nabiha
(2019). ‘amaliyat al-tarjama min minẓâr al-‘ulûm
al-marifiya [The Translation Process Seen from the Perspective of Cognitive Science]
عملية الترجمة من
منظار العلوم المعرفيةAl-Kimiya,16, (With Rawan Ghaly)
(2019). La perception de soi
sous le regard de l’autre, le statut du traducteur dans une approche historique.
Colloque : Traduction et traductologie : la fin de l’histoire?
Université Paris-Diderot, Paris 7, le 5 juillet 2019
(2018). Cognition, traductologie et expertise. Journées de la recherche
(USJ), juin 2018, (With Carine Salem Moughayar)
- (2018). Al- Mounged al-Moufassal,
Ar-Fr (Joint
Publication), Dar Al-Machreq
- (2018). Al-
Mounged al-Moufassal, Ar-Ang (Joint Publication), Dar Al-Machreq
(2017). Les interprètes vus par les historiographes arabes, Atelier
de traduction, 28
(2016). Al-‘awda
ila al-judhûr aw al-bukâ’
‘ala al-aṭlâl [The Return to Origins or Lamentations
Over the Ruins of the Past] العودة
إلى الجذور أو البكاء على الأطلال. in
H.Awaiss, M. Hobeika Haddad, J.Hardane et M.Yazbeck (dir.) La traversée:
1980-2015. Université
Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
- (2015). Al-lugha mûsiqa jamila [Language is Sweet Music] اللغة موسيقى جميلة. Dans Portalingua, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
- (2011). Thèses et synthèses, (Collective Work), Coll.Sources-Cibles, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
- (2010). Al-Mutarjim : man ’ana ? [The Translator: Who Am I?] المترجم: من أنا؟. Dans H. Awaiss et J. Hardane (dir). Les liaisons dangereuses. Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth
- (2010). ‘ala khuṭa al-tarjamiya al-‘arabiya [Exploring Arabic Translation Studies] على خطى الترجمية العربية . Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrout
- (2009). Les cours CLAS à l’USJ, Quand les mots circulent entre étudiants, enseignants et professionnels, le cas d’un projet tripartite. Journées LTT, Lisbonne