(+961) 1 421 000 ext lara.aboukhalil1@usj.edu.lb
I am a physicist, I graduated from the Lebanese University. I then obtained my PhD in materials science from the University of Aix-Marseille. Then I did two post-doctorates. Thanks to these experiences, I have acquired skills in research in the field of materials. I have also taught in a number of different establishments. During these experiences, I learned to adapt to the different levels of students.
Degrees | University | Country | Year |
Etude de l'influence de champs externes sur la formation des microstructures de solidification par radiographie X | Aix-Marseille Université | France | 2017 |
Physique et Nanomatériaux | Université de Maine | France | 2013 |
Experience in University Teaching Outside USJ | Country | Institution | Start Date | End Date |
Lebanon | Université Antonine (UA) | 09/09/2024 | ||
Lebanon | NGO | 01/09/2023 | 31/08/2024 | |
Lebanon | Ecole Saint Roch Hauch-Hala | 01/09/2018 | 31/08/2020 |
Professional Experience | Organization | Start date | End date |
Post-doctorat | IM2NP | 15/01/2021 | 31/12/2022 |
Post-doctorat | IM2NP (collaboration with SAFRAN) | 01/02/2017 | 31/12/2017 |
Engineering and Technology, Sciences
Study of the formation of solidification microstructure of metal alloys par X-ray radiography
-L. Abou-Khalil, Z. Thompson, G. Reinhart, T. Stan, L. Sturz, G. Zimmermann, P.W. Voorhees, N. Mangelinck-Noël, H. Nguyen-Thi, Acta Materialia, Volume 250, 15 May 2023, 118882. -L. Abou-Khalil, K. Sabat da Cruz, G. Reinhart, N. Mangelinck-Noel, H. Nguyen-Thi, Acta Materialia 241 (2022) 118370. -G. Reinhart, D. Grange, L. Abou-Khalil, N. Mangelinck-Noel, N.T. Niane, V. Maguin, G. Guillemot, Ch.-A. Gandin, H. Nguyen-Thi, Acta Materialia 194 (2020), pages 68 - 79. -L. Abou-Khalil, J. Wang, G. Salloum-Abou-Jaoude, M. Garrido, X. Li, Z. Ren, G. Reinhart, H. Nguyen-Thi, Y. Fautrelle, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 145 (2019) 106047. -L. Abou-Khalil, G. Salloum-Abou-Jaoude, G. Reinhart, C. Pickmann, G. Zimmermann, H. Nguyen-Thi, Acta Materialia 110, 15 May 2016, pages 44-52. -René Messina, Lara Abou Khalil, Igor Stankovic, Physical Review E 89, 011202 (2014).