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Faculté de gestion et de management

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(+961) 1 421 000 ext lynda.ashkouty@usj.edu.lb

Lynda is deeply committed to supporting entrepreneurs helping them grow increase their revenue. This dedication drives her role as a certified business coach. She firmly believes in the power of education to empower individuals, especially youth, by providing them with the knowledge and values needed to create a better world. In addition to her academic experience, Lynda has a passion for public speaking and moderation, continually striving to enhance her skills in these areas.

M2 Recherche.Liban2014

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
LecturerLibanUniversité Antonine (UA)01/09/202217/12/2024
Part Timer - Online CampusEspagneGlobal School Barcelona GBSB12/11/202012/11/2022

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Departement InternationalNippon Motors Corporation04/10/200901/03/2017
Departement fInancierDimitri Michel Eid01/04/200601/03/2009
Internship- Head OfficeBlom Bank12/03/200501/03/2006

Économie; Gestion; Banque; Assurances


https://mip.iamb.it/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/mip_report_2324_ciheambari.pdf Chapter 8