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Mlle Ghada ITANI

Faculté de langues et de traduction
Institut de gestion des entreprises
Institut de psychomotricité

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext ghada.itani@usj.edu.lb

My name is Ghada Itani, I am from Beirut, Lebanon. I am an English language instructional coach at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE). I visit schools, evaluate tests, attend classes, assist teachers, find solutions to problems they encounter in class or with students, check their lesson plans, participate in educational days to in-service teachers of all cycles. I also work at two universities, public and private. In the public one I train pre-service teachers on how to prepare lesson plans, and I attend their demo lessons in class. In the private university, I teach English language where students have to write different types of essays, research papers, and technical writing skills. Finally, I teach grade 12 students (last year at secondary school) English language. I am a scout leader, currently a cub commissioner at Lebanese Scout Federation or an Akela Leader. I also groom scout leaders.

Creation of English Placement Test MaterialsUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2023
Developing and Teaching Academic Writing (Syllabus Writer)Iowa State UniversityEtats-Unis2023
University Diploma in Pedagogical CounselingUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2022
Professional Certificate for English Language Teachers (PCELT)British CouncilLiban2015
IEP/ILEPKent State UniversityEtats-Unis2007
Master of Arts in Education - TESOLLebanese American University (LAU)Liban2006
Teaching Diploma in Secondary EducationLebanese American University (LAU)Liban1991
Bachelor of ArtsLebanese American University (LAU)Liban1991

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
Trainer of Public School In-Service Secondary TeachersLibanFaculty of Pedagogy, Deanery01/01/201830/12/2018
Practicum TrainerLibanUniversité Libanaise (UL)01/01/201701/03/22025
Instructional CoachLibanMinistry of Education and Higher Education - Counseling and Guidance Department01/01/201201/03/2025
Scholar Visitor and TeacherEtats-UnisStreetsboro High School - Ohio, USA01/03/200730/05/2007
Member in the English Language Exam CommitteeLibanCivil Service Board01/01/200712/01/2016
English Language InstructorLibanArab Open University01/01/200730/12/2011
English Language InstructorLibanReneh Muawad Co-educational Public High School01/01/200030/12/2025
InstructorLibanBeirut Arab University (BAU)01/01/199212/01/1996
English Language TeacherLibanMakassed Philanthropic Islamic Association01/01/199030/12/2017

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Alumni Facilitator and Highlight for MOOC CoursesIOWA State Uniiversity01/09/202430/12/2024
Scenario Writer/ Flipped ClassroomAUF (Agence Universitaire de La Francophonie)03/07/202307/07/2023
Educational Development Trust (EDT)D-RASATI (Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teacher Improvement)07/01/202307/01/2023
Violence Free SchoolsUNDP (United Nations Development Programme)15/06/202215/06/2022
Recovery Learning Phases I, II, III, IV and Summer SchoolsQITABI07/01/202107/12/2024
Teacher Burnout in the Classroom and Proficiency Test Norming Saint Louis University in Collaboration with Saint Joseph University05/05/201828/11/2018
Proficiency Test Norming and Pair Work WorkshopSaint Louis University in Collaboration with Saint Joseph University13/05/201713/05/2017
Fourth Annual Symposium on "The Teaching of Writing in Lebanon"Lebanese American University in Collaboration with American University of Beirut18/03/201718/03/2017
Educational Resources Center - Learning Through TheaterInternational College (IC)19/03/201619/03/2016
The Mount Lebanon Jawdat Haydar Poetry Competition, Panel Judge MemberUniversal College of Aley (UCA)01/01/201630/12/2025
Controller in the Committee of Official Lebanese Exams - Eng. Lang. DepartmentMinistry of Education and Higher Education01/01/201530/12/2025
Teacher Training, Training of Trainers (TOT)D-RASATI (Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teacher Improvement)16/07/201318/07/2013
Teacher Training, Subject Area Learning Hubs, Training of TrainersD-RASATI (Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teacher Improvement)10/06/201312/06/2013
ILEP (International Leaders in Education Program) Leveraging Resources: Leadership and Technology for Education IREX (International Research and Exchanges Board)13/04/201316/04/2013
Teacher Learning Circles (TLC)D-RASATI (Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teacher Improvement)07/01/201328/02/2013
Subject Matters Teaching Methods Training of TrainersD-RASATI (Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teacher Improvement)15/11/201215/11/2012
Progress Scale (Professional Growth and Reforms SupportD-RASATI (Developing Rehabilitation Assistance to Schools and Teacher Improvement)15/07/201215/07/2012
Cuisenaire Rods as a Teaching Resource in the EFL ClassroomBritish Council15/06/201215/06/2012
New Games and Activities in the English Class!NCERD15/04/201016/04/2010
Founder and Panel Judge MemberFriends of Jawdat Haydar Association01/01/200730/12/2025
Presenter in the Conference Making a Difference: Strengthening Our Community Through Communication (A Reading Kit for Grade Eight)Makassed Philanthropic Islamic Association27/06/200627/06/2006
Presenter in Mini - NESA Conference (Learning with Technology: Advantages and Disadvantages)American Community School25/11/200525/11/2005
Attendee of Teaching and Evaluating of WritingAmerican University of Beirut06/03/200406/03/2004
Presenter in The Second English "Language and Change" Regional Conference (Teacher Talk)Lebanese American University06/12/200307/12/2003
New Methods of Presenting Vocabulary and WritingNCERD20/11/200120/11/2001
Writing in the ClassroomUnited Kingdom, Surrey, British Council31/07/199521/07/1995
Teaching methodology at the Secondary LevelBUC (Beirut University College)28/06/199430/06/1994

Arts, Lettres et Sciences humaines; Sciences religieuses


Lesson Plans on the poetry of Jawdat Haydar

Lebanese American University (LAU)