(+961) 1 421 000 ext 3294243 tony.harb1@usj.edu.lb
Yazbeck center 7th floor Beirut LEBANON Phone: 00961 1879797 Mobile: 00961 3294243 Email: tharb00@gmail.com Tony k.Harb Endodontic Specialist Advanced implant surgery Experience: • 1994–today: General practice (Self- employed), Lebanon. • 1999– today: Private practice limited to Endodontics in many Dental clinics • 2000-today: Clinical oral surgery implantology Private practice limited to implant surgery in many dental clinics Education: 2019 high studies diploma in implant surgery “Diplôme universitaire: chirurgie implantaire avancée. Saint Joseph University Lebanon. Jan 2000: Master in specialized endodontic Saint Joseph University, Lebanon. June 1999: High Studies Diploma in Endodontics ‘’ Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures en Endodontie’’ DESE , Saint Joseph University , Lebanon. 1996–1999: Specialized Studies Certificate in Endodontics “Certificat d’Etudes Spécialisées en Endodontie CESE, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon. 1995–1996: Fundamental Sciences Certificate in Endodontics “Certificat d’Etudes Fondamentales Tronc Commun – Troisième Cycle, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon. 1989–1994: Doctor in dental Surgery (D.D.S),”Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire”, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon. Research: Thèse (Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures en Endodontie) : «Etiologies des fractures radiculaires verticales » Continuing Education: Courses: August 1999: Post graduate program at the dental clinic Schloss Scellenstein (center of Implantology and dental surgery). Operation technics concerning bone transplantation and sinus floor elevation using autogenious bone grafts. Soft tissue management and soft tissue grafting. April 2008: Advanced bone grafting procedures and soft tissue management at dental clinic Scloss Schellenstein Olsberg Germany. January 2009: VIP course in Mannheim Friadent Gmbh and in the practice of Dr Fred Bergmann in Germany Concept, indication, and handling of the Friadent implant Xive. June 2011: Advanced implant surgery course with DR Stefano Palmieri Italy September 2014 : One day advanced pre congress course on external sinus lift and intra oral bone grafting using ultra sonic surgery (satelec). May 2015: One day Nobel Biocare training ALL ON 4 treatment concept in Istanbul. January 2016: integrating facial aesthetics & cosmetic dentistry: Botox and Fillers July 2016: Piezosurgery master course in Athens. 2016: soft tissue management around teeth and implant Bologna (Prof. Giovanni Zucchelli) December 2017: Advanced bone and soft tissue regeneration techniques in implant therapy (prof. Istvan Urban). Congress: 3emes journées odontologiques francophones le 1 -2-3- juin 2015 3emes journées d’endodontie spécialisée présentées par le Pr Pierre Machtou et tenues a la faculté des sciences médicales de l “UL,en fevrier 1997. 4emes journées odontologiques francophones U.S.J.juin 1997. 5emes journées odontologiques francophones juin 1999. 1eres journées internationales d’endodontie de l U.L octobre novembre 2002. 7emes journées odontologiques francophones juin 2013. 4emes journées scientifiques internationales “Mécanisation ou médicalisation de l’endodontie février 2005. BIDM 2008: “The evidence in clinical dentistry. 13th Dentsply world symposium 2008 “Focus on our practice success” 7th international endodontic meeting February 2009. BIDM September 2009 “New perspectives”. BIDM September 2010 “Sustainable dentistry”. BIDM 2011 “Exploring the evidence”. EAO 20th annual meeting of the European association of osseointegration in Athens October 2011. 7th conference of the European federation of periodontology June 2013 Vienna. BIDM 2012 “Strategy for success”. 21st scientific meeting of the European association of osseointegration in Dublin October 2013. BIDM 2013 “Sharing solutions”. Second annual meeting of the Arabian academy of esthetic dentistry Jordan May 2013. 13th LUSD convention “Gateway to excellence in dentistry May 2013. 11th international scientific meeting ‘New waves in Endodontics”LSE March 2016. Affiliations: Member of the Lebanese Dental Association since 1994. Member of the Lebanese Society of Endodontology since 2000. Member of the board of the the Lebanese Society of Endodontology since 2015.