(+961) 1 421 000 ext ghia.khoury@usj.edu.lb
Diplôme | Université | Pays | Année |
Master recherche | Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth | Liban | 2019 |
Maitrise - Sciences de l'éducation - option : éducation spécialisée | Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth | Liban | 2003 |
Maitrise | Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth | Liban | 2003 |
Licence - Sciences de l'éducation - option : éducation spécialisée | Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth | Liban | 2000 |
Expérience professionnelle | Organisation | Date début | Date fin |
Consultante experte en education inclusive | QITABI 3 | 01/12/2024 | 30/05/2024 |
Consultante experte en education inclusive | CRDP | 30/09/2024 | 30/05/2024 |
Orthopedagogue puis Directrice executive puis Chef d'etablissement | Ecoles orthodoxes de Beyrouth | 01/09/2002 | 01/10/2024 |
Médecine et Santé
Production of a manual titled “التدخل التربوي في المدرسة الدامجة” funded by Save the Children within a joint Project with the Ministry of Education. The manual is addressed to the teachers the members of the multidisciplinary team working in inclusive schools. Publication of an Article in the Symposium Proceedings of EDUVATION school Network about Digital Trends in Education. The article summarizes my presentation about “the challenges faced by the teachers with the new digital trends in Education” and was published in English. Creation of the Accelerated Learning Program within a project funded by Save the Children. The manual is addressed to the teachers working with Syrian Refugees in BEKAA and NORTH Lebanon and contains a comprehensive academic program developed in four disciplines (French, English, Arabic and Math) for the primary level. Production of a manual funded by Save the Children “دليلُ المعلمّ في الصّف توصياتٌ عمليّةٌ لتعليمٍ فعَاّل‘’ The manual is addressed to the teachers working in heterogeneous classes specifically in the remedial programs and contains practical recommendations on how to efficiently manage the classroom using various teaching techniques. The manual was published in Arabic. Publication of an Article in the “Actes du Colloque” organized for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the special education department at Saint Joseph University. The article summarized my presentation about “The Special Education Intervention in the inclusive schools” and was published in both Arabic and French. Participation in the production of an illustrated book “L’ enfant, l’école et leurs difficultés” funded by the European Union in collaboration with Handicap International and MADA association. The book is addressed to teachers and specialists in the field of education and provides theoretical and practical overviews about the child’s developmental phases and how to stimulate learning in class. It was published in English, French and Arabic. Participation in the production of an academic learning manual done by Saint Joseph University in collaboration with the “Center for the International Prevention of the Crime”. The manual is addressed to the special education teachers working with juvenile delinquents and provides a specific learning program to be used in the prisons. It was published in Arabic.