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M. Pierre AKIKI

Faculté des lettres et des sciences humaines
Institut de gestion des entreprises

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext pierre.akiki@usj.edu.lb

As head of the Next Ideaz, Pierre Akiki sets the course for his company’s vision to drive growth provide leadership in forging the company’s role as an international hospitality and tourism consultancy. In this capacity, he sets the overarching project strategy and oversees the successful accomplishment of major objectives through to completion. As a testament to his leadership and attention to his clients’ best interests, when the Lebanese economy crashed in 2020, causing the dissolution of over 80% of the hospitality sector, Pierre’s clients survived and suffered no decline in profits. Throughout the crisis, which lingers to this day, he maintained close control over their day-to-day costs and sales and kept their businesses open and revenues steady. Next Ideaz has garnered 443 projects in seventeen years with a 150 % annual growth rate from its local and international activities. Next Ideaz is headquartered in Lebanon with interests in KSA, Kuwait, Cyprus, Iraq, UAE, Togo, Cameroon, Mozambique, Ghana, Nigeria, Paris, Madrid and USA. Next Ideaz manages a business workflow value/year of over $438 million, with more than 50 employees. The company showed significant growth in 2023, with an increase in clients of 200% and an expansion of its US operations. Next Ideaz opened a new branch in California and operating in two more state, in Rhode Island and Boston. Pierre’s extensive background in hospitality management and tourism includes proven expertise in multiple core competencies, such as: driving efficiency and productivity logistical process improvement; setting financial guidelines to boost income; directing highly skilled teams to achieve client success; integrating technological systems; and implementing quality and safety standards and regulatory compliance. Throughout his career, Pierre, who is fluent in three languages, has demonstrated to clients from around the ME, GCC, Africa, Europe & USA, the key qualities that are indispensable to a leading consultant. He is sought out for his business acumen, his active listening, collaborative approach, and his ability to apply knowledge to multiple specialties, all of which go to gain his clients’ trust in him. Internationally, Pierre has developed a restaurant chain in the United Arab Emirates: PIZZARO, and pioneered the business growth of the Hyatt Grand Hotel in Abuja, Nigeria, Yelmolli Marché in the UAE, and several Lebanese restaurants in Madrid. His accumulated training and experience include an extensive education culminating in a PhD from St. Joseph University (Beirut) in tourism, following a master’s in marketing from the American University of Technology (Halat) and a bachelor’s in hotel management from the Empire State University (SUNY). Pierre has been an instructor in hospitality and management studies at Notre Dame University (Louaize) since 2005, St. Joseph University (Beirut) since 2007 & La Sagesse University (Furn-El-Chebak) starting in 2022. He also conducts industry seminars and workshops such as “Fundamentals of Effective Cost Control and Logistic standards”, in collaboration with the American University of Cairo and “Supply Chain Management & Control” for ICTN in collaboration with Daher Food. Always keeping on the pulse of the latest developments in the industry and monitoring its technological and commercial trends, Pierre shares his knowledge and perspectives through articles for industry journals like the UK-based ‘Food Service Consultant’ magazine. He received the ISO 22000 certification in Food Safety Management Systems for standards including hygiene, food safety, quality, and management systems.

Doctorat en sciences humaines- amenagement touristiqueUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2019
MasterAmerican University College of Technology (AUT)Liban2006

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
enseignment department - hotelerieLibanUniversité la Sagesse (ULS)01/09/2022
enseignment department - hotelerieLibanNotre Dame University, Louaizé (NDU)04/09/200617/01/2020

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
business consultantNEXT IDEAZ - USA01/11/202221/02/2025
hotel General managerhotel manager01/10/200930/09/2012
OWNERNEXT IDEAZ-Business Consultant 03/12/200721/02/2025
head of Back-Office Managermetropolitan hotel01/10/200131/08/2007
head of productionintercontinental hotel01/10/199830/09/2001
CHEFRegency Palace Hotel01/06/199531/05/2000
commisrimal beach resort01/09/199231/05/1995

Arts, Lettres et Sciences humaines; Sciences religieuses


Articles in local international magazines.