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Faculté de pharmacie

Professeur associé

(+961) 1 421 000 ext nicole.fakhourysayegh@usj.edu.lb

Dr. Nicole Fakhoury-Sayegh a eu son Doctorat en sciences nutritionnelles de l’Université Saint Joseph Beyrouth en 2015, Sa maitrise en Santé Publique de l’AUB en 2005, et sa licence en Diététique et Nutrition de l’AUB en 1985. Elle est une diététicienne certifiée et a été promue comme Professeur Associée à la Faculté de Pharmacie, Département de Nutrition à l’université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth en 2024. Elle donne aussi des cours à temps partiel à l’université Saint Esprit de Kaslik depuis 2021. Elle pratique la diététique et la nutrition clinique à sa clinique privée en face de l’Hôtel Dieu de France, Beyrouth. Ses intérêts académiques sont les maladies hépatiques, surtout le foie gras et le microbiote intestinal. Elle a plusieurs publications nationaux et internationaux dans ce domaine.

en Sante option nutritionUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2015
DUUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2011
Sante PubliqueAmerican University of Beirut (AUB)Liban2005
nutrition and dieteticsAmerican University of Beirut (AUB)Liban1985

• Méthodologie de la recherche Maitrise 1 (Nutrition Humaine, nutrition sportive. • Méthodologie de la recherche (2005-2007) ; étudiants en 3ieme année, Faculté de médecine. • Méthodologie de la recherche : étudiants en 2ieme année, Faculté de Pharmacie, département de nutrition. • Statistiques avancés ; Maitrise 1 et 2 (Nutrition Humaine, nutrition sportive). • Biologie cellulaire (2014-2017) : étudiants en 1ieme année, Faculté de Pharmacie, département de nutrition. • Nutrition dans les maladies hépatiques et gastriques : étudiants en 3ieme année, Faculté de Pharmacie, département de nutrition • Micronutriments avancés ; Maitrise 1 (Nutrition Humaine, nutrition sportive. • Sécurité alimentaire ; Maitrise 2 (Nutrition Humaine) • Nutrition durant les différents cycles de la vie ; étudiants en 1ieme et 2ieme année, Faculté de médecine. • Equilibre Diététique : étudiants en 2ieme année, Faculté de médecine. • Support Nutritionnel : étudiants en 3ieme année, Faculté de médecine. • Responsable des projets de recherche : Maitrise 2 (Nutrition Humaine)

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
Enseignante LibanUniversité Saint-Esprit- Kaslik (USEK)01/09/202201/11/2024

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
EnseignanteInstitut technique28/09/199828/09/2004
Dieteticiennehopital de Secours01/10/199001/10/1991
Controle de qualite des produits alimentairesWadi El Akhdar03/01/198601/07/1989

Médecine et Santé

Foie Gras non alcoolique, nutrition et gastroentérologie, microbiote intestinal.

1.Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Trak-Smayra V, Khazzaka A, Esseily F, Obeid O, Lahoud-Zouein M, et al. Characteristics of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease induced in wistar rats following four different diets. Nutrition Research Practice. 2015 9(4) :350. 2.Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Younes H, Heraoui GNHA, Sayegh R. Nutritional Profile and Dietary Patterns of Lebanese Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients: A Case-Control Study. Nutrients. 2017 Nov 14 ;9(11) :1245. 3.Boulos C, Yaghi N, El Hayeck R, Heraoui GN, Fakhoury-Sayegh N. Nutritional Risk Factors, Microbiota and Parkinson’s Disease: What Is the Current Evidence? Nutrients. 2019 Aug 14 ;11(8). 4.Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Trak-Smayra V, Sayegh R, Haidar F, Obeid O, Asmar S, et al. Fructose threshold for inducing organ damage in a rat model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Nutrition Research. 2019 Feb 1 ; 62 :101–12. 5. Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Heraoui, G.N.H.A.; Younes, H.; Sayegh, L.N.; Boulos, C.; Sayegh, R. Relation of Dietary Patterns and Nutritional Profile to Hepatic Fibrosis in a Sample of Lebanese Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Patients. Nutrients 2022, 14, 2554, doi:10.3390/nu14122554 6. Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Hamdan A, Lebbos S, Itani T, Trak-Smayra V, Khazzaka A, et al. Spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) Improved Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Characteristics and Microbiota and Did Not Affect Organ Fibrosis Induced by a Fructose-Enriched Diet in Wistar Male Rats. Nutrients. 2024 Jan;16(11):1701. 7. Mitri R, Sayegh NF, Boulos C. Factors associated with oral health-related quality of life among Lebanese community-dwelling elderly. Gerodontology. 2020 ;37(2) :200–7. 8. Harmouche-Karaki M, Matta J, Helou K, Mahfouz Y, Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Narbonne JF. Serum concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in a Lebanese population : ENASB study. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2017 Feb ;24(4) :3705–16. 9.Harmouche-Karaki M, Matta J, Helou K, Mahfouz Y, Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Narbonne J-F. Serum concentrations of selected organochlorine pesticides in a Lebanese population and their associations to sociodemographic, anthropometric, and dietary factors: ENASB study. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int. 2018 May ;25(15) :14350–60. 10. Harmouche-Karaki M, Mahfouz M, Mahfouz Y, Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Helou K. Combined effect of physical activity and sedentary behavior on body composition in university students. Clin Nutrition. 2019 Jun 28. 11. Helou, K., Matta, J., Harmouche-Karaki, M., Fakhoury -Sayegh, N., Younes, H., Mahfouz, Y., Mahfouz, M., Karake, S., Finan, R., Abi-Tayeh, G., Narbonne, J.-F., 2021. Maternal and cord serum levels of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) among Lebanese pregnant women and predictors of exposure. Chemosphere. 266, 129211. 12. Sayegh LN, Haddad F, Bou Jaoude L, Fakhoury-Sayegh N, Heraoui GNHA, Nasrallah Z, et al. Nutritional Profile, Disease Severity, and Quality of Life of Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Case-Control Study. Nutrients. 2024 Jan;16(12):1826. Communications orales et affichées (congrès Internationaux et nationaux) 1-Communication affichée, ECO (European Congress on Obesity), Liverpool, Mai, 2013 Characteristics of NAFLD induced in Wistar rats according to four different diets. Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Bitar R2, Sayegh R3, Obeid O4, Track-Smayra V5, Younes H6 2-Communication orale; LAAS (Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Sciences), Beyrouth, Mars, 2014) Characteristics of NAFLD induced in Wistar rats according to four different diets. Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Younes H2, Abou Mrad S3 and Sayegh R4 3-Communication orale, (Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Sciences), Beyrouth, Mars, 2014 Nutritional profile of Lebanese NAFLD patients: A case-control study. Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Younes H2, Abou Mrad S3 and Sayegh R4 4-Communication orale; Food and nutrition day, Beyrouth, (Lebanese American University), 25 Mai, 2014 Nutritional profile of Lebanese NAFLD patients: A case-control study. Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Younes H2, Abou Mrad S3 and Sayegh R4 5-Communication orale; European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Bulgari, Mai, 2014 Nutritional profile of Lebanese NAFLD patients: A case-control study. Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Bitar R2, Sayegh R3, Obeid O4, Track-Smayra V5, Younes H6 6-Communication orale ; Société libanaise de Gastroentérologie, 24 novembre, 2015 FODMAP, a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome? 7-Communication orale; LAAS (Lebanese Association for the Advancement of Sciences), Beyrouth, Mars, 2016 Clinical, environmental, and nutritional Parameters in a sample of NAFLD Lebanese patients Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Younes H2, Abou Mrad S3 et Sayegh R4 8-Communication affichée ; European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Gutenberg, Suède, 3 juin, 2016 Clinical, environmental, and nutritional Parameters in a sample of NAFLD Lebanese patients Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Younes H2, Abou Mrad S3 et Sayegh R4 9- Communication orale; Lebanese Association of Epidemiology (LEA), Beyrouth, Novembre, 2017 Nutritional profile of Lebanese NAFLD patients: A case-control study Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Younes H2, Abou Mrad S3 and Sayegh R4 10-Communication orale; Global Conference on Obesity and Weight Management, Las Vegas, 21 Mars, 2017 Nutritional profile of Lebanese NAFLD patients: A case-control study Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Younes H2, Abou Mrad S3 and Sayegh R4 11-Communication orale; Lebanese Order of Physicians, 10 Mars, 2017 Fructose, its role in kidney diseases and Hypertension 12-Communication affichée ; European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Portugal, 3 juin, 2017 Fructose threshold for inducing organ damage in a rat model of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Smayra Trak V2, Haidar F3 Sayegh R4, Khazzaka A5 13-Communication orale, Printemps de la Faculté, Mai 2018 ; Nutrition and educational support for Coeliac disease, 14-Communication affichée; European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Vienna, Austria, May 23, 2018 Effects of three types of diets in the induction of NAFLD and on renal function in Wistar male rats: An experimental study. Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Haidar F2, Itani T3, Sayegh R4, Khazzaka A5 , Sarkis D 6 15-Communication affichée ; European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Vienna, Austria, 23 mai, 2018 Effects of three types of diets in the induction of NAFLD and on microbiota in Wistar male rats: An experimental study Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Haidar F2, Itani T3, Sayegh R4, Khazzaka A5, Sarkis D 6 16-Communication orale, Octobre, 2018. Congrès de Nutrition, USJ ; Effects of three types of diets in the induction of NAFLD, on renal function and intestinal microbiota in Wistar male rats: An experimental study Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Haidar F, Smayra Trak V2, 3 Sayegh R4, Khazzaka A5 17- Communication Orale ; Octobre 2021, Congrès Webinar, Université Saint Joseph. « Prise en charge nutritionnelle en cas de crise économique et sanitaire » ; The role of Vitamins and supplements in the prevention and treatments of COVID 19. 18- Communication Orale ; Avril 30,2024, Congrès du Département de Nutrition, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Saint Joseph. « The effects of the spirulina Placentis on Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease characteristics, kidneys, pancreas, and intestinal microbiota in Wistar rats”. Nicole Fakhoury-Sayegh1, Aya Hamdan, Sarah Lebbos, Tarek Itani, Dolla Karam Sarkis, Aline Khazzaka, Carole Hamalian, Viviane Smayra, Omar Obeid and Raymond Sayegh 19-Communication affichée ; European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Glasgow, UK, 19 avril, 2019 Effect of Spirulina on liver, kidney and pancreatic lesions induced by a fructose enriched diet in a rat model of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease Fakhoury-Sayegh N1, Hamdan A2, Khazzaka A3, Hamalian C4, Sayegh R5 20-Communication affichée ; European Congress on Obesity (ECO), Dublin, Irlande, 1-3 Septembre, 2020. Relation of dietary patterns and nutritional profile to hepatic fibrosis in a sample of Lebanese Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease patients. Nicole Fakhoury-Sayegh1, Gessica N. H. A. Heraoui2, Lea Nicole Sayegh3, and Raymond Sayegh4 21-Communication affichée ; International congress on Fatty Liver (ICFL), Vienne, 28-30 avril, 2022 The effects of the spirulina Placentis on Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease characteristics, kidneys, pancreas, and intestinal microbiota in Wistar rats. Nicole Fakhoury-Sayegh1, Aya Hamdan, Sarah Lebbos, Tarek Itani, Dolla Karam Sarkis, Aline Khazzaka, Carole Hamalian, Viviane Smayra, Omar Obeid and Raymond Sayegh 22-Communication affichée; Digestive Disease Week (DDW), Chicago, USA, May 6-9, 2023 (Poster with awards) The effects of the spirulina Placentis on Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease characteristics, on kidneys, pancreas, and intestinal microbiota in Wistar rats. Nicole Fakhoury-Sayegh1, Aya Hamdan, Sarah Lebbos, Tarek Itani, Dolla Karam Sarkis, Aline Khazzaka, Carole Hamalian, Viviane Smayra, Omar Obeid and Raymond Sayegh

Participation a des congres internationaux et nationaux. Participations a des ateliers pédagogiques