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Stephanie RAAD

Chargé de Cours - Vacataire - PhD in Political Science

Institute of Political Science (ISP)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

"Give a man a fish, and you'll feed him for a day, teach him how to fish by himself and you'll feed him for a lifetime."


This proverb has resonated with me since my early student life. As a researcher, it pushes me to strive and keep an inquisitive mind, enabling me to understand more profoundly this collective existence we experience. As a teacher, I go by it hoping to pass on the skills and motivation that would help learners to carve their independent paths.


Stephanie Raad has been serving as a part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Political Science at USJ since 2021, teaching courses in Research Methodology at the Arab Master in Democracy & Human Rights (ArMA); Conflict Resolution and Negotiations, as well as Digital transformation & political systems at the Institute of Political Science. Having concluded her doctoral dissertation, titled "The Crisis of the State in the 21st Century in the Era of Transformative Revolutionary Technology" in 2022-2023 from the Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth, she enthusiastically approaches this enriching academic journey with the young minds of tomorrow.

• PhD in Political Science
• Research master's degree in political science - External Politics and International Cooperation
• Bachelor of Arts - International Affairs

1. Research Methodology in Political Science
2. Digital Transformation and Political Systems: A critical Approach
3. Artificial Intelligence and Politics
4. Negotiations and Conflict Resolution

Law, Political Sciences

Political theory and theories of IR; Political conflicts and crises; Epistemology; Political and socio-economic systems; Geopolitics and geo-economics (international political economy); Technology and Politics; Cross-country analysis; South Asia; Middle East

Bou Nader, R. and Raad, S. (2023). A pilot study on Enrollment in the private and semi-private schools in Lebanon (2022-2023). ArMA Global Campus, Université Saint Joseph & Centre de Recherche et de Développement Pédagogique & Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth.

Raad, S. (2020). La géopolitique des partitions au Moyen Orient au début du XXIème siècle : construction et reconstruction, Travaux et Jours, issue TJ 96, Université Saint Joseph, pp.123-138 :