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Photo Enseignant


Directeur - CLS

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur associé - PhD

Faculté de gestion et de management - Branche du Liban Sud - Sejaan Boutros Ghafari (FGMS)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 6111 dina.sidani@usj.edu.lb

Dr Dina SIDANI has a PhD in the area of management and leadership. She joined Saint-Joseph University in 2008 and she is now a full time Assistant Professor at the Business Faculty of Saint-Joseph University in Management and Strategic Management of Human Resources. She has been teaching Management, Strategic Marketing, Organizational Development, Business Simulation, Administration and Organizational Structure of enterprises, Human Resources Strategic Management, Organizational Management and Governance of educational systems, for both undergraduate and executive graduate students.

She has been in charge for more than 17 years of developing, managing and leading administrative and academic programs for Human Resources in a learning institution and of the evaluation of their performance at both personal and organizational level.

Dr SIDANI holds, since 2014, a top Management position at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut as the Director of South Lebanon Campus of USJ, which regroups several branches of faculties: Business, Engineering preparatory classes, Biochemistry Science, French Literature, …

Her research interest tackles the areas of Management, leadership, structural and organizational changes applied to various fields.  In this frame, she holds several publications in peer-reviewed journals.







• Doctorat
• Doctorat en Gestion et Management
• Master Recherche Management
• Master recherche
• Licence Administration Economique et Sociale
• Licence
• Diplôme
• DTA Option Vente de produits et Services
• Diplome Supérieur en Gestion
• Diplome Supérieur en Gestion
• Diplôme - Gestion
• -

Principes de Marketing

Marketing Opérationnel
Business Simulation
Human Resources Management

Économie; Gestion; Banque; Assurances


Organizational Change
Information and Communication Technologies
Smart Technologies

Academic Publications


Proche-Orient - Études en Management 


-Revue de la Faculté de Gestion et de Management Nº 23 – 2011.

« L’implication organisationnelle des enseignants : Comment et pourquoi ?»


-Revue de la Faculté de Gestion et de Management Nº 24 – 2012.

« Le leadership a-t-il une influence sur la fidélité des enseignants ? Une proposition de méthodologie d’approche. »


-Revue de la Faculté de Gestion et de Management Nº 25 – 2013.

« Les leviers de la fidélité des enseignants »


-Revue de la Faculté de Gestion et de Management Nº 26 – 2014.

« Le leadership Éducatif : Autonomie, identité et nouvelle répartition des responsabilités »







Seminaires and Colloques


April 2012-International Seminaire «Transformations and Changes of pedagogic structure of schools : Leadership concept ».

Débats autour des apports de la recherche internationaleÉcole Normale Supérieure de Lyon. France.

Paper: « Influence of Leadership on teachers’ loyalty »


May 2014 International Colloque « Employabilité/Enseignement Supérieur. Défi des universités ».             

Faculté de Gestion et Management de l’université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth. En collaboration avec AUF – CIDEGEF – CEMADIMO.

Contribution : « Employability : « The new psychological contract based on participative approach Enterprises/University ».


April 2015 Conference LAAS-21 (Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Science)                            

« Horizon 2020: Advances in Sciences and Technology » in collaboration with CNRS and University Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth.

Presentation and publication of the article: « Educational Leadership: A new repartition of processes decision making »

- Mars 2017                Participation à la Conférence Internationale « ICTO 2017 » Information and Communication Technologies and Societal Challenges - Université Paris Nanterre – Paris - France.

Article présenté et publié à la conférence: « Big data at the service of universities: Towards a change in the organizational structure and the decision-making processes. »


Scopus indexed 20

Big Data at the service of Universities: Towards a change in the Organizational Structure and the Decision-Making Processes” ICT for a Better Life and a Better World Book Subtitle: The Impact of Information and communication Technologies on Organizations and Society – Lectures Notes in Information Systems and Organization, Vol 30, Chap 19. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10737-6 ISBN: 978-3-030-10736-9. ISBN ebook: 978-3-030-10737-6 – Library of Congress Control Number: 2018965456


- Avril 2017                 Participation à la Conférence Internationale « LCIS 2017 » Information and Communication Technologies and Societal Challenges - Lebanese American University - Beirut.

Article présenté et publié à la conférence : « Gender Differences in Online Shopping Attitudes ».


- Mars 2018                Participation à la Conférence Internationale « ICTO 2018 » Information and Communication Technologies and Societal Challenges - Université Paris Nanterre –

Pôle Leonard de Vinci. Paris - France.


Articles présentés à la conférence:

-Sidani, D. and Harb, B. « Les TIC au service du leadership – Cas du Secteur Public Libanais. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2018 » Information and Communication Technologies and Societal Challenges - Université Paris Nanterre – Pôle Leonard de Vinci. Paris - France (Mars 2018).


Scopus indexed 2019

ICT in Leadership – The case of the Lebanese Public sector” ICT for an Inclusive World Book Subtitle: Industry 4.0 – Towards the Smart Enterprise - Lectures Notes in Information Systems and Organization, Vol 35, Chap 21.  .


-Sidani, D et Barbour, M.A. « The Online Shopping Attitude among University Students in Developing countries ». Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2018 » Information and Communication Technologies and Societal Challenges - Université Paris Nanterre – Pôle Leonard de Vinci. Paris - France (Mars 2018).



- Mai 2019                   Publication de l’article Transformational leadership for organizational change in the Lebanese public sector publié dans le journal à comité de lecture Problems and perspectives in Management ”.


Scopus indexed 2019

Link to the article: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.15

Transformational leadership for organizational change in the Lebanese public sector 

https://doi.org/10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.15 (doi: 10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.15)


- Octobre 2019           Participation à la Conférence Internationale « ICTO 2019 » Information and Communication Technologies in Organisations and Society – EDHEC Business School – Lille. Paris - France.


Articles présentés à la conférence:

-Sidani, D. and Harb, B. « Exploration of Transformational Leadership in Innovation – The case of the Lebanese Banking Sector. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2019 » En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Sidani, D. and Sayegh, May. « The Organizational Culture within the Context of Artificial Intelligence – An exploratory Study of the Lebanese Banking Sector. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2019 » En cours de publication LNISO  Scopus Indexed


- Novembre 2020       Participation à la Conférence Internationale « ICTO 2020 » Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society – Smart Technologies for an Inclusive World  - Online Conference - Paris - France.


Articles présentés à la conférence:

-Sidani, D., Veglianti, E., and Maroufkhani, P. « Smart Cities for a Sustainable Social Inclusion Strategy – A comparative Study between Italy and Malaisia. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2020 » En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Harb, B. and Sidani, D. « Smart Technologies Challenges and Issues in Social Inclusion – Case of Disabled Youth in a Developing Country. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2020 » En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


- Decembre 2020       Participation à la Conférence Internationale « MENACIS2020 » Middle East and North Africa Conference of Information System – Online Conference


Articles présentés à la conférence:


-Sidani, D., and Harb, B. « The Effect of Leader Inclusiveness on Innovative Work Behavior – The Mediator Role of Leader-Member Exchange. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference MENACIS2020. En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Sayegh, M. and Sidani, D. « ICT Use for Sustainability in Developing Countries – The Case of the Lebanese Private Sector. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference MENACIS2020. En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Boustany, N, and Sidani, D. « ICT in Higher Education for Sustainable Development – The Case of a Private University in Developing Country. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference MENACIS2020. En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


March 2016 International Conference ICTO2016 – ISC Paris

Presentation and publication Springer Journal of the article «The Strategic effects of an Information System-Structure adaptation within professional bureaucracies – The case of schools »


June 2016 International Conference LCIS 2016 – Faculty of Business Administration – Saint-Joseph University

Paper presented at the conference « Big Data: New organizations structures, new decision making processes and universities perspectives »



March 2017 International Conference ICTO 2017 – Paris Nanterre – Paris-France

Presentation and publication Springer Journal of the article « Big Data at the service of universities: Towards a change in the organizational structure and the decision-making processes »


Big Data at the service of Universities: Towards a change in the Organizational Structure and

the Decision-Making Processes” ICT for a Better Life and a Better World Book Subtitle: The Impact

of Information and communication Technologies on Organizations and Society – Lectures

Notes in Information Systems and Organization, Vol 30, Chap 19.  Scopus indexed 2018.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-10737-6 ISBN: 978-3-030-10736-9 ISBN ebook: 978-3-030-10737-6 –

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018965456


April 2017 International Conference LCIS 2017 – Lebanese American University - Beirut – Lebanon.

Paper presented at the conference « Gender differences in online shopping Attitudes. »



- Mars 2018 International Conference ICTO 2018 – Paris Nanterre – Pôle Leonard de Vinci. Paris



-Sidani, D. and Harb, B. Les TIC au service du leadership – Cas du Secteur Public Libanais.  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2018 » Information and Communication Technologies and Societal Challenges - Université Paris Nanterre – Pôle Leonard de Vinci. Paris - France (Mars 2018).


ICT in Leadership – The case of the Lebanese Public sector” ICT for an Inclusive World Book Subtitle: Industry 4.0 – Towards the Smart Enterprise - Lectures Notes in Information Systems and Organization, Vol 35, Chap 21.  Scopus indexed 2019.


-Sidani, D et Barbour, M.A. The Online Shopping Attitude among University Students in Developing countries. Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2018 » Information and Communication Technologies and Societal Challenges - Université Paris Nanterre – Pôle Leonard de Vinci. Paris - France (Mars 2018).



-March, 2019

Transformational leadership for organizational change in the Lebanese public sector” published on May, 2019 in the journal peer reviewed

Problems and perspectives in Management ”.


Publication Scopus journal

Link to the article: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.15

Transformational leadership for organizational change in the Lebanese public sector https://doi.org/10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.15 (doi: 10.21511/ppm.17(2).2019.15)



- Octobre 2019           International Conference « ICTO 2019 » Information and Communication Technologies in Organisations and Society – EDHEC Business School – Lille. Paris - France.


Articles présentés à la conférence:

-Sidani, D. and Harb, B. « Exploration of Transformational Leadership in Innovation – The case of the Lebanese Banking Sector. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2019 » En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Sidani, D. and Sayegh, May. « The Organizational Culture within the Context of Artificial Intelligence – An exploratory Study of the Lebanese Banking Sector. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2019 » En cours de publication LNISO  Scopus Indexed


- Novembre 2020       Participation à la Conférence Internationale « ICTO 2020 » Information and Communication Technologies in Organizations and Society – Smart Technologies for an Inclusive World  - Online Conference - Paris - France.


Articles présentés à la conférence:

-Sidani, D., Veglianti, E., and Maroufkhani, P. « Smart Cities for a Sustainable Social Inclusion Strategy – A comparative Study between Italy and Malaisia. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2020 » En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Harb, B. and Sidani, D. « Smart Technologies Challenges and Issues in Social Inclusion – Case of Disabled Youth in a Developing Country. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference « ICTO 2020 » En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


- Decembre 2020       Participation à la Conférence Internationale « MENACIS2020 » Middle East and North Africa Conference of Information System – Online Conference


Articles présentés à la conférence:


-Sidani, D., and Harb, B. « The Effect of Leader Inclusiveness on Innovative Work Behavior – The Mediator Role of Leader-Member Exchange. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference MENACIS2020. En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Sayegh, M. and Sidani, D. « ICT Use for Sustainability in Developing Countries – The Case of the Lebanese Private Sector. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference MENACIS2020. En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


-Boustany, N, and Sidani, D. « ICT in Higher Education for Sustainable Development – The Case of a Private University in Developing Country. »  Oral presentation at the Peer Reviewed International Conference MENACIS2020. En cours de publication dans un numero Special Scopus Indexed


• Attestation de valorisation d'engagement O7 (Operation 7e jour)
• Best Award Review - Conférence ICTO 2018 - Paris Nanterre- France
• Best Review Award - Conference LCIS 2016- USJ
• Article présenté a la Conference ICTO 2016 classé 2ème de la Session Française "Les effets Stratégiques Structure-Systèmes d’Information au sein des Bureaucraties Professionnelles".