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Chargé de Cours
Chargé de Cours
Chargé de Cours

Chargé de Cours - Vacataire - TESOL

École libanaise de formation sociale (ELFS)
Laboratoire Littératures et Arts (LLA)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext ghada.itani@usj.edu.lb

My name is Ghada Itani, I am from Beirut, Lebanon. I am an English language instructional coach at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). I visit schools, evaluate tests, attend classes, assist teachers, find solutions to problems they encounter in class or with students, check their lesson plans, participate in educational days to in-service teachers of all cycles. I also work at two universities, public and private. In the public one I train pre-service teachers on how to prepare lesson plans, and I attend their demo lessons in class. In the private university, I teach English language where students have to write different types of essays, research papers, and technical writing skills. Finally, I teach grade 12 students (last year at secondary school) English language. I am a scout leader, currently a cub commissioner at Lebanese Scout Federation or an Akela Leader. I also groom scout leaders.

• Creation of English Placement Test Materials
• Developing and Teaching Academic Writing (Syllabus Writer)
• University Diploma in Pedagogical Counseling
• Professional Certificate for English Language Teachers (PCELT)
• Master of Arts in Education - TESOL
• Teaching Diploma in Secondary Education
• Bachelor of Arts

Alumni Facilitator and Highlight for MOOC Courses
Scenario Writer/ Flipped Classroom
Educational Development Trust (EDT)
Violence Free Schools
Recovery Learning Phases I, II, III, IV and Summer Schools
Teacher Burnout in the Classroom and Proficiency Test Norming
Proficiency Test Norming and Pair Work Workshop
Fourth Annual Symposium on "The Teaching of Writing in Lebanon"
Educational Resources Center - Learning Through Theater
The Mount Lebanon Jawdat Haydar Poetry Competition, Panel Judge Member
Controller in the Committee of Official Lebanese Exams - Eng. Lang. Department
Teacher Training, Training of Trainers (TOT)
Teacher Training, Subject Area Learning Hubs, Training of Trainers
ILEP (International Leaders in Education Program) Leveraging Resources: Leadership and Technology for Education
Teacher Learning Circles (TLC)
Subject Matters Teaching Methods Training of Trainers
Progress Scale (Professional Growth and Reforms Support
Cuisenaire Rods as a Teaching Resource in the EFL Classroom
New Games and Activities in the English Class!
Founder and Panel Judge Member
Presenter in the Conference Making a Difference: Strengthening Our Community Through Communication (A Reading Kit for Grade Eight)
Presenter in Mini - NESA Conference (Learning with Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages)
Attendee of Teaching and Evaluating of Writing
Presenter in The Second English "Language and Change" Regional Conference (Teacher Talk)
New Methods of Presenting Vocabulary and Writing
Writing in the Classroom
Teaching methodology at the Secondary Level

Arts, Lettres et Sciences humaines; Sciences religieuses


Lesson Plans on the poetry of Jawdat Haydar

Lebanese American University (LAU)