(+961) 1 421 000 ext pascale.habrehallage@usj.edu.lb
Pascale Habre was born on June 25th, 1969 in Mansourieh, Lebanon. She is married has two 19 years old boys. In 1993, she graduated as a dentist from Saint-Joseph University in Beirut. Afterwards, she received a scholarship from the French Government to continue her postgraduate training in Paris. She spent five years in Paris where she had many diplomas. In 1995 she obtained a Postgraduate Certificate in Prosthodontics « CESB » at « Université Paris 7 », France and a Certificate in Biological and Medical Sciences (MSBM) at « Université Paris 5», France. In 1997, she obtained a Master in Neurosciences from «Université Paris 6», France and a University Diploma in Surgical and Prosthetic Implantology (DUICP) from «Université Paris 7», France. Shortly after, she was recruited by Saint-Joseph University in Beirut where she has been teaching since September 1998 in the department of Prosthodontics. She gives many lectures to the under-graduate and post-graduate students at the Dental school at Saint-Joseph University. From 2007 to 2009 she had the opportunity to explore osseoperception by using of the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging at Saint-Luc University Hospital in Brussels (Université Catholique de Louvain UCL). In June 2011, she received her PhD in Biomedical Sciences from the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL). Pascale Habre-Hallage is a reviewer for several international journals (EBR, COI, JOR, JCP, IAJD, JLDA…) and is a member of the editorial board of the International Arab Journal of Dentistry (IAJD) and the Journal of the Lebanese Dental Association. She published original articles in international journals and presented conferences in different international meetings (Clinical Oral investigations, Clinical Implant Dentistry and related research, Journal of Clinical Periodontology, European Journal of Oral Implantology, European Association for Osseointegration 2009 and 2010...) In October 2010, she won the first Prize in the Basic Research Competition of the European Association of Osseointegration (EAO) in Glasgow, Scotland.The results of her studies are included in the 6th edition of Jan Lindhe book entitled Clinical Periodontology and Implant Dentistry. Published by Wiley & Sons Inc. From 2014 to 2016, she was the director of the Master Program of Prothodontics at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut. From 2016 to 2019, she was the chairman of the department of Prothodontics at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut. Currently, she is the director of the Master Program of Prosthodontics at Saint-Joseph University in Beirut and has a private practice limited to prosthodontics and implant rehabilitation.
• Doctorat en sciences biomedicales
• DEA de Neurosciences
• Diplôme universitaire d'implantologie Chirurgicale et Prothétique
• Certificat e Physiologie générale
• Maîtrise des sciences biologiques et médicales
• Certificat d'études supérieures mention Prothèse fixée
• Certificat de physiologie oro-faciale
• Certificat d'études supérieures option anatomo-physiologie
• Docteur en Médecine Dentaire
Service de prothese fixee
Médecine et Santé
Prosthodontics, implantology, neurosciences, opsseoperception, digital dentistry, teaching
Farhat P., Faroukh H., Ghosn N., Habre P. Effect of preparation materiel on stress distribution in maxillary central incisors restored with endocrtowns: a finite element analysis. ( In prep) 2. Chemaly A., Rebeiz J., Chaptini A., Habre P. Perception of esthetics between multilayered monolithic lithium disilicate and two types of zirconia based on different dental background, using eye trtacking technology. (In prep) 3. Kambar R., Habre P. Evaluation of the fracture resistance of CAD/CAM monolithic lithium disilicate crowns of three different manufacturers : An in vitro study. 2024, The Saudi Dental Journal. (Submitted) 4. Zina Rahme P.M, Karam R., Zina Rahme A., Habre P. Influence of implant Diameter and implant-abutment connection Design on stress distribution in narrow and regular implants : A finite element analysis study. 2024, Clin Impl Dent and Related Res. (Submitted) 5. Semaan C, Habre P. Marginal and internal fit of E.max milled crowns in comparison to pressed E.max crowns fabricated from to computer-aided designs and computer-aided manufacturing patterns : an in vitro study. The Journal of prosthetic Dentistry. 2023. (Under Review) 6. Ziadeh C., Habre P., Nasr L., Haddad H. Dental color matching : A comparison between visual and Digital shade selection repeatability in the anterior and posterior region : A clinical study. Current Research in Dentistry. 2023, volume 14 : 8-16 7. Chemaly N., Gutknecht N., UsumezA., Habre P., Boulos P., Karam M., Mhanna R., Franzen R. The effect of zirconioa surface treatment with the Er,Cr: YSGG laser on the bonding to dentin : An in vitro study (in prep) 8. Chemaly N., Franzen R., Daou M., Karam M., Mhanna R., Kozlova Y., Habre P. Er, Cr, Laser surface modificastion effect on Dentin bonding to zirconia : An in vitro study. Photobiomodul Photomed Laser Surg. 2022 Aug 40(8) : 573-579. 9. Mehanna S., Habre-Hallage P. Proximal contact alterations between implant-supported restorations and adjacent teeth in the posterior region: A 3-month prospective study. Journal of Clinical andExperimental Dentistry. December 2020 10. Boueiz C., Habre P., Zebouni E. In vitro study of the bond strength at the interface of two differentceramics on the same zirconia base Tropical Dental Journal N° 172 December 2020 172(43):5-17 9. Hage-youssef C., Habre-Hallage P. Off-axis Fracture Load of Reduced-Thickness Monolithic Zirconia Crowns. International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020 10. El-Cheikh Jalal., Habre-Hallage P. Comparaison de leffet de trois méthodes de nettoyage de la zircone contaminée par la salive sur la force de collage-Etude in-vitro Revue d’Odonto-Stomatologie tropicale, 2020 11. Itani Mirna, Habre-Hallage Pascale, Irani Dani, Zebouni Elie. Color stability of lithium disilicateanterior crowns with different surface treatments after thermocycling in coffee and simulatedtoothbrushing: in vitro study. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, 2020 12. Tabet Katia, Habre-Hallage Pascale. Evaluation of shear bond strength of zirconia on dentin usingdifferent adhesive systems. The international dental journal, 2020 13. Rouhana Christèle, Habre Pascale. Influence of material and connector size on the stress distribution of a temporary bridge: a finite element analysis. Odonto-stomatologie tropicale, Mars 2020, Volume 43: 5-16. 14. Mehanna S., Habre-Hallage P. Proximal contact alterations between implant-supported restorations and adjacent teeth in the posterior region: A 3-month prospective study. Clinical Oral implants Research. October 2020 (Poster) 15. Obeid I., Habre-Hallage P. In vitro evaluation of the adaptation of zirconia crowns and its variationafter cementation. Odonto-stomatologie tropicale. March 2018, 41(161): 5-12. 16. Habre-Hallage P. El Asmar A. Fracture resistance of titanium abutments, original stock versus CAD-CAM. (2017), Author index. Clin. Oral impl. Res., 28: 320-332. 17. Antar F., Habre-Hallage P., Zébouni E. Full Mouth rehabilitation of a severly worn dentition : a casereport. J. Leb. Dent. Assoc. Dec 2014, 49(2): 37- 41. 18. Habre-Hallage P., Hermoye L., Reychler H., van Steenberghe D., Jacobs R., Grandin C. Corticalactivation resulting from stimulation of periodontal mechanoreceptors measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Clin Oral Investig. 2014; 18(8): 1949-1961. 19. Habre-Hallage P., Reychler H., van Steenberghe D., Jacobs R., Grandin C. : Brain plasticity and cortical correlates of osseoperception revealed by punctate mechanical stimulation of osseointegrated oral implants during fMRI. Eur J. Oral Implantol. 2012; 5(2): 175-90. 20. Habre-Hallage P., Bou Abboud-Naaman N., Reychler H., van Steenberghe D., Jacobs R. PerceptualChanges in the Peri-Implant Soft Tissues Assessed by Directional Cutaneous Kinaesthesia andGraphaesthesia: A Prospective Study. Clin. Impl. Dent. Relat. Res. 2011; Dec; 13(4): 296-304. 21. Habre-Hallage P., Hermoye L., Gradkowski W., Reychler H., Jacobs R., Grandin C. A manuallycontrolled new device for punctuate mechanical stimulation of teeth designed for fMRI studies. J. ofClin. Periodontol. 2010; 37(9):863-72. 22. Habre-Hallage P., Bou Abboud-Naaman N., Reychler H., van Steenberghe D., Jacobs R. Assessment of changes in the oral tactile function of the soft tissues by implant placement in the anterior maxilla: a prospective study. Clin. Oral. Investig. 2010; 14(2)161-8. 23. Habre-Hallage P., Bou Abboud-Naaman N., Reychler H., van Steenberghe D., Jacobs R. PerceptualChanges in the Peri-Implant Soft Tissues Assessed by Directional Cutaneous Kinaesthesia andGraphaesthesia: A Prospective Study. (2009), Author index. Clin. Oral impl. Res., 20: 1056-1061. 24. Habre-Hallage P., Bou Abboud-Naaman N., Reychler H., van Steenberghe D., Jacobs R. Assessment of changes in the oral tactile function of the soft tissues by implant placement in the anterior maxilla: a prospective study. (2009), Author index. Clin. Oral impl. Res., 20: 1056-1061. 25. Habre-Hallage P., L. Dricot, L. Hermoye, H. Reychler, D. van Steenberghe, R. Jacobs and C. Grandin.Cortical activation elicited by stimulation of periodontal mechanoreceptors during fMRI. (2010),Author index. Clin Oral impl. Res., 21(10): 359- 403. 26. Habre-Hallage P., H. Reychler, D. van Steenberghe, R. Jacobs and C. Grandin. fMRI shows corticalactivation following mechanical stimulation of oral implants. (2010), Author index. Clin. Oral impl.Res., 21(10): 40- 49. 27. Harrak N., Habre-Hallage P. Etude in vitro de la variation dans le temps du taux de la densité optique de quatres matériaux pour prothèses provisoires. (2011) International Arab J. of Dent. 28. Maalouf K., Habre-Hallage P. Réhabilitation des implants versés: risques et complications. (2010)International Arab J. of Dent. 29. Khayat P., Hallage P. and Toledo R. An investigation of 131 consecutively placed wide Screw-Vent implants. (2001) Int. J. Oral Maxillofac. Implants 30. Khayat P. and Habre P. Que faire face à une cratérisation : intervenir ou non ? Implant, édition cdp
• winner of the basic research competition of the best oral presentation at the EAO, October 2010, Glasgow, Scotland