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M. Hicham GEHA

Campus de Zahlé et de la Békaa
École supérieure d'ingénieurs d'agronomie méditerranéenne

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext hicham.geha@usj.edu.lb

I have a Masters degree in System engineering I have been working as a coordinator Engineer of Computer and Technology in the Lebanese University for a period of twelve years. I teach computer for five years ago in the Lebanese university and twelve years in many schools, and now in SSCC and Antonines school – zahle and I am the IT manager in these companies. I have my own club to teach Robotis for students (Ev3 and mindstorm robot) I worked in ITS as an IT support for MTCtouch company. I teached since two years in USJ, and I am the IT in the campus of zahle

Master - systèmes et réseaux - option: sécurité de l'informationUniversité Antonine (UA)Liban2008
CCNA 1Université Antonine (UA)Liban2006
CCNA 2Université Antonine (UA)Liban2006
CCNA3Université Antonine (UA)Liban2006
CCNA 4Université Antonine (UA)Liban2006

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
InformatiqueLibanLebanese International University05/01/201505/01/2020

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

