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École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Beyrouth

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(+961) 1 421 000 ext antoine.hreiche@usj.edu.lb

Dr. Hreiche is a Senior Lecturer in Water Engineering related Water Land Resources at Saint-Joseph University (USJ) the Lebanese American University (LAU) in Lebanon. He has taught and conducted research at the Regional Centre for Water and Environment (CREEN) at Saint-Joseph University since 2001. Moreover, he is a highly qualified senior water resources and infrastructure expert with over 25 years of professional experience, research, and consultancy work, with extensive regional and international expertise in water resources planning and engineering. His work covers master planning, management, and design of large-scale land and urban hydraulic structures for major infrastructure projects in the Middle East. Dr. Hreiche’s background is diverse. He began his academic studies in Civil and Environmental Engineering at Saint-Joseph University, attaining an MS in Water Sciences. However, the issues of water scarcity soon directed him to study water resources with a focus on quality as well as quantity. He subsequently received a PhD in Hydrology in 2003 from Université des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc (Université Montpellier II) in France. His dissertation focused on rainfall-runoff modeling in a Mediterranean climate. From 2003 to 2009, he worked at Saint-Joseph University as an assistant professor, and since 2009, he has served as an associate professor in the Faculty of Engineering at Saint-Joseph University and as a Senior Lecturer at the Lebanese American University. In 1998, he served as a Water Resources Engineer at DAR (Shair and Partners) in Beirut, Lebanon, where he focused on a variety of infrastructure projects, including water supply and wastewater network design, flood and stormwater drainage studies, small dams, and environmental studies in Lebanon and other countries. From 2003 until 2010, Dr. Hreiche worked as a consultant with World Vision, leading the development of several hill lakes in Lebanon. He also worked as a consultant for the Italian Cooperation, leading the design and implementation of several municipal infrastructure projects. From 2008 to 2013, he provided technical assistance for the Ministry of Energy and Water, the Litani Water Authority, and water establishments in Lebanon (MOTGE-EuropeAid project and LRBMS-USAID project). In 2010, Dr. Hreiche joined SETS as Founder and Director of the Land, Water, and Environment Department, managing the firm’s operations, and responsible for technical management, quality assurance, and project monitoring. He worked on various water supply studies in Saudi Arabia and other countries (Schlumberger, Veolia, etc.), gaining valuable knowledge of feasibility and comparative cost studies, as well as the preliminary and final design of such schemes. He was also involved in master plans for infrastructure development in several countries. Dr. Hreiche was involved in the design of water and wastewater treatment plants in Saudi Arabia and Lebanon. He led numerous WASH projects for the European Union Delegation, Italian Cooperation, USAID, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), GIZ, World Vision, Save the Children, ACTED, CARE International, and Action Against Hunger. These projects aimed to improve living conditions for refugee gatherings and host communities and to strengthen resilience to water, sanitation, and hygiene-related diseases among Lebanese host communities and refugees from Palestine and Syria. Dr. Hreiche has extensive experience in hydraulic modeling and Non-Revenue Water and has been continuously working for more than 20 years with various water services (Water Establishments in Lebanon, National Water Company in Taif, Riyadh, Jeddah, and Mecca, etc.) and has developed a wide-ranging experience in all aspects of water distribution network management. Dr. Hreiche has wide experience in monitoring and evaluating projects on both local and regional scales, serving as a consultant for numerous individual projects as well as various international projects (EU Delegation to Lebanon, International NGOs). Dr. Hreiche has taught courses on water distribution and treatment, hydraulic model optimization, wastewater network and treatment, irrigation, fluid mechanics, hydraulics, and infrastructure. He has offered both on-campus and online courses and has participated in several international seminars and meetings in China, Japan, the United States, Germany, France, South Africa, and Italy. Dr. Hreiche is the author and co-author of numerous articles published in international scientific journals and has presented at many international and regional conferences.

Sciences de l'Eau dans l'Environnement ContinentalUniversité de MontpellierFrance2003
Sciences de l'EauUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1999
Diplôme d'ingénieurUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1998

Cours de Distribution deau Cours de Logiciels dHydraulique Appliquee Cours dHydrologie Cours d'Hydraulique Cours de Mecanique des Fluides

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
Senior LecturerLibanLebanese American University (LAU)01/09/201101/06/2018

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Arabie Saoudite / Egypte / OmanSeureca Veolia01/01/201926/10/2024

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

Modélisation Pluie-Débit, Modélisation Hydrologique des Précipitations, Gestion des Ressources en Eau, Hydrologie des Bassins Versants, Bilan Hydrique, Traitement des Eaux et des Eaux Usées, Assainissement, Systèmes de Distribution dEau, Eau Non Comptabilisée, Changement Climatique

- Hreiche A. (2022) Livelihoods Policy Brief No.3, Small-Scale Irrigation Interventions: A Primer on Interventions to Help the Iraqi Agricultural Sector, IOM - Salamey I., Abi Haidar C., Hreiche A. (2021) The Political Economy of Industrial Wastewater Treatment in Lebanon: Stakeholder Analysis Engagement Plan – USAID / NORC - Hreiche A. (2012). Impacts d’un réchauffement climatique potentiel sur la neige au Liban. Environnement et gestion durable des écosystèmes naturels au Moyen-Orient, AUF Publication, 36-46 - Hreiche A., Najem W., Bocquillon C. (2007). Hydrological impact simulations of climate change on Lebanese coastal rivers. Hydrological Sciences Journal. 52(6), 1119-1133. - Hreiche A., Najem W., Bocquillon C. (2006), Impact du changement climatique sur les régimes hydrologiques des fleuves côtiers Libanais, 3ème conférence internationale sur les Ressources en Eau dans le Bassin Méditerranéen", WATMED3, Tripoli, Liban, Novembre, 2006. - Hreiche, A., C. Bocquillon, W. Najem (2006). River Flow Simulation within Ungauged Catchments in Lebanon using a semi-distributed rainfall-runoff model. In: Voinov, A., Jakeman, A., Rizzoli, A. (eds). Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting: " Summit on Environmental Modelling Software”. International Environmental Modelling Software Society, Burlington, USA, July 2006 - Hreiche, A., C. Bocquillon, W. Najem, D. Dandach (2005) The potential impact of future climate change on Lebanese River basin hydrology using scenarios. In: Regional Hydrological Impacts of Climatic Change-Impact Assessment and Decision Making (Proceedings of symposium S6 held during the Seventh IAHS Scientific Assembly at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, April 2005). IAHS Publ. 295, 2005. - Hreiche, A., Danadach, D., Bocquillon, C. and Najem, W. Effects of Potential Rainfall Variability on river flows in the Mediterranean Region. Proceedings of the Symposium on Challenges Facing Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon, October 7-9, 2004 - Hreiche A., Bocquillon C., Najem W., Servat E. Regionalization of parameters for a conceptual rainfall runoff model in the mediterranean region. Conference on Water Observation and Information System for Decision Support Proceedings: 2004-Macedonia, May. - Hreiche, A., Bocquillon, C. & Najem, W. (2004) Parameter Estimation of a Conceptual Rainfall Runoff and Integrated Resources Management" (ed. by C. Pahl, S. Schmidt & T. Jakeman). Intern. Environmental Modelling and Software Societey, Osnabrueck, Germany. - Hreiche A., 2003- Modélisation conceptuelle de la transformation pluie-débit dans le contexte méditerranéen. Thèse de doctorat, Université Saint-Joseph - Université Montpellier II. - Hreiche, A., C. Bocquillon, W. Najem, E. Servat & Dezetter, A. (2003) Calage dun modèle conceptuel pluie-débit journalier à partir de bilans annuels. In: Hydrology of Mediterranean and Semiarid Regions (ed. E.Servat, W.Najem, C.Leduc & A. Shakeel), 87-93. IAHS Publ., 278, IAHS Press, Wallingford, UK. - Najem W., Bocquillon C., Hreiche A., 2002. Analyse du fonctionnement hydrologique d’un bassin versant libanais par une modélisation conceptuelle adaptée au climat méditerranéen. Séminaire International Montpellier 2002-Hydrologie des Régions Méditerranéennes, PHI-V, Doc Techniques en Hydrologie no. 51. - Bocquillon C., El Hage A., Hreiche A., Najem W., 2002- Un modèle hydrologique conceptuel pour un bassin versant influencé par la couverture neigeuse. Séminaire International Hydrologie Nivale en Méditerranée, AISH/CREEN/IRD, Beyrouth (Dec.2002). - Hreiche, A., Mezher, D., Bocquillon, C., Dezetter, A., Servat, E., and Najem, W. (2002). Parallel Processing for a Better Understanding of Equifinality.In Hydrological Models Rizzoli, A. E. and Jakeman, A. J., (eds). Integrated Assessment and Decision Support, Proceedings of the First Biennial Meeting of the International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Volume 1, pp. 410- 415. iEMSs. ISBN 88-900787-0-7 - Hreiche, A., Najem, W., Bocquillon, C. Relation pluie-debit sur le Nahr-Beyrouth. CNRSL – Beyrouth, Liban, Septembre 2000.