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Chef de département - Mathématiques

Enseignant Cadré - Professeur associé - PHD

Faculty of Science (FS)
Research Unit: Mathematics and Modeling (UR-MM)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3384

Holding a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Paris North University (Paris 13), France, and from Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon, an MSc in Mathematics in the field of “Partial Differential Equations” and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics both from USJ.

Associate professor of Mathematics since 2018 and head of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences of USJ since 2019, as well as an executive Committee Member of the “Lebanese Society for the Mathematical Sciences, LSMS”. 

Until 2019, coordinator of the Master’s program “Actuarial and Financial Science” at USJ, a dual degree program with ISFA-UCBL, France.

• PHD : Mathematics
• PHD : Mathematics
• Master Research : Mathematics
• Master : Mathematiics
• Bachelor in Mathematics

  • Topology, 
  • Differential Calculus 
  • Optimization
  • Functional Analysis 
  • Operation Research
  • Series
  • Algebraic structure
  • Arithmetic

Engineering and Technology, Sciences

Domain decomposition, fluid mechanics, A posteriori Analysis (PDE), and more recently actuarial modelling (mortality tables, Machine Learning, …) 

  • R. El Dbaissy, F. Hecht, G. Mansour, T. Sayah, P.-H. Tournier, Scalable Domain Decomposition Preconditioner for Navier-Stokes Equations Coupled with The Heat Equation, International Journal of Computer Mathematics, DOI: 10.1080/00207160.2021.1925888, May 2021.
  • R. El Dbaissy, F. Hecht, G. Mansour, T. Sayah, Full discretization of the time-dependent Boussinesq (buoyancy) model with nonlinear viscosity, Calcolo, DOI: 10.1007/s10092-018-0285-0, October 2018. 
  • C. Bernardi, J. Dakroub, G. Mansour, F. Rafeï et T. Sayah, Convergence analysis of two numerical schemes applied to a nonlinear elliptic problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, Volume 71, Issue 1, April 2017, pp. 329 – 347. 
  • C. Bernardi, J. Dakroub, G. Mansour et T. Sayah, A posteriori analysis of iterative algorithms for Navier-Stokes problem, Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis (M2AN), Volume 50, Number 4, July-August 2016, pp. 1035 – 1055. 
  • C. Bernardi, J. Dakroub, G. Mansour et T. Sayah, A posteriori analysis of iterative algorithms for a nonlinear problem, Journal of Scientific Computing, Volume 65, Issue 2, November 2015, pp. 672 – 697.
  • F. El Chami, G. Mansour et T. Sayah, Error studies of the coupling Darcy-Stokes system with velocity-pressure formulation, CALCOLO, Volume 49, Issue 2, June 2012, pp.73 – 93.

Formations et Certifications : 

• Formation « Lutte contre le harcèlement sexuel », Education Development Center en collaboration avec l’ONU. 
• Formation en ligne « Employer Engagement: Building Effective Workforce Programs », Education Development Center en collaboration avec USAID et Florida State University 
• Formation « Coaching SME », Berythech et Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban. 
• Formation de Leadership, Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth, Liban. 
• Atelier « Evaluation des competences » (Mission de pédagogie universitaire – USJ) 
 Membre de Comités : 
• Membre du Comité Pédagogique (FS - USJ) 
• Membre du Comité pour le budget prévisionnel (FS - USJ) 
 Distinction : 
 Token of Recognition and Appreciation, General Arab Insurance Federation, Lebanese Association of Actuaries, Mars 2023.