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Chef de service - Endodontie

Enseignant Cadré - Maître de conférence - Phd, Doctorat en biologie et matériaux SAFE_USJ_du milieu buccal

Faculté de médecine dentaire (FMD)
Laboratoire de Recherche Cranio-Faciale (LRCF)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext roula.hachem@usj.edu.lb

Roula El HACHEM. DDS, Ph.D. Roula El HACHEM holds a Doctor of Dental Surgery degree (DDS) from the Saint-Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) Beirut, Lebanon. In 2005, she got a Masters degree of Science (MSc.) in Endodontics from USJ. In December 2019, she obtained her Ph.D. in BIOLOGIE ET BIOMATÉRIAUX SAFE_USJ_DU MILIEU BUCCAL from USJ. She owns private clinics where she has been practicing endodontics since 1999. Additionally, she serves as the head of the Endodontics department at the Faculty of Dental Medicine (FMD), USJ since 2022. She participates actively in scientific educational seminars. She is a member of the Lebanese Society of Endodontology a member of the European Society of Endodontology. She delivers conferences at national international dental congresses. She authored and co-authored scientific publications in international Journals. Research Profiles: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Roula-El-Hachem Affiliation: Department of Endodontics, Cranio-facial Research Laboratory, Biomaterials Unit, Saint Joseph University of Beirut. Campus des Sciences Médicales et infirmières (CSM), Damascus Road, Beirut-Lebanon. B.P.11-5076 - Riad El-Solh, Beirut 1107 2180 Tel.: +961 3 836040 Fax: +961 5 452805. E-mail: roula.hachem@usj.edu.lb

• Doctorat d'université - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• Master recherche - Biomatériaux
• Maitrise - Sciences biologiques et médicales
• D.E.S.S - Endodontie
• Doctorat d'exercice - Chirurgie dentaire

Endodontie-003ENDOI5 Anatomie canalaire descriptive: incisives, canines, prémolaires Cavités daccès sur les incisives, canines, prémolaires: principes et risques Négociation et glide path en endodontie Détermination de la longueur de travail Endodontie-003ENDOS1 Anatomie canalaire descriptive des molaires Les urgences en endodontie Prise en charge des traumatismes dentaires en dentition permanente 003END2I6 Les ciments en endodontie Condensation verticale en une vague Fracture des instruments en NiTi 003LE18P2

Médecine et Santé

ciment de scellement Anatomie canalaire Elargissement canalaire Biomatériaux dentaires Obturation canalise Anesthesie et endoodntie

1. Tahan FI, Abdelhamid AM, Osman E, Harouny R, Hachem R, Aly YM. The effect of nitric acid–hydrofluoric acid etching solution on the shear bond strength mode of failure of resin cement to zirconia (In vitro study). Annali di stomatologia. 2024 Jul 1715(2):85-93. 2. Joy Elian EL HAYEK , Hani TOHME , Lara NASR , Ghida LAWAND , Roula HACHEM , Nada FARHAT MCHAYLEH. Trueness of milled Zirconia versus milled hybrid ceramic Crowns designed for primary teeth restoration compared to the digitally designed filr: An In Vitro Study 3. El Hayek JE, Tohme H, Nasr L, El Hachem R, Kabbani N, Mchayleh NF. Fracture strength of preformed zirconia crown CAD–CAM zirconia, ceramic, hybrid composite crowns for the restoration of primary molars: An in vitro study. International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry. 2024 Feb 25. 4. Hage W, Sarkis DK, Kallasy M, Sfeir G, Mallah M, El Hachem R, Khalil I, Zogheib C. Antimicrobial Activity of Five Calcium Silicate Based Root Canal Sealers against a Multispecies Engineered Biofilm: An In Vitro Study. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice. 2023 Oct 1324(9):707-14. 5. El Merhej MJ*, El Hachem R*, Sacre H, Salameh P, Ghosn N, Naaman A. Root and Root Canal Morphology of Premolars in a Sample of the Lebanese Population: Clinical Considerations. International Arab Journal of Dentistry. 202314(1): Article 5. https://digitalcommons.aaru.edu.jo/iajd/vol14/iss1/5 6. Sfeir G, Bukiet F, Hage W, El Hachem R, Zogheib C. Impact of Final Irrigation Protocol on the Push-Out Bond Strength of Two Types of Endodontic Sealers. Materials. 2023 Feb 21;16(5):1761 7. El Hachem, R., El Osta, N., Sacre, H., Salameh, P., Wassef, E., Le Brun, G., Pellen, F., Le Jeune, B., Daou, M., Khalil, I. and Abboud, M., 2022. Lack of Correlation Between the Penetration of Two Types of Sealers and Interfacial Adaptation to Root Dentine. European Endodontic Journal, 7(2), pp.150-155. 8. El Hachem R, Daou M, Hajj A, Sacre H, Salameh P. Dentistry Education, Practice, and Research in Lebanon. In book: Handbook of Medical and Health Sciences in Developing Countries (pp.1-38). March 2024. DOI:10.1007/978-3-030-74786-2_438-1 9. Daou, C*., El Hachem, R *., Naaman, A., Zogheib, C., El Osta, N. and Khalil, I., 2020. Effect of 2 Heat-treated Nickel-Titanium Files on Enlargement and Deformation of the Apical Foramen in Curved Canals: A Scanning Electronic Microscopic Study. Journal of Endodontics, 46(10), pp.1478-1484. (* Premier coauteurs) 10. El Hachem, R., Wassef, E., Mokbel, N., Abboud, R., Zogheib, C., El Osta, N. and Naaman, A., 2019. Influence of the Maxillary Sinus on the Accuracy of the Root ZX Apex Locator: An Ex Vivo Study. Dentistry Journal, 7(1), p.3. 11. El Hachem, R., Khalil, I., Le Brun, G., Pellen, F., Le Jeune, B., Daou, M., El Osta, N., Naaman, A. and Abboud, M., 2019. Dentinal tubule penetration of AH Plus, BC Sealer and a novel tricalcium silicate sealer: a confocal laser scanning microscopy study. Clinical oral investigations, 23(4), pp.1871-1876. 12. El Hachem, R., Le Brun, G., Le Jeune, B., Pellen, F., Khalil, I. and Abboud, M., 2018. Influence of the EndoActivator irrigation system on dentinal tubule penetration of a novel tricalcium silicate-based sealer. Dentistry journal, 6(3), p.45.