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École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Beyrouth
Institut de psychomotricité

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(+961) 1 421 000 ext hanan.farhat1@usj.edu.lb

Hanan J. Farhat holds a Ph.D. degree in Computer Communication, from Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs de Beyrouth of Saint-Joseph University, Lebanon. She is currently an Instructor at the Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs de Beyrouth the Institut de psychomotricité of Saint-Joseph University, Lebanon. She is also an Instructor at the Beirut International University. Her current research interests include deep learning, neural networks, their applications to medical data.

Doctorat en Genie Informatique et TelecommunicationsUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2023
Telecom, Reseaux et SecuriteUniversité Libanaise (UL)Liban2017
Masters in Science in Computer and Telecommunications EngineeringLebanese International UniversityLiban2016


Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
InstructorLibanLebanese International University23/10/201601/03/2024

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
InstructorLebanese International University03/10/201604/12/2024

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

deep learning, neural networks, their applications to medical data.

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-73125-9_25 DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-47724-9_7 DOI: 10.1007/s00138-020-01101-5

Ecole Supérieure des Ingénieurs de Beyrouth of Saint-Joseph University, Lebanon