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Chargé de Cours - Vacataire

Faculté de médecine (FM)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext fady.sleilaty@usj.edu.lb

Chirurgien Plasticien diplômé en médecine de lUSJ en 1994 et en chirurgie plastique de Paris 6 en 2004. Sous-spécialisé en microchirurgie Exerçant à HDF depuis 2004.

• DESC chirurgie plastique
• docteur en médecine

Médecine et Santé

Chirurgie esthétique Chirurgie réparatrice de la tête et du cou

F H SLEILATI, R S CHALHOUB: Quantifying Female Upper Lip Lengthening with Age by Direct Surface Measurement: A Guide for the Lip Lifting Procedure. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg Available online 12 April 2024In Press FS ZOGHEIB, FH SLEILATI: Successful Outcomes with Flaps for Recurrent Cerebro-Spinal Fluid Leaks: a Systematic Review of the Literature. J Plastic, Reconstr Aesthet Surg accepted January 20, 2022. FH SLEILATI, NE MECHLEB, SM ABOUZEID, MW NASR: Salvage of a Cartilage Framework Exposure in Total Ear Reconstructionusing a Retro-auricular Fascia Flap with Double Axial Irrigation. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg Open 2018 dec18 104-107 MW NASR, SF JABBOUR, RI MHAWEJ, JS ELKHOURY, FH SLEILATI: Effect of Tissue Adhesives on Seroma Incidence After Abdominoplasty: Systematic Review Meta-analysis. Aesthet Surg 2016 Apr36(4):450-8 F SLEILATI, M NASR , H STEPHAN, Z ASMAR,N HOKAYEM : Treating Facial Nerve Palsy by True Termino-lateral Hypoglosso-facial Anastomosis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2010 Jan 27. (E pub ahead of print) F SLEILATI : Immediate Earlobe Reconstruction with Double-Crossed Skin Flaps. Journal of Plastic Reconstructive Aesthetic Surgery, 2006sept59(9) :1003-5. F SLEILATI, H CHAUSSARD, F KOLB, G MAMELLE, B LUBOINSKI: Management of Advanced Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Inner Nasal Lining. British Journal of Oral Maxillofacial Surgery, 2005apr43(2):126-133. F SLEILATI, O CLAUDE, JR WERTHER, M EBELIN, L DOURSOUNIAN: Chronic Ring Finger Injuries, One Ring May Hide Another. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2004 nov 114(6):1674-76. F SLEILATI, D MALADRY, L DOURSOUNIAN, JP LEMERLE : Thumb Reconstruction for Aesthetic Reason Using an Exteriorized Microvascular Pedicle. British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2003 jul 56(5): 509-514. G FRANCHI, F SLEILATI, V SOUPRE, S BOUDJEMAA, P JOSSET, PA DINER, MP VAZQUEZ : Melanotic Ectodermal Tumor of Infancy involving the Orbit and Maxilla : Surgical Management and Follow Up Patern . British Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2002 sep 55(6):526-529