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Chef de département - Education préscolaire et primaire

Enseignant Cadré - Chargé(e) d'enseignement - Master

Lebanese Institute of Educators (ILE)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 5421

I hold a Master’s degree in Education Sciences, specializing in Preschool and Primary Education with a focus on Pedagogical Supervision. Currently, I serve as the Head of the Preschool and Primary Education Department and work as a teaching and internship supervisor at the Lebanese Institute of Educators (ILE) within Saint Joseph University of Beirut.

My research primarily centers around practice-based training, particularly drawing from my extensive experience in internship supervision as the coordinator at ILE. I am committed to updating my courses, and my research themes include French didactics, teaching methodology, children’s literature, and enhancing French language proficiency.

Additionally, I am dedicated to exploring peer tutoring and differentiated pedagogy—two contemporary themes that align with the department’s priorities. Currently, I am leading a departmental project on online internships, which has become especially relevant due to the experience during the COVID-19 pandemic

• Master professionnel en Sciences de l'éducation-option préscolaire et primaire
• Master professionnel en Sciences de l'éducation-option préscolaire et primaire
• Licence - Sciences de l'éducation en option préscolaire et primaire

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

  • Methods for teaching reading in preschool
  • Pedagogical guidance
  • Self-regulation of reading comprehension in Grades 4-5
  • Peer tutoring
  • Challenges and issues of online internships in preschool and primary education
  • The role of internship reports in the training of students in preschool and primary education: Development process and support practices
    1. Methods of Teaching Reading in Preschool: (Research and Publication, 1995)
    2. Pedagogical Manual and Tools for Preschool: Teacher’s Guide, 9 Pedagogical Projects for Each Preschool Class (Published in 2010)
    3. Tempus Project, Action Research (2012-2015): “Capacity Development of Faculties of Education in International Approaches to Teacher Education”
    4. Maltese Communication: “The Lebanese Institute of Educators: Practicum” (November 2013)
    5. Communication in Egypt: “University Diploma for Teacher Trainers (Host Teacher)” (November 2014)
    6. Guide for Preschool and Primary Education Internships (Published in 2015)
    7. ADMEE-Canada Symposium: 38th Study Session of ADMEE-Canada - Challenges and Issues in Assessment in the Digital Age (November 2016)
      • Topic: “Towards an Objective Evaluation of Internship Competencies: Experimentation with a Digital Tool”
    8. 65th ILE Symposium: “A History of Values and Vision” (July 2021)
      • Topic: “The Art of Writing, the Art of Images… Children’s Literature: An Album with Multiple Pedagogical Photos”