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Enseignant Cadré - Professeur - HDR

USJ Business School (FGM)

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Carole Doueiry Verne is a Professor - HDR (Accreditation to supervise Research) at the Faculty of Business and Management of Saint-Joseph University of Beirut, and former Vice-Dean. She co-founded and manage since 2006 the Master of Marketing in partnership with the IAE of Tours, France (double diplomas), as well as the International Masters with Ramon Lull University of Barcelona. She was Coordinator in BA Degree (Coordinator of Core Courses as well as Coordinator of Optional Courses), from 2001 to 2009. She was a member of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Business and Management for 8 years and she was appointed in 2018 Vice-Dean (2018-2020). She teaches mainly Marketing, Business Ethics, and Cross-Cultural Management. She collaborated with the OECD for the writing of a report on Business Ethics and anti-corruption policies and she is co-author of a book entitled: “Culture and Ethics – Focus on Japan and Big Japanese Companies”. Her main areas of research and publications focus on the economic analysis of ethics and corruption, Cross-Cultural Management, Multidimensional Approach of Business Ethics, and the influence of culture on international marketing. She was invited by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs to an honorary trip to Japan and she participated in international conferences in France, Germany, the United States, and Switzerland. In 2020, she was appointed member of the Middle East and North Africa Advisory Council (MENAAC) of AACSB. She is member of the Board of the CJBE (Colleagues of Jesuit Business Education). She is member of the French Observatory “Action Sociétale et Action Publique”. She is also member of the Board of LKFA (Lebanon Korea Friendship Association) and in 2024, she was appointed member of the scientific committee of the Academic Journal “Internation Transitions”, ESKA Editions, at the University of Paris-Est, France.

• HDR (Accreditation to Supervise Research)
• Doctorat Es Sciences Economiques
• DEA en Management
• Master option Industrie et Commerce
• Bachelor in Business Administration

Strategic and International Marketing

Marketing Management

Cross-Cultural Management

Culture and Ethics

Intercultural Environment of Negotiation

Applied Marketing Projects


Marketing of Services

Business Ethics

Member of the scientific committee of the Journal «International Transitions», ESKA Editions.
Appointed member of the Board of LKFA (Lebanese Korean Friendship Association).
Interview with Radio Présence, Lourdes, as part of the program “Un jour, un livre, un auteur”.
Invitation to lead a Conference on "HRM and Ethics" for the Human Resources of the Hospital “Sacré Coeur”, Baabda, Lebanon.
Appointed member of the Board of CJBE
Appointed member of the French Observatory: Observatoire français Action Sociétale et Action Publique (ASAP).
Appointed member of Middle East and North Africa Advisory Council (MENAAC) of the International Accreditation Organization AACSB.
Coaching of a group of “Master of Marketing” for the international competition organized at Loyola Marymount of Los Angeles, entitled
Participation in the UNGC commission (United Nations Global Compact), Rectorate, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.
Participation in the MOOC commission, Rectorate, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.
Participation in the commission related to the “Teacher Researcher Code”, Rectorate, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.
Participation in the AACSB “International Conference and Annual Meeting”, Edinburgh – Scotland.
Member of the University Social Responsibility Committee (RSU) at Saint-Joseph University.
Coordinator of the Master’s degree “International Marketing in a Digital Environment” as well as the Master’s degree in “Industrial Business Management”, since 2019 to date
Author of a Book: Culture and Ethics, Focus on Japan and Big Japanese Companies), Editions VA Press – Carnets du Business, 2nd Edition, Paris, Versailles, January 2018.
Invitation by the Research Laboratory of Tours-Orléans, IAE of Tours, December 2021, December 2019 and December 2017, for research and renewal Curriculum of the Master in Marketing, in collaboration with the French Ministry of National Education.
Member of the scientific committee of the Journal «Management et Stratégie», Paris.
Coordination of "Communication" at the Faculty of Business and Management.
“Reviewer” for the academic journal “Comparative Economic Studies” (Scopus)
Organization of the “Go Paperless” zero paper awareness campaign with the Master of Marketing in collaboration with the Master Entrepreneurship. Campaign that took place on the social sciences campus, broadcasted on social media.
Invitation by the South Korean Embassy to a trip organized by the United Nations to Seoul (Invitation declined for professional reasons: conference of the Master Marketing of Services).
Participation in a round table organized by the Embassy of Japan on the development of relations between Japan and the MENA region.
Collaboration with the Faculty of Languages of Saint-Joseph University for introducing the teaching of the Korean language and for Korean cultural activities in partnership with the Republic of Korea Embassy.
Member of the scientific committee of the EDBA (Executive Doctorate in Business Administration) with the University of Paris Dauphine, France.
Coordinator of the “Pedagogical Committee” at the Faculty of Business and Management according to the requirements of AACSB Accreditation.
Writing and coordination of the Report of the Faculty of Business and Management for the years 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020.
Invitation by the Embassy of Japan to be a member of the jury selection board for future Ph.D. or Masters scholarship students wishing to continue their studies in Japanese Universities (Japanese Government Scholarship).
Organization of an international symposium on May 6 and 7, 2016, on the 10th year of the Master Marketing of Services, in partnership with the IAE of Tours, France. Theme of the symposium: “The internationalization of services: a Euro-Mediterranean vision”. International conference with scientific publication at the Vallorem laboratory of Tours/Orléans and the Faculty of Business and Management, Saint-Joseph University of Beirut.
“Reviewer” for the academic journal “Business Ethics Quarterly” (Scopus)
Organization of a conference on "Social media" for the Faculty of Business and Management Professors; conference moderated by Mr. Stéphane Bourliataux-Lajoinie, Former Director of the IAE of Tours and Director of the International Master Marketing of Services.
Organization of conferences lead by the Ambassador of South Korea under the theme "The cultural aspects of South Korea", for students of the “Master of Marketing”, as well as the students who study Korean language
Organization and co-writing of the “Rector’s Report on Saint-Joseph University of Beirut” in collaboration with the General Secretary of USJ.
Honorary dinner organized by the Embassy of Japan on the occasion of the publication of my book “Culture and Ethics”.
Interview conducted by Tours-France television, via Visio conference.
Reviewer" for the academic journal "International Review of Administrative Sciences" (FNEGE)
Reviewer for the academic journal “The Journal of Moral Education” (Scopus)
Invitation by the Japanese Government to a trip to Japan during which the visit of major Japanese companies and the Ministries of Economy, Foreign Affairs and the Council of Ministers took place.
Invitation to social and cultural activities of the Embassies of Japan, France, South Korea, Switzerland, and Belgium.
Organization and animation of International Conferences in Marketing in collaboration with the IAE of Tours, with a different theme, every year
Co-founder and Coordinator of the Master Marketing of Services, Master’s degree co-founded in partnership with the IAE of the University of Tours, France (Double degree), since 2006 to date
Author for the writing of a report on Ethics and Corruption with OECD
Representative of the Social Sciences Campus to the University’s Rector for the “USJ infos” newsletter’s Writing; Member of the Editorial Board.
Organization of “Cultural Days” (Japan, China, Indonesia, Austria, Gabon, etc.)
Coordinator of the common program of the second year of BBA
Member of the Board of the Faculty of Business and Management.
Coordinator of elective courses of the 2nd and 3rd year of BBA

Economics, Management, Banking, Insurance

Economic analysis of ethics and corruption

Cross-Cultural Management
Multidimensional Approach of Business Ethics
The influence of culture on international marketing

Collaboration with the OECD for the writing of a report

2006               “Business Ethics and Anti-Bribery Policies in Selected Middle East and North African Countries”; MENA Task Force on Business Integrity and Combating Bribery of Public Officials-Working Group 1, OECD report, under the Direction of Mr. Frédéric Wehrlé 



 2018                DOUEIRY VERNE C., MEIER O., Culture et Ethique – Regard sur le Japon et les grandes entreprises Japonaises, (Culture and Ethics, Focus on Japan and Big Japanese Companies), Editions VA Press – Carnets du Business, 2nd Edition, Paris, Versailles, January 2018.

2014                DOUEIRY VERNE C., MEIER O., Culture et Ethique – Regard sur le Japon et les grandes entreprises Japonaises, (Culture and Ethics, Focus on Japan and Big Japanese Companies), Editions VA Press – Carnets du Business, Paris, Versailles, January 2014.


Chapters in collective books

 2024                Understanding The Typology of Human Resources Personality Traits, Seen Through the Magnifying Glass of Ethics, For a Better Corporate Governance”, in Corporate Governance, Organizational Ethics, and Prevention Strategies against Financial Crime, sous la direction de Michel Dion, Hyacinthe Yirlier Somé, Narjess Boubakri, et Omrane Guedhami, Book Series CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance, Editions Springer (Forthcoming).

 2023                « Ethical Leadership and Ethical Organizational Culture: Two Pillars for Fighting Against Corruption in the Organizations », in Sustainable Finance and Financial Crime, sous la direction de Michel Dion, pp. 127-140, Editions Springer, 2023.


2016                « L’entreprise face aux défis de la RSE et de la diversité », in Génération Marketing et Sciences de Gestion – Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Pierre-Louis Dubois, (Companies facing the challenges of CSR and diversity), (co-written with G. Aoun), Collective work coordinated by Véronique Des Garets and Christophe Fournier, Editions Economica, 2016.


2014                « L’influence des facteurs culturels sur le marketing international » (The influence of cultural factors on international marketing) in Le Professeur de Management à 360º, (co-written with G. Aoun), Collective book, Editions Vuibert, November 2014. (This book has been labeled by the FNEGE).

 2010                « Regards croisés sur la mode féminine : Enjeux, perspectives et dilemmes éthiques – Le cas du Liban », (Perspectives on women’s fashion: Issues and Ethical Dilemmas – The case of Lebanon), directed by Michel Dion et Mariette Julien, L’Ethique de la mode féminine, Editions Presses Universitaires de France (PUF), Paris, 2010.


2005                « Ethique, corruption et clientélisme : le cas du Liban », (Ethics, corruption and clientelism: the case of Lebanon) directed by Naudet J.Y. La corruption, Collection « Ethique et Déontologie », Edition Librairie de l’Université d’Aix-en-Provence, Aix-en-Provence, 2005.


Articles in Academic Journals

 2021                “The perception of Internet users vis-à-vis the ethics of companies in their management of personal data. A comparative analysis between three countries”, (Co-written with Stéphane Bourliataux-Lajoinie), La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, No. 309-310. Ranking: Econlit, HCERES, FNEGE, La presse spécialisée.


2020                Causality between Corruption, GDP Growth and Political Stability: A Panel Data Analysis”, (Co-written with Jean-François Verne), The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol 19, No 2, February 2020, pp. 127-136. Indexed Econlit (American Economic Association) and ABDC ranking (Journal Quality List).


2019                Chaos in Lebanese GDP: The Lorenz Attractor Approach”, (Co-written with Jean-François Verne), Economics Bulletin, August 2019, Vol. 39 Issue 3, pp. 1958-1967. Indexed Econlit (American Economic Association); Scopus; ABCC (Journal Quality List); CNRS (France) and HCERES classification.


2019                Samuelson’s Oscillator Model Revisited: The Inclusion of Chaos Theory”, (Co-written with Jean-François Verne), The Empirical Economics Letters, Vol. 18, No 4, April, pp. 423-433. Indexed Econlit (American Economic Association) and ABDC ranking (Journal Quality List).


2018                War, structural breaks, and asymmetries in the cyclical evolution of the Lebanese GDP”, (Co-written with Jean-François Verne), Empirical Economics Review, Vol. 8, No 4, pp. 297-309. Indexed Econlit (American Economic Association) ISSN 22229736.


2018                "Empirical analysis of the conditional causality between economic growth, inflation rate and oil price: the case of countries in the Middle East and North Africa" (Co-authored with Jean-François Verne), Revue Internationale des Economistes de Langue Française, RIELF, Vol. 3, No. 2 pp. 175-195. (Editions University Paris II Panthéon-Assas, France and University of Economics and Management, Poznan, Poland).


2018                “The effectiveness of humanitarian aid governance in terms of poverty reduction” (Co-authored with Jean-François Verne), Revue de Management et de Stratégie.

 Nov 2016        "Online music and downloading, an analysis of behavior by perceived value", in collaboration with Laurent Maubisson and Stéphane Bourliataux-Lajoinie, Research Papers, Vallorem Laboratory, Tours & Orléans, France and Proche-Orient Etudes en Management”, No. 31/ 2, 2019.


Nov 2016        "The relationship between economic growth, service economy and rate of trade openness: the case of countries in the MENA region", (co-authored with Jean-François Verne), Vallorem Laboratory, Tours & Orléans, France and Proche-Orient Etudes en Management”, No. 31/2, 2019.


2013                “Intergenerational Transmission Between Generations and Ethical Attitude: The Case of Lebanon”, (co-written avec Georges Aoun), Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 25, 2013.


2012               « Literature Review of Factors Affecting the attitude Toward Ethics: Understanding the Ranking of Lebanon», Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 24, 2012, pp. 95-102.


2010                “The impact of culture on international banking advertising: a comparison between Lebanon and France”, Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No.22, 2010.


2009                "Ethics in Lebanon: between utopia and reality", Comparison of theoretical and practical ethics according to the different cultures of the world, Revue Entreprise Éthique, Cercle Ethique des Affaires, No. 30, April 2009.


2008                “Ethics and transparency: the two pillars of good governance”, Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 20, June 2008, pp.39-45.


2006                "The impact of monotheistic religions on the ethics of corporate human resources", Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 18, May 2006, pp.1-38.


2005               “The principles of Corporate Governance: application and comparative analysis”, Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 17, June 2005, pp. 97-116.


2004               "The ineffective side of corruption", Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 16, May 2004, pp. 13-56.


2003               “Corruption: Myth or Reality”, Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 15, May 2003, pp. 123-142.


2002                “Comparative studies of managerial style in international companies”,  Proche Orient, Etudes en Management, No. 14, June 2002, pp. 36-64.


 Publication in the Tribune of RSE Magazine (Governance, Ethics and Development)

July 2020        “Ethics: Thousands of thorns for a rose”, RSE, July 2020.


Publication within the framework of the French Observatory (Action Sociétale Action Publique – ASAP)

Nov 2022     “ Ethical management in Japan”, (Co-written with Olivier Meier), Observatoire ASAP, Novembre 2022.

Feb 2021         "Ethics and higher education: issues and challenges", (Co-written with Olivier Meier), Observatoire ASAP, February 2021.

Mar 2021        “Ethics: from rhetoric to practice”, Observatoire ASAP, March 2021.

July 2021        “Corruption in its different facets: the example of Lebanon”, ASAP, July 2021.

Published by the International Accreditation Organization AACSB

Feb 2021         “The Continuous Work of Teaching Business Ethics”, by Tricia Bisoux (Editor), following an interview with Carole Doueiry Verne (USJ) and Ulku Gurler (Bilkent University), AACSB Insights.


Nov 2022        "Factors influencing parents' decision-making in the face of their adolescents' brand demands: A cross-cultural analysis of the "life course paradigm", 5th Interdisciplinary Research Day on Consumer Decisions (JIRDC), Paris, Paris-Descartes University.

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• Invitation par l\'Ambassadeur du Japon à une célébration honorifique suite à la parution du livre \"Culture et Ethique-Regard sur le Japon et les grandes entreprises Japonaises\". Ce livre a été rédigé après une invitation par le Gouvernement Japonais à un voyage à Tokyo, Kyoto et Nara au cours duquel a eu lieu la visite de grandes entreprises japonaises et les Ministères de l’Economie, des Affaires Étrangères ainsi que le Conseil des Ministres.
• Invitation par l'Ambassade de Corée du Sud à un voyage à Séoul en collaboration avec les Nations Unies. Invitation déclinée car le voyage coincidait avec la conférence du Master Marketing des Services.
• Invitation par l'IAE de l'Université François Rabelais de Tours à l'occasion des 12 ans de partenariat pour le Master Marketing des Services co-fondé et dirigé depuis 2006 par Carole Verne, et pour contribuer à la modification de la plaquette des cours afin qu'elle soit en phase avec les besoins des étudiants.