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Professeur associé - DCD,DU,CES-A,CES-B, PhD

Faculté de médecine dentaire (FMD)
Laboratoire de Recherche Cranio-Faciale (LRCF)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext issam.khalil@usj.edu.lb

Issam Khalil,

 He obtained his dental degree from Saint-Joseph University, Beirut in 1991 and then flew to France to complete his specialization studies in the University of Denis Diderot- Paris VII where he earned certificates in Oral Biology and Conservative Dentistry and a Master Degree in endodontics.  In 1994, he joined the endodontic department of the Faculty of Dentistry at St. Joseph University.

In 2005, he earned a certificate in Biological and Medical Sciences, in 2007 a master in Oral Biomaterials, in 2009 a University Degree in pedagogy from the Faculty of Education Sciences of St Joseph University and in 2012 he obtained his PhD degree.

Pr Khalil’s professional career combines clinical practice with teaching and research. He has focused his researches on endodontic instruments, on tooth regeneration and mainly on the development of new endodontic cements.

He has presented numerous national and international lectures, courses and hands-on in different countries worldwide and has published more than fourty articles in refereed dental journals. He is co-founder of the AGE (Advisor Group in Endodontics) France, and speaker accredited by the IFEA (International Federation of Endodontic Association). He is a past- president of the Lebanese society of Endodontology, and its representative in the European Society of Endodontology from 2003 till 2006.

He won the first price of the “French Society of Endodontology” 2012 in Nantes-France.

He was awarded by the Lebanese republic in appreciation for his pioneer scientific work and thus decorated with the Lebanese Silver Medal of Merit.  

He won the award of  “Arab Thought” 2014 in Morocco.

Pr Issam Khalil hold the WIPO patent for MM-MTA, the new endodontic cement they have developed. He is currently  professor in the Endodontic department of the Faculty of Dentistry at St Joseph University, Beirut and chairman of postgraduate endodontic programs.


• Doctorat d'université - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• Doctorat
• D E A
• D U
• Master recherche - Biologie et matériaux du milieu buccal
• Maitrise - Sciences biologiques et médicales
• Diplôme de spécialisation - Edodontie
• DU
• Doctorat d'exercice - Chirurgie dentaire
• chirurgie dentaire


Médecine et Santé

Ciment de reparation radiculaire. MM-MTA (brevete)

Ciment d'obturation canalaire :1- Ksealer
  2- Kbiocer
Instrument de mise en forme canalaire en NITI

El Hachem R, Khalil I, Le Brun G, Pellen F, Le Jeune B, Daou M, El Osta N, Naaman A, Abboud M.Dentinal tubule penetration of AH Plus, BC Sealer and a novel tricalcium silicate sealer: a confocal laser scanning microscopy study. Clin Oral Investig. 2018 Sep 17.



El Hachem R, Le Brun G, Le Jeune B, Pellen F, Khalil I, Abboud M. Influence of the EndoActivator Irrigation System on Dentinal Tubule Penetration of a Novel Tricalcium Silicate-Based Sealer. Dent J (Basel). 2018 Sep 3;6(3).


Sfeir G, Kohli M, Khalil I, Naaman A, Zogheib C. Impact of the Root Canal Taper on the Apical Adaptability of Sealers used in a Single-cone Technique: A Micro-Computed Tomography Study. J Contemp Dent Pract. 2018 Jul;19(7):808-15.



Ajram J, Khalil I, Gergi R, Zogheib C. Management of an immature necrotic permanent molar with apical periodontitis treated by regenerative endodontic protocol using calcium hydroxide and MM-MTA: A Case Report with Two years follow up. Accepted Dec 2018 in Dent J



Zogheib C, Sfeir G, Plotino G, De-Deus G, Daou M, Khalil I. Impact of minimal root canal taper on the fracture resistance of endodontically treated bicuspids. J Int Soc Prevent Communit Dent. 2018; 8:179-83


Haddad G,Adhami M,Nehme W,Naaman A, Khalil I . Apical transportation and centering ability:a comparison of two single-file after instrumentation to the major foramen and after overinstrumentation in curved root canals.IAJD – 2018 vol9(2):53-9.



Maria Moukarzel ,Issam Khalil ,.  Regenerative treatment of an immature tooth with apical periodontitis using Platelet- Rich Fibrin and MM-MTA: a case report. IAJD, vol 8, num 3, 2017.


 Jaber C; Khalil I, Obturation of root canals with varying degrees of apical inflammatory root resorbtion in a mandibular second molar. October 2017, Revue de l’ordre des dentistes du Liban.



Christia aoun,Walid Nehme, Alfred S. Naaman, Issam T. Khalil. Review and classification of heat treatment procedures and their impact on mechanical behaviour of endodontic files”, International Journal of Current Research 2017;11:141-8. 9, (05),51300-51306.



I. Khalil, A. Naaman1 & J. Camilleri. Investigation of the properties of a novel tricalcium silicate-based sealer. Journal of endodontics October 2016. Volume 42, Issue 10, Pages 1529–1535.



J.C. ABOU CHEDiD, N. MCHAYLEH, I. KhALiL, B. MELKi, L.S. HARDAN. Evaluation sur 18 mois de la pulpotomie au MM-MTA sur des molaires temporaires cariées.
 Odonto-Stomatologie Tropicale - December 2015



I. Khalil, A. Naaman1 & J. Camilleri. Investigation of a novel mechanically mixed mineral trioxide aggregate (MM-MTATM) International Endodontic Journal. August 2015 volume 48 number 8 ;757-767.



F. Dimmer, I. Khalil, J PH Mallet.    Sem Study Of Root Canal Cleaning Performed By Two Nickel-Titanium Rotary Instrument. Abstract Clin Oral Invest January 2014


Khalil I. Matériaux d’obturation rétrograde.  Le recueil: revue de l’ordre des dentistes du Liban Nord. num 10, 2013.





Khalil I., Isaac J., Chakar C., Sautier JM., Berdal A., Naaman N., Mokbel N., Naaman A. : Biocompatibility evaluation of new endodontic cement based on Portland cement (MM-MTA) in comparison with MTA : In vitro and in vivo studies. Saudi Endodontic Journal, 2012.


Tony Sarkis, Issam Khalil, Alfred Naaman.   Étude histologique in vivo de la reaction du tissue pulpaire après coiffage pulpaire. IAJD, vol 3, num 3,  2012.




Khalil I., Sarkis Tony, Naaman A.: MM-MTA for direct pulp capping: A histologic comparison with ProRoot MTA in rat molars. The Journal of Contemporary Dental Practice Nov-Dec 2011, Vol 14: 1019-1023.



Chakar S, Changotade S, Osta N, Khalil I. Cytotoxic evaluation of a new ceramic-based root canal sealer on human . Eur J Dent 2017;11:141-8.


I. Khalil, J.Ph Mallet. Les ciments endodontiques (Alpha Omega, Paris April 2009, 211.215).



I. Khalil. Les instruments en NiTi dans les retraitements canalaires (ACES 2007)



I. Khalil.  Scanner en endodontie (Revue française d’endodontie 2003)



I. Khalil. Endo-chirurgie en un seul temps (ACES 2002)



I. Khalil. La mise en forme canalaire: technique combinée acier-NiTi 

Le recueil: revue de l’ordre des dentistes du Liban Nord. num 2, 2002.



Khalil I,  Zogheib C.  Peri-radicular lesions treated by a combined endo-surgical technique. ACES, 2001; 22(2):17-22.



I. Khalil,  G Haddad, W Nehme, H Ounsi.  Incidence du troisième canal au niveau de la prémolaire inférieure chez la population libanaise.   Dental news  1997.



I. Khalil, Y. Boucher. Traitement des dents immatures (Revue française d’endodontie 1994)



I. Khalil. Traitement des perforations (Actualités odonto-stomatologiques – France 1993)




Rédacteur en chef de la publication officielle de la Société Libanaise d’Endodontologie  (2003-2006)



• laureat
• al faker al arabi