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Chargé de Cours - Vacataire - Ph.D.

School of Engineering of Beirut (ESIB)
Computer Science Laboratory (LINF)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

Johny Matar is an assistant professor in the School of Engineering of Beirut of the Saint-Joseph University. He got his PhD in computer science from Université Bourgogne Franche-comté, his Master degree in computer science from American University of Culture and Education, and his applied math diploma, option: computer science from the Lebanese University.

• PhD in Computer Science

Engineering and Technology, Sciences

Clustering techniques
Machine learning

[J1] J. Matar, H. El Khoury, J.-C. Charr, C. Guyeux, and S. Chrétien,
“Spclust: Towards a fast and reliable clustering for potentially divergent
biological sequences,” Computers in biology and medicine, vol. 114,
p. 103439, 2019.

[J2] J. Matar, H. El Khoury, J.-C. Charr, C. Guyeux, and S. Chrétien, “Optimized
spectral clustering methods for potentially divergent biological
sequences,” Scientific Enquiry and Review, In press.

[C1] J. Matar, H. El Khoury, “Smart switch (SMITCH-LB) for electricity load balancing and optimization.” In the Second International Conference on Energy, Power, Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering. E3PE, 2019.

[C2] J. Matar, H. El Khoury, J.-C. Charr, C. Guyeux, and S. Chrétien, “Impact of Eigensolvers on Spectral Clustering.” In 2021 3rd IEEE Middle East and North Africa COMMunications Conference (MENACOMM), pp. 49-53. IEEE, 2021.