Fr | Ar

Edgard HAIBY (EL)

Directeur honoraire

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur - PHD

Higher Institute of Religious Studies (ISSR)
Center for Religious Studies Research (CRSR)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 5804

  • Professor of ethics and bioethics at SAINT-JOSEPH UNIVERSITY of Beirut (USJ)
  • Honorary Director of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences of the Faculty of Religious Sciences of SAINT-JOSEPH UNIVERSITY of Beirut (ISSR-FSR-USJ)
  • President of the JANIIN association to support couples suffering from subfertility
  • Member of "ADMEE" : Association for the Development of Evaluation Methodologies in Education
  • Member of ATEM: Association of theologians for the study of morality
  • Expert recognized by the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon. Member of the specialized committees for the promulgation of study programs by the General Directorate of Higher Education
  • Member of the editorial board of the scientific journal Horizons et Conjonctures of the Faculty of Religious Sciences, USJ
  • “Artificial Intelligence” referent of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences at Saint-Joseph University of Beirut – Lebanon
  • Co-founder and member of the Center for Research in Religious Sciences (CRSR), FSR-USJ

• PHD in Theology. Karl RAHNER and the self-manipulation of man. For a method of theological ethics in bioethical research
• Doctorate capacity
• Master in Theology. The status of biomedical intervention in the process of human procreation : The ethical issues of homologous medically assisted procreations
• Bachelor's degree inTheology

  • Philosophical ethics
  • Theological ethics and moral teaching of the Church
  • Christian ethics and biomedical developments - Bioethics
  • Family and sexual ethics
  • Social doctrine of the Church
  • Professional ethics (Telecommunication, Education, Social work, Midwifery, Nursing, Physiotherapy)
  • Ethics and dialogue
  • Ethics and mediation
  • Medical ethics
  • Christian anthropology
  • Health ministry
  • Practical Theology and Overall Pastoral
  • Strategy and entrepreneurship in the pastoral world
  • Research Methodology

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences


Fundamental Ethics
Practical Theology

1-     The status of biomedical intervention in the process of human procreation : The ethical issues of homologous medically assisted procreations , Master's thesis, Manuscript distributed within the framework of the Catholic Institute of Paris, 1996, 140 p.

2-     “The Church facing biomedical evolution : Catholic point of view”, in Proceedings of the Fourth UNESCO Symposium on Bioethics , November 1998, 12 p.

3-     “The face of God the Father in moral theology”, in Revue sacerdotale , n°1-2, T. 29, 1999, p. 118-131 ( “وجه الله الآب في اللاهوت الخلقي”، المجلّة الكهنوتيّة ، عدد 1 – 2 ( شباط - أيار)، مجلّد 29، 1999، ص .

4-     “Organ transplantation: Position of the Catholic Church”, in Proceedings of the conference of the Order of Physicians in Lebanon , February 2003 ( إزدراع الأعضاء. موقف الكنيسة الكاثوليكية"، مؤتمر حول وهب وزراعة الأعضاء ، منشورات الأطباء، تشرين الأول 2003 ).

5-     “To educate well, educate for good. Ethics and Education” , in Revue de l’ILE, USJ, n° 2, Oct. 2002, p. 61-79.

6-     Theology and bioethics in society. Analysis of the thought of Karl Rahner (Preface by Geneviève MEDEVIELE), Coll. “Religions and spirituality”, Paris: L’Harmattan , 2009, 434.

7-     “Assisted reproduction. Impact on the future of our society”, Info Hospital, Notre-Dame de Secours Hospital, Jbeil - Byblos, Vol. 3, No. 3, June 2010, p. 18-22.

8-     “The place of ethics in the practice of social service” , Speech at the general assembly of the Association of Social Workers in Lebanon, January 28, 2010, Campus of Medical Sciences, USJ.

9-     Is the human embryo human? », Bioethics Conference, Espace Ethique, USJ, Oct. 2010, 7 p.

10-   Organ donation and transplantation, the position of the Catholic Church,” Health and Human magazine, issue fifteen, April 2011.

11-   “Presence and role of a chaplaincy in the hospital space in Lebanon” , Proceedings of the 2nd Euro -Mediterranean meeting: The Salerno conversations, 2011

12-  “Love and Justice as fundamental concept in dialogue”, Hermeneutical Levels of Muslim -Christian Dialogue , Paderborn University , Germany, 4.08-06.09.2013, 12 p.

13-  “Integrative personal work (TPI)”, University Pedagogy Manual , MPU, USJ, 2014

14-  The issue of diagnosing death and burial ceremonies in the organ donation process: Religious responsibility between acquiescence and opposition, a Catholic approach, March  2015

15-  The spiritual care unit at the service of integral health, “Doctor-patient relationship” conference, February 2016, 12 pages

16-  “Mercy in the Church’s moral teaching. A theological, moral, cultural, and institutional approach,” in the realm of dialogue , publications of the Institute of Islamic and Christian Studies at the Faculty of Religious Sciences at Saint Joseph University, seventh year, issue 10, 2016, p. 14-22

17-  “Justice is a human and social need, a Christian vision,” The Good Life , a specialized peer-reviewed journal dealing with issues of Islamic thought and jurisprudence, twenty-first year, thirty-seventh issue, summer  2017, p. 49-89  

18-  “Moral education and acceptance of others, a Christian approach,” Educational Research and Studies , a peer-reviewed journal specializing in Islamic and comparative educational thought , fifth issue, third year, summer  2017, p. 115-153

19-  “The Human Dignity of the Fetus between Righteous Desire and Moderate Medical Assistance,” Al-Mashreq , peer-reviewed journal, ninety-third year, Part Two, July-December  2019, p. 501-520

20-   “What must I do to escape from evil? The relationship between moral health and demonic phenomena. That is, moral disorders and the issue of evil , ” Deliver us from evil. The Question of Evil and the Wicked in the Life of the Church , supervised by Edgar Al-Haibi and Rola Talhouk, Publications of the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, Faculty of Religious Sciences, Saint Joseph University in Beirut, July  2019, p. 127-135

21-  Report of the Episcopal Commission for the Pastoral Care of Health Services in Lebanon (CEPSSL) of the Assembly of Patriarchs and Bishops in Lebanon, Presented to the Dicastery for the Service of Integral Human Development, Covid-19 Commission, Discussed in Virtual Meeting November 10, 2020

22- The Magister  authority is in the service of the conscience of the believer and the faithfulness of the people of God. The ecclesiastical organization of moral life,” Al-Mashreq , peer-reviewed journal, ninety-seventh year, part one, January-June  2023, p. 235-256

23- The National Authority for Lebanese Women, the National Strategy for Women’s Affairs in Lebanon 2022-2030, 2023.  Advisory contribution by Professor Edgar Al-Haibi and Mrs. Lodine Qanbar, in several stages keeping pace with this strategy and how to implement it, in representation  “JANIIN Association

24-  “The sacred text is a source of changing human values? A Christian approach ,” Problems of the sacred text in Christianity and Islam, Reading the sacred text in a world dominated by humanism , Faculty of Religious Sciences at Saint Joseph University and the Bible Society, Beirut, February 2024, 16 p.