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Rock ACHY (EL)

Directeur - ILE

Enseignant Cadré - Chargé(e) d'enseignement - Master of Education Science - School Management and Educational Development

Lebanese Institute of Educators (ILE)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 5407

Doctoral student in educational sciences, Training in Business Management, Human Resources Management and Master in Educational Sciences – School management and educational development. Trainer in Positive Discipline-France.

Director and coordinator of visibility and strategic development of the Lebanese Institute of Educators.

Area of ​​expertise: Supporting educators in their professional development. Skill in designing university courses and training modules that develop creative teaching and pedagogy through art, culture, creativity, conflict management and personal development. 

Expert support in the design and implementation of educational corrective action strategies within the framework of school life charters.

Engagement in the design and identification of learning networks in the non-formal education sector.

• Master en Sciences de l'education- Gestion scolaire et developpement educatif et
• cursus en DESS ressources humaines
• Maitrise en gestion des entreprises
• Licence en gestion des entreprises
• diplome universitaire de technologie

Les valeurs de l’USJ à l’épreuve du quotidien : PFG- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Pensée critique outil de développement personnel- ILE- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Culture générale- ILE- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Gestion et résolution des conflits- ILE- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Développer sa créativité- IPM- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Philosopher au primaire- ILE- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Pédagogie par l’art 1- ILE- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Enseignement et créativité- ILE- Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

The development of learners' critical thinking in primary school: systemic approach and school-parent partnership.

philosophy in preschool a tool for developing critical thinking.

2024 - ICOM round table international museum day - A museum...educational interventions. Title of the intervention: The visit to the museum, space and time to promote the holistic education of learners.

2024- Preparation and participation in the BIP in Reims: Training for teaching work in a multilingual and multicultural context. Project launched by Henallux and co-financed by the European Union.

2021-Philosophizing in primary school: thinking for yourself with others. ILE 65th anniversary conference - Saint Joseph University of Beirut

Art at the center of interdisciplinarity of learning: personal expression for common objectives. ILE 65th anniversary conference - Saint Joseph University of Beirut

2020- Round table Online teaching Celebration of 25 years of ILE at CLN- Saint-Joseph University of Beirut

Conflicts: understanding, avoiding and managing them 2018- Cairo University- Egypt 2018- El Azhar University- Egypt 2017- University of Khartoum- Sudan AUF- CPM- Saint Joseph University of Beirut

Lectures et recherches pour :

Perfectionner les cours actuels et pour pouvoir proposer des nouvelles thématiques pour les formations continues de l’ILE au Liban et à l'etranger

- Colloques et Sessions suivis :

Participation aux réunions de l’ADME Liban
Participation aux formations pedagogiques de l'USJ