(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3384 gihane.mansour@usj.edu.lb
Holding a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Paris North University (Paris 13), France, and from Saint Joseph University of Beirut, Lebanon, an MSc in Mathematics in the field of “Partial Differential Equations” and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics both from USJ. Associate professor of Mathematics since 2018 and head of the Department of Mathematics at the Faculty of Sciences of USJ since 2019, as well as an executive Committee Member of the “Lebanese Society for the Mathematical Sciences, LSMS”. Until 2019, coordinator of the Master’s program “Actuarial and Financial Science” at USJ, a dual degree program with ISFA-UCBL, France.
Degrees | University | Country | Year |
PHD : Mathematics | Saint Joseph University of Beirut | Lebanon | 2009 |
PHD : Mathematics | Université Paris-Nord (Paris XIII) | France | 2009 |
Master Research : Mathematics | Saint Joseph University of Beirut | Lebanon | 2004 |
Master : Mathematiics | Saint Joseph University of Beirut | Lebanon | 2001 |
Bachelor in Mathematics | Saint Joseph University of Beirut | Lebanon | 2000 |
Engineering and Technology, Sciences
Domain decomposition, fluid mechanics, A posteriori Analysis (PDE), and more recently actuarial modelling (mortality tables, Machine Learning, …)
Formations et Certifications :