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École de traducteurs et d'interprètes de Beyrouth

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(+961) 1 421 000 ext souleima.ghorayebboustany1@usj.edu.lb

Souleima Ghorayeb Boustany (PhD) Conference interpreter University instructor Date of birth: 29/04/1973 Lebanese National, married Baabda, Haddad Bldg, François Hage Street- Yarzeh- Lebanon Phone: 961(5)922887 961(3)817861 E-mail: souleimag@gmail.com LANGUAGES: Arabic: native speaker French: fluent spoken and written English: fluent spoken and written Spanish: fair EDUCATION: PHD in Interpretation 2020 Masters Degree in Interpretation (5 years) 1993-1995 School of Translators and Interpreters Université Saint- Joseph, Beirut B.A. in Living Languages and Translation 1990-1993 School of Translators and Interpreters Université Saint- Joseph, Beirut UNESCWA Roster 1 for contractors FAO Roster 1 for contractors WORK EXPERIENCE: • University instructor: (ISIT- USJ- UL and NDU) - Sight translation, Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation ISIT -Paris (since January 2023) - Sight translation, Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation at the Lebanese University (Beirut), since 2000. (Language pairs: Fr/Ar- EN/Ar) - Sight translation, Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpretation at the Notre Dame University (Beirut), 2000- 2015. - Consecutive and simultaneous Interpretation at Saint-Joseph University- School of Translators and Interpreters, 4th and 5th years. Since 2005. (Laguage pairs: En/Ar- Ar/En) • Conference Interpretation: In-person and distance RSI (Zoom- Teams- Streamyard- Kudo certified)- Interpreffy certified Interpretation services during local, regional and international conferences organized by: - International organizations, mainly: - Greenpeace- Wikipedia foundation- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory - Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) – Arbitration sessions (private offices)- ICC - World Bank, the International Finance Corporation IFC, IMF, ILO, ITC, UNESCO, UNDP, WHO, UN-ESCWA, UNHCR, UNRWA, UNEP, UNCTAD, UNICEF, UN Habitat, the World Customs Organization (WCO), OECD - DIAKONIA, APCEUI, MFA, LFPCP, KAS, APCEUI, Catholic Relief Services, Caritas Internationalis, IWRAW Asia Pacific, the International Social Security Association, Euro-Med Network for Human Rights, INTERPOL, the International Medical Corps (IMC), Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), Save the Children, Norvegian People’s Aid (NPA), Friedrich Naumann Foundation, OXFAM, GOPAC, GIZ, the Interparliamentary Union (IPU), Migrant Forum in Asia, National Democratic Institute (NDI), Permanent Peace Movement (PPM), CIVIPOL, CORDAID, War Child- Holland, SEEDS international, Crisis Management Initiative (CMI), ICCROM, ICOMOS, the Carter Center, Women Peacemakers Program (WPP), Geneva Call, Order of Malta, etc. - Regional organizations such as the European Union, the Arab Interparliamentary Union, the Arab Union of Constitutional Courts and Councils, Qatar Foundation, the Arab Planning Institute, the Olympic Council in Asia, the Arab Forum for ewnvironmental Development (AFED), Arab Organization of Constitutional law, the Mediterranean Information Office for Environment, Culture and Sustainable Development (MIO-ECSDE), CARITAS- MONA, the Arab Council for Social Sciences (ACSS), the Hague Academy, , SESOBEL, ANATA AKHI, ALEPH, … - Local NGOs such as Kafa, ABAAD, the Italian Cooperation Office, Amel Association, Civil Campaign for electoral reform, Beirut Heritage Association, BPW (Business and Professional Women), Lebanese Library Association (LLA), the Syrian League for citizenship, Palestinian Center for Policy Research, Caritas, the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the Lebanese Association for Democratic Elections (LADE), Cités Unies Liban / Bureau Technique des Villes Libanaises (BTVL), etc. - Ministries such as the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, the Ministry of Energy and Water, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, etc. - The Lebanese Parliament, the Council of Ministers, Banque du Liban, the Lebanese Army, the Lebanese Petroleum Administration (LPA), the Régie Libanaise des Tabacs et Tombacs, the Beirut Bar Association, Order of Pharmacists, Order of Physical - Embassies: Canadian Embassy, US Embassy, Uk Embassy, French Embassy - Universities: Saint Joseph University, American University of Beirut, Lebanese University, the Antonine University, Lebanese American University- Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution, etc. • Translation: - Free-lance translator since 1996: Translate economic, legal, medical and financial documents for law firms, banks, International Organizations (ESCWA, UNDP, POGAR, ILO, CICP, UNESCO, UNFPA, FAO, UNITAR, UNICEF, UNESCO, IFC- World Bank Group…), and private companies • Jobs (employee): - Part-time instructor with Lebanese University- USJ (Saint Joseph University)- ISIT (Sorbonne) - Instructor at Notre Dame Jamhour School (1999-2005) - Translator ELTA- OUP (1995-2000) COMPUTER SKILLS: Windows 2000, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), World Wide Web. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: Head of Caritas Lebanon- Uper Shouf chapter Hobbies: Reading, music, hiking, swimming Travels: Austria, Netherlands, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Italy, France, Georgia, Great Britain, Germany, Greece, Jordan, Macau, Morocco, Bangladesh, Qatar, Dubai, Abou Dhabi, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Kuwait, Bahrein…

Doctorat en traductologieUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2020
Diplôme - InterpretationUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1995
Licence en Langues- TraductionUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban1993

Interpretation Arabe-Anglais 

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
Enseignante non-cadreeFranceISIT-Paris04/01/2022
Enseignante non-cadreeLibanNotre Dame University, Louaizé (NDU)01/10/2004
Enseignante non-cadreeLibanUniversité Libanaise (UL)01/09/2002

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Interprete de conferenceInterprete en profession libre04/01/2022

Arts, Lettres et Sciences humaines; Sciences religieuses

L’hybridité en interprétation

Divers articles