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Faculté de médecine dentaire

Professeur associé

(+961) 1 421 000 ext carla.zogheibmoubarak@usj.edu.lb

DCD, DESE, PhDChirurgien DentisteSpécialiste en EndodontieProfesseur AssociéChef de département d'endodontieUniversité Saint Joseph de BeyrouthPrésidente, Société Libanaise d'Endodontie

Doctorat d'université - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccalUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2012
Doctorat d UniversitéUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2012
DU de pédagogieUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2011
Mater de Recherche (DEA)Université Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2008
Master recherche - Biomatériaux2008
Maîtrise en Biologie buccaleUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2005
Maitrise - Sciences biologiques et médicales2003
DES EndodontieUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1998
Doctorat d'exercice - Chirurgie dentaire1993
Docteur en Chirurgie DentaireUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1993


Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
cours et séminaire pour le master d'endodontie ( 5 hrs) ItalieUniversité de Cagliari18/05/202418/01/2024
cours pour master endodontieFranceUniversitat Internacional de Catalunya18/05/2019

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Spécialiste en EndodontieOrdre des dentistes01/09/1998
Docteur en Chirurgie DentaireOrdre des dentistes du liban01/09/1993

Médecine et Santé


Obturation canalaire

1. Daou C, El Hachem R, Naaman A, Zogheib C, El Osta N, Khalil I. Effect of 2 Heat-treated Nickel-Titanium Files on Enlargement and Deformation of the Apical Foramen in Curved Canals: A Scanning Electronic Microscopic Study. J Endod. 2020 Oct;46(10):1478-1484. doi: 10.1016/j.joen.2020.07.019. Epub 2020 Jul 22.PMID: 32710894.

2. Ishak G, Habib M, Tohme H, Patel S, Bordone A, Perez C, Zogheib C. Guided Endodontic Treatment of Calcified Lower Incisors: A Case Report. Dent J (Basel). 2020 Jul 8;8(3):E74. doi: 10.3390/dj8030074. PMID: 32650552.

3. Hage W, Zogheib C, Bukiet F, Sfeir G, Khalil I, Gergi R, Naaman A. Canal Transportation and Centring Ability of Reciproc and Reciproc Blue With or Without Use of Glide Path Instruments: A CBCT Study. Eur Endod J. 2020 May 14;5(2):118-122. doi: 10.14744/eej.2019.86570. PMID: 32766521; PMCID: PMC7398994.

4. Aoun C, El Osta N, Naaman A, Zogheib C, Khalil I. Post-endodontic Flare-ups after a Single-visit Treatment Using the FUI Scoring Method and Associated Factors: A Clinical Prospective Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2019 Sep 1;20(9):1033-1040. PMID: 31797825.

5. Hage W, De Moor RJG, Hajj D, Sfeir G, Sarkis DK, Zogheib C. Impact of Different Irrigant Agitation Methods on Bacterial Elimination from Infected Root Canals.Dent J (Basel). 2019 Jun 27;7(3). pii: E64. doi: 10.3390/dj7030064.PMID : 31252522

6. Kaloustian MK, Nehme W, El Hachem C, Zogheib C, Ghosn N, Mallet JP, Diemer F, Naaman A. Evaluation of two shaping systems and two sonic irrigation devices in removing root canal filling material from distal roots of mandibular molars assessed by micro CT.Int Endod J. 2019 Nov;52(11):1635-1644. doi: 10.1111/iej.13163. 2019 Jun 17.PMID:

7. Dagher J., El Feghali R Parker S, Benedicenti S, Zogheib C. Post-operative quality of life following conventional endodontic intra-canal irrigation compared to laser-activated irrigation: A randomized clinical study. Photomedicine and Laser Surgery Journal; 2019, 37(4).

  1. Kaloustian MK, Nehme W, El Hachem C, Zogheib C, Ghosn N, Michetti J, Naaman A, Diemer F. Evaluation of Two Shaping Systems and Two Ultrasonic Irrigation Devices in Removing Root Canal Filling Material from Mesial Roots of Mandibular Molars: A Micro CT Study. Dent J20197, 3.

  2. Ajram J, Khalil I, Gergi R, Zogheib CManagement of an immature necrotic permanent molar with apical periodontitis treated by regenerative endodontic protocol using calcium hydroxide and MM-MTA: A Case Report with Two years follow up. Dent J;20197, 2.


10. El Hachem R, Wassef E, El Osta N, Mokbel N, Zogheib C, Abboud R, Naaman A. Influence of the maxillary sinus on the accuracy of the Root ZX apex locator: an ex vivo study. Dent J; 20197, 1.

11. Sfeir G, Kohli M, Khalil I, Naaman A, Zogheib C. Impact of the Root Canal Taper on the Apical Adaptability of Sealers used in a Single-cone Technique: A Micro-Computed Tomography Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Jul;19(7):808-15

  1. Zogheib C, Sfeir G, Plotino G, Deus GD, Daou M, Khalil I. Impact of minimal root canal taper on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated bicuspids. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent 2018;8:179-83

  2. Zogheib C, Hanna M, Pasqualini D, Naaman A. Quantitative volumetric analysis of cross-linked gutta-percha obturators., Ann Stomatol (Roma). 2017 Jan 10;7(3):46-51.

  3. Hanna M, Daou M, Naaman A, Zogheib C. Push-Out strength of 3 warm obturation techniques: Warm Vertical Compaction, GuttaCore, Gutta Fusion. J Int Oral Health; 2016 May; 8(5):585-590.

15. Saidi A, Naaman A, Zogheib C. Accuracy of Cone-beam Computed Tomography and Periapical Radiography in Endodontically Treated Teeth Evaluation: A Five-Year Retrospective Study. J Int Oral Health; 2015 Mar;7(3):15-9.

16. Hanna M, Daou M, Naaman A, Zogheib C. Push-Out strength of 3 warm obturation techniques: Warm Vertical Compaction, GuttaCore, Gutta Fusion. European Cells and Materials; 2015; Vol. 30. Suppl. 5, (page 1) ISSN 1473-2262.

17. Gergi R, Osta N, Bourbouze G, Zgheib C, Arbab-Chirani R, Naaman A. Effects of three nickel titanium instrument systems on root canal geometry assessed by micro-computed tomography. Int Endod J. 2015 Feb;48(2):162-70.

18. Kamel CA, Zogheib Moubarak C. Endodontic non-surgical retreatment: how to remove a silver point and a post? A case report. J Leb Den Ass; Dec 2014; Vol 49(2): 64-67

19. Abi-Ghosn C, Zogheib C, Younes R, Makzoumé JE. The ala-tragus line as a guide for orientation of the occlusal plane in complete dentures. J Contemp Dent Pract; 2014 Jan1;15(1):108-11.

20. Maalouf L, Zogheib C, Naaman A. Removal efficiency of calcium hydroxide dressing from the root canal without chemically active adjuvant. J Contemp Dent Pract; 2013 Mar 1;14(2):188-92.

21. Zogheib C, Naaman A, Sigurdsson A, Medioni E, Bourbouze G, Arbab-Chirani R. Comparative micro- computed tomographic evaluation of two carrier-based obturation systems. Clin Oral Investig; 2013 Nov;17(8):1879-83.

22. Rousan M, Zogheib Moubarak C. Obturation Techniques: An In Vitro Comparison Of Carrier-based Systems With Warm Vertical Compaction. Int Arab J of Dent; 2013; 4(1):10-15.

23. Zogheib C, Naaman A, Medioni E, Bourbouze G, Chirani RA.The quality of Thermafil obturations with different final apical tapers: a three-dimensional microcomputed tomographic comparative study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2012 May 1;13(3):322-6.

24. Zogheib C. Root resorption: the silent pathology. J Contemp Dent Pract; 2012 Nov 1;13(6):i-ii.

25. Ghosn CA, Zogheib C, Makzoumé JE.Relationship between the occlusal plane corresponding to the lateral borders of the tongue and ala-tragus line in edentulous patients. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2012 Sep 1;13(5):590-4.

26. Zogheib C. Root canal obturation update: where do we stand today? J Contemp Dent Pract; 2012 Mar 1;13(2):ii- iii.

27. Zogheib C. Micro-Computed Tomography: An Accurate Tool for Endodontic Research. Guest editorial, J of Dental and Oro-facial Research; 2012; issue 2 (9): i-iii.

28.Zogheib C, Naaman A, Medioni E, Arbab-Chirani R. Influence of apical taper on the quality of thermoplasticized root fillings assessed by micro-computed tomography. Clinical Oral Investig; 201216(5):1493–1498.

29. Zogheib C, Naaman A, Medioni E. An In-Vitro Assessment of Apical Seal and Voids in Roots Obturated with Resilon® and Gutta-Percha. Dental Poster Journal; 2012, No.1, Vol.1, (ISSN 2278 – 7372)

30. Zogheib C. Enterococcus faecalis: A Common Cause of Root Canal Failure.. Editorial-2, World Journal of Dentistry; 2012; 3 (2): vi-vii.

31. Zogheib Moubarak C, Naaman A, Gergi R, Medioni E. Influence of the final apical diameter on the sealing ability of AH Plus versus RealSeal: an ex-vivo study. Endo Practice Today; 2010; 2(4):103-110.

32. Zogheib C, Naaman A, Medioni E. An In-Vitro Assessment of Apical Seal and Voids in Roots Obturated with Resilon® and Gutta-Percha. Dental Poster Journal; 2012, No.1, Vol.1, (ISSN 2278 – 7372)Ounsi H, Zogheib C, Bou Jaoudé S, Maalouf EM. Transmission de l'hépatite B au cabinet dentaire. ACES;2003;24(1): 35-40.

33.Khalil I, Zogheib C, “Peri-radicular lesions treated by a combined endo-surgical technique”, ACES; 2001; 22(2): 17-22.


June 2020 Non Surgical Management of a Post Traumatic Endodontic Lesion. Case Presentation and discussion Endo Brussels Zoom Session

April 2020 La prise en charge des Urgences Zogheib C, Bukiet F Live insta sessions
Jan 2020 New Insights in Root Canal Irrigation Zogheib CCountry Representative Presentation, PAEC, Pan Arab

Endodontic Congress, Marrakech, Morocco.
Sept 2019
. Impact of Different Irrigant Agitation Methods on Bacterial Elimination from Infected Root Canals. Hage W,

De Moor RJG, Hajj D, Sfeir G, Sarkis DK, Zogheib C. PosterESE, Vienna

Nov 2018 Post operative quality of life following conventional endodontic intra-canal irrigation and PIPS: a prospective randomized clinical study. A PROSPECTIVE RANDOMIZED CLINICAL STUDY. Dagher J, Zogheib COral Presentation , SIE International Congress, Milano , Italy

Oct 2018 Dynamic Activated Irrigation : A Plus or a Must ? Zogheib CCountry Representative Presentation, IFEA Congress, Seoul, Korea.

April 2018 Impact of agitation on the effectiveness of irrigating solutions. Zogheib C, Habib M, Yaghi AOral Presentation“Journées Odontologiques ”, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut.

Nov 2017 Impact of the root canal taper on the apical adaptability of sealers: a micro- computed tomography study, Sfeir G, Zogheib COral PresentationPAEC, Pan Arab Endodontic Congress, Cairo, Egypt



Oct 2017 Impact of the root canal taper on the apical adaptability of sealers: a micro- computed tomography study, Sfeir G, Zogheib C , Oral PresentationBIDM Congress, Beirut

June 2016 Contemporary root canal obturation. Back to the future?, Oral Presentation“Journées Odontologiques ”, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut.

Sept 2015 Assessment of Different Carrier-Based Obturation Systems: A Micro-Ct comparison with Warm Vertical Compaction, Oral PresentationESE, Barcelona, Spain

Sept 2015
Saidi A, Naaman A, Zogheib C 
. , ESE, Barcelona, Spain

July 2015 Push-Out strength of 3 warm obturation techniques: Warm Vertical Compaction, GuttaCore, Gutta Fusion, Hanna M, Daou M, Naaman A, Zogheib C.PosterCongres SFBD,Paris

June 2015 Root Canal Obturation: Correlation between obturation technique and long term success?, Oral PresentationEuro-Dental Congress 2015, Alicante, Spain

Sept 2010 «New Endodontic Sealers: Correlation between apical enlargement and apical sealing ability.” Beirut,Lebanon.



Accuracy of Cone-beam Computed Tomography and Periapical Radiography in endodontically


treated teeth evaluation: a five-year retrospective study.


General Endodontic Poster

June 2010 « Les Courbures Canalaires Sévères et les NiTi: Quelles Stratégies Adopter?», Oral Communication“Journées Odontologiques ”, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut.

Sept 2009 «Influence of final apical diameter on the sealing ability of AH Plus® versus Real Seal®:an ex-vivo study, ESE, Edinburgh, Scotland.

June 2008 « Le collage intracanalaire sera-t-il la solution? », Oral Communication“Journées Odontologiques ”, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut.

Feb 2006 « Les Canaux Courbes : Un Défi Au Quotidien », Oral Communication“Jeudi de la faculté, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut.

Sept 2005 “Dental microscope in conventional Endodontics”, poster, BIDM, Beyrouth
June 2003 
“Les Prescriptions Endodontiques: Antibiotiques ou Analgésiques?”, poster,“Journées Odontologiques

Francophones”, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut.

June 2001 « Les Résorptions Canalaires : problèmes et solutions », Oral Communication“Journées Odontologiques ”, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut.

Mar 2001 “Coloration and Bleaching of Treated Teeth”, Oral Communication, Continuous Training Program in Endodontics, Lebanese North Dental Order, Tripoli

Sept 2000 “Le Blanchiment Des Dents Traitées”, Oral Communication10th congress of Lebanese Dental Association at UNESCO, Beirut

June 1999 « Les Canaux Courbes: Comment les négocier? », poster“Journées Odontologiques Francophones”, Faculty of Dental Medicine, USJ, Beirut

Mar 1999 “L’usage du Ca (OH) 2 en Endodontie”, Oral Communication, Continuous Dental Education, USJ, Beirut

May 2008 « Incidence de l’élargissement foraminal sur le scellement apical : Etude comparative entre AHplus® et RealSeal® », research paper, Masters in Oral Biomaterials.

June 1998 “La Préparation des canaux courbes : Etude Comparative entre deux techniques”, Research Paper, Masters in Endodontics (DESE).