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• DU de Pédagogie Universitaire
• Doctorat d'université - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• Doctorat d’Université du milieu buccal
• D.E.A - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• D.E.A. de biologie du milieu buccal
• D.E.S.S - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• Maitrise - Sciences biologiques et médicales
• Maîtrise en Sciences Biologiques et Médicales
• Certificat de Bases moléculaires
• Certificat de biologie du développement cranio-facial
• Diplôme d'université de Parodontologie
• Certificat d'Etudes Supérieures d'Odontologie Chirurgicale
• Certificat d'Etudes Supérieures de Prothèse Scellée
• Diplôme d'université de Chirurgie et de Prothèse implantaire
• Certificat d'Etudes Supérieures de Parodontologie
• Certificat d'Etudes Supérieures d'anatomie et de physiologie buccale
• Docteur en Chirurgie Dentaire
• Doctorat d'exercice - Chirurgie dentaire

Médecine et Santé

·       Husseini, B., Nehme, E., Senni, K., Ghorra, C. S., Younes, K., Roffino, S., ... & Younes, R. (2021). Oral manifestations associated with inherited hyperhomocysteinemia: A first case description. Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology and Oral Radiology.

·       Karam MB, El Khoury J, Chakar C, Changotade S, Lutomski D, Naaman N,Godeau G, Elm’selmi A, Younes R, Senni K. (2021). Heparan-mimetics: Potential agents of tissue regenerationfor bone and periodontal therapies, Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices, 100066.

·       Husseini, B., Khoury, G., Riachi, F., Ghosn, N., Khoury, N., Jerbaka, F., ... & Younes, R. (2021). Three-dimensional radiographic assessment of the mandibular interforaminal donor site in different vertical facial growth types. Journal of Stomatology, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.

·       Bassil, J., Younes, R., Menhall, A., & Mrad, S. (2021). Closure of Oroantral Communications with Bichat’s Buccal Fat Pad: A Case Series. International Journal of Research and Reports in Dentistry, 26-32.

·       Younes, R., & Khairallah, C. M. (2020). The “One Piece” Autologous Tuberosity Graft: A Contemporary Concept in Ridge Preservation. Case Reports in Dentistry, 2020.

·       Rameh, S., Menhall, A., & Younes, R. (2020). Key factors influencing short implant success. Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 1-13.

·       Rameh S, Menhall A, Younes R. (2019) Prognosis of short implants in oral rehabilitation : where do we stand today ? Oral & Implantology 12 (1)

·       Younes, R., Boukaram, M., Nader, N., & Khoury, G. (2018). Lateral sinus grafting for implant therapy. Clinical Dentistry Reviewed2(1), 1-10.

·       Manhal, W., Younes, R., & Senni, K. (2019). Histological study and evaluation of cytocompatibility of collagenous matrix derived from xenogeneic dermis used for gingival grafting. Clinical Oral Implants Research30, 372-372.

·       Younes, R., Nasseh, I., Lahoud, P., Wassef, E., & Dagher, M. (2017). Bone Lid Technique Using a Piezoelectric Device for the Treatment of a Mandibular Bony Lesion. Case reports in dentistry, 2017.

·       Younes, R., Nasseh, I., Lahoud, P., Wassef, E., & Dagher, M. (2017). Bone Lid Technique Using a Piezoelectric Device for the Treatment of a Mandibular Bony Lesion. Case reports in dentistry2017.

·       Nader, N., Aboulhosn, M., Berberi, A., Manal, C., Younes, R. Marginal Bone Remodelling around healing Abutment vs Final Abutment Placement at Second Stage Implant Surgery: A 12-month Randomized Clinical Trial. The journal of contemporary dental practice 2016 ;17(1): 7-15.

·       Felgueiras HP, Castanheira L, Changotade S, Poirier F, Oughlis S, Henriques M, Chakar C, Naaman N, Younes R, Migonney V, Celis JP, Ponthiaux P, Rocha LA, Lutomski D. Biotribocorrosion (tribo-electrochemical) characterization of anodized titanium biomaterial containing calcium and phosphorus before and after osteoblastic cell culture. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2015 Apr;103(3):661-9.doi:10.1002/jbm.b.33236. Epub 2014 Jul 3.

·       Khoury, G, Lahoud P, and Younes R. "Use of Grafting Materials in Sinus Floor Elevation: Biologic Basis and Current Updates." Sinus Grafting Techniques. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 145-194.

·       Younes, R., Nader, N., & Khoury, G. (Eds.). (2015). Sinus Grafting Techniques: A Step-by-Step Guide. Springer.



·       Nader, N, Aboul Hosn M, and Younes R. "Crestal Sinus Floor Elevation (SFE) Approach: Overview and Recent Developments." Sinus Grafting Techniques. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 105-143.

·       Nasseh, I, and Younes R. "Clinical and Radiological Assessment and Planning in Sinus Floor Elevation." Sinus Grafting Techniques. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 31-51.

  • Younes, R, Nabih N, and Khoury G. "Introduction and Scientific Background of Sinus Floor Elevation (SFE)." Sinus Grafting Techniques. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 1-8.
  • Younes, R, and Boukaram M. "Lateral Sinus Grafting Approach: Overview and Recent Developments." Sinus Grafting Techniques. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 65-103.
  • Younes, R, Khoury G, and Nader N. "Current State, Treatment Modalities, and Future Perspectives of Sinus Floor Elevation (SFE)." Sinus Grafting Techniques. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 235-245.

·       Felgueiras HP, Castanheira L, Changotade S, Poirier F, Oughlis S, Henriques M, Chakar C, Naaman N, Younes R, Migonney V, Celis JP, Ponthiaux P, Rocha LA, Lutomski D. Biotribocorrosion (tribo-electrochemical) characterization of anodized titanium biomaterial containing calcium and phosphorus before and after osteoblastic cell culture. J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2015 Apr;103(3):661-9.


  • Lattouf R., Younes R., Lutomski D., Naaman N., Godeau G., Senni K., Changotade S.: Picrosirius red staining: a useful tool to appraise collagen networks in normal and pathological tissues. J Histochem Cytochem. 2014; 62 (10):751-758.

·       Abi-Ghosn C, Zogheib C, Younes R, Makzoumé JE. The ala-tragus line as a guide for orientation of the occlusal plane in complete dentures. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2014 ;15(1):108-11.

·       Younes R., Lahoud P., Boukaram M.:Apport de la piézochirurgie dans l’élévation sinusienne par voie latérale : intérêt du volet repositionné. Le Fil Dentaire 2014; Juin, 94: 28-32.


·       Younes R « Lambeau esthétique modifié » dans le cas d’une implantation immédiate après extraction. Implant 2013;19:1-7

·       Nader, N., Younes, R., & Berberi, A. (2012). sinus Lift with Simultaneous 3d bone reconstruction using the lateral bone window: a novel technique: p1010. Journal of Clinical Periodontology39, 382.

·       Younes R, Nader N. Nouvelle approche du comblement sinusien : analyse clinique et histologique. Implant 2011;n° spécial:11-20.

·       Younes R, Yousfi M, Ghorra C, Khalife S, Igondjo Tchen- Changotade S, Willig C, Senni K, P Charpiot , Naaman N, Godeau G. The Defensive Role of Lysozyme in Human Inflammatory Periodontal Disease in Gingiva J Periodontics Res 2009; 44: 578-587

·       R. Younes, C. Ghorra, S. Khalife, S. Igondjo Chen-Changotade, M. Yousfi, C. Willig, K. Senni, G. Godeau, N. Naaman Pertinent cell population to characterize periodontal disease. Tissue and Cell 41 (2009) 141-150

·       Nader N, J. Nammour J, Makari C, Khoury G, Younes R. Evaluation of mineralized cortical bone allograft and anorganic bovine bone matrix for sinus augmentation: histomorphometry at 18 and 28 weeks. • 5-year clinical evaluation of short dental implants placed in posterior areas: a retrospective study J Clin Periodontol 2009; 36 (Suppl. 9): p.9 (1–39)

·       Younes R, ACES Volume 26, No. 2 June 2008. Clinical characteristics of one-piece implant vs. conventional implants: A report of 3 clinical cases

·       Journal of Clinical Periodontology (Oral presentation abstract /RC 086) Comparison of mineralized cortical bone allograft and anorganic bovine bone matrix for sinus augmentation: Histomorphometry at 20 and 28 weeks in humans R. Younes, N. Nader, M. Boukaram, R. Abi-Nassif Volume 39, Issue Supplement s13 pp. 56, 2012

·       Marginal bone remodeling in « one abutment/one-time » vs. « conventional » implant treatment concept : a 3-year prospective study. Clinical Oral Impl Res. Vol 21, issue 10, October 2010. Younes R, Nader N, Abi-Nassif R, Jabbour G.

·       Pertinent inflammatory cell population to characterize periodontal disease in relation with collagen breakdown J Clin Periodontol 2009; 36 (Suppl. 9): 1–39 (Oral presentation abstract p.5) R. Younes, C. Ghorra, R. Abi-Nassif, G. Godeau, N. Naaman

·       Esthetic outcome of one-piece vs. two-piece implants: 3-year prospective study Clinical Oral Impl Res. Volume 19, Issue 9 Pages 837–973 (Oral presentation abstract p.853), September 2008 Younes R, Nader N, Makary C, Abi-Nassif R, Khalife S, Jabbour G

·       Clinical Oral Implant Research (Poster Abstract) Vol 18 No 5 pp.77 October 2007: Options and limits of bone expansion in narrow ridges: 7-year study

·       Clinical Oral Implant Research (Poster Abstract) Vol 18 pp. 100 October 2007: Crestal sinus grafting technique With delayed implant placement: 5-year results

·       Clinical Oral Implant Research (Poster Abstract) Vol 18 pp. 101 October 2007: Lateral vs. crestal sinus grafting technique Associated with delayed implant placement: 5-year prospective study.

·       Journal of Clinical Periodontology (Poster Abstract) Suppl 7, Vol 33, 2006 pp 130-131: Esthetic outcome of immediate vs. delayed implant placement anterior Associated with immediate Temporization

·       Journal of Clinical Periodontology (Poster Abstract) Suppl 7, Vol 33, pp. 47, 2006: Prospective Study Comparing 3 different crestal sinus grafting techniques: 2-year results

·       Clinical Oral Implants Research (Poster Abstract) Vol. 16 No. 4 August 2005: Options and Limits of crestal sinus grafting approach "in implantology. (Abstract pp.103)

·       Clinical Oral Implants Research (Poster Abstract) Vol. 16 No. 4 August 2005: flapless v / s delayed implant placement: Aesthetics and radiographic outcome. (Abstract pp. 34)

·       ACES Journal. 26, No. 1 2005 pp. 30-37: Alternative sinus bone grafting techniques associated with implants: surgical approaches, options and limits.

·       Clinical Oral Implants Research (Poster Abstract) Vol.15, N ˚ 4-August 2004: Clinical outcome of internal v / s external sinus graft in implant therapy. (Abstract page 76)

·       Journal of Clinical Periodontology (Poster Abstract) Vol 30, Suppl. 4-2003: Limits of bone expansion during implant placement. (Abstract page 88).

• Distinction pour ma contribution scientifique à l'occasion de la publication de mon livre "Sinus Grafting Techniques-a step-by-step guide" publié en Suisse par Springer International publishing-Switzwerland". Cette publication se maintient depuis sa publication en Janvier 2015 dans le top 10 des meilleures ventes mondiales sur amazon.
• Médaille de l'Association Dentaire Française pour services rendus à l'organisation des congrès bi-nationaux