(+961) 1 421 000 ext haibat.abdulsamad@usj.edu.lb
I am a full Professor at the Lebanese University at the Military School of Lebanon. I have a long experience of teaching, administrating, researching for more than twenty years. I have around three published books more than fifteen published articles in the domain of Language, Literature, and Business. I always follow conferences and workshops and I have plenty of them with certificates. In addition, I teach PhD and Masters courses at the Lebanese University and at the Beirut Arab University.
Diplôme | Université | Pays | Année |
PhD in English Language and Literature | Université Libanaise (UL) | Liban | 2014 |
Master of Arts in Comparative Literature | Lebanese American University (LAU) | Liban | 2007 |
English Language, Research Methodology, Personal Development, Introduction to Business Business English.
Enseignement universitaire hors USJ | Pays | Etablissement | Date début | Date fin |
Langue et littérature anglaises | Liban | Université Libanaise (UL) | 02/09/2009 |
Expérience professionnelle | Organisation | Date début | Date fin |
Acting Dean | Lebanese International University | 02/09/2006 | 02/09/2009 |
Arts, Lettres et Sciences humaines; Sciences religieuses
English Literature, Language Business.
Research activities July, 2024 مجلّة أوراق ثقافيّة.السّنة السادسة، العدد الثاني والثلاثون، تمّوز 2024، The impact of cross-cultural education on language learning teaching. (with a co-author) - قصائد طاعنة في الحب :دار العودة - بيروت /شعر صوفي (كتاب) Summer 2019 Summer 2019 . مجلّة أوراق ثقافيّة السّنة الأولى – العدد الثّاني – صيف 2019 – ج -1 The silent space between men women in The House of Matilde the priority of place in both Spring 2019 جبر مجلّة المناقذ الثقافية العودة الى الجذور: دراسة تحلبل في رواية قلق لجميل العدد السادس والعشرون January 2019 International Journal of Development Research (IJDR). Vol. 08, issue no. 12 “A Critical Reading of Saids Orientalism: The Story of the Triumph and Failure of the Tradition of the Stereotyping of the Oriental” December 2018 American Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research (AJHSSR) Vol. 02, issue no. 12 “A Critical Study of Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography” May 2018 Arab World International Journal (AWIJ) “Contemporary Verse Drama” May 2018 European Scientific Journal (ESJ) https://eujournal.org/index.php/esj “Liberty in Wordsworth’s Sonnets” (Presented in a Conference in Spain) April 2018 International Journal of Social Sciences and Education (IJSSE) Vol.8, April 2018 http://ijsse.com/ “Sea Imagery in Shakespeare’s Pericles and the Tempest” January 2018 Nelson Publication: A Book: ISBN: 978-9953-0-4351-7 Lessing and Sufism January 2017 Nelson Publication Company / A Book الذات بين الحجاب والسفور 2016 Awrak jami3iyya (official journal)- Issue number 40/ Lebanese University The Humanistic Traditions and Narrative Techniques in Doris Lessing Novels May 2015 Research & Strategic Studies Center Translating and Editing for the Book Conference / Lebanese Armed Forces “The Middle East amid the International Policy Variables” June 2014 European Scientific Journal, Special edition, Volume 2 https://eujournal.org/index.php/esj “Emotional Intelligence The Theory and Measurement of EQ” January 2013 USJ Publication Magazine: Proche-Orient - Etudes en Management/ Faculty of Business and Management “Organizational Communication Skills” February 2013 An International Conference entitled “Collogue Plurialinguisme” / Islamic University ”Language Diversity and Multicultural Education” February 2006 Lebanese American university / Comparative Literature Workshop “The Journey of the Magi: A Comparative Study between Eliot’s work, Hawi’s work and the Magi episode in the Bible” Conferences October 26-29, 2019 Helwan University/ Egypt “The International Conference on: Interdisciplinarity in Linguistic, Literature, Translation and Culture: Trends and Challenges” November 4-7 2019 University of Blida2/ Algeria “Telecollaboration in Higher Education in Language Classes: Teaching Practices, Linguistic Challenges and Cultural Horizons” January 2019 Samoura”a University /Iraq “The Art of Research Writing” January 2018-2020 Saint Joseph University /Business faculty “Internship Report Writing’ November 2017 Lebanese University MA. Program “A Scientific Method of Research: Between Thesis and professional Research” May 2017 St. Louis University, Missouri, USA “Proficiency Test Norming and Pair work” TESOL Arabia November 2016 Saint Joseph University “Class Discussion Activities for English of Special Purposes” March 13-15, 2014 GES Company / Dubai 2013-2014 Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon “Monthly Research Circles related to Teaching Development and Technology” December 2013 American University of Culture and Education “Effective Talks: Ideas and Strategies for Clear and Confident Talks” March 2013 Cambridge University Press “CUP Training” (2 sessions) July 4-5 2011 Cambridge University Press “Intensive English program” “Methods and Means in ELT” March 2008 Lebanese International University “Successful Job Hunting” August 20-22 2009 International Garnet Publishers “English Language Teaching Methods” September 28-30 2009 International Garnet Publishers “English Language Teaching Training”