Fr | Ar

• Doctor in clinical psychology and psychopathology
• Master in Clinical Psychology and Rehabilitation

TEACHING AND UNIVERSITY ANALYSIS Responsible for ethical analysis of research projects at the University Ethics Center - Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Letters and Human Sciences - Lecturer at the Faculty of Nursing Sciences - Supervision of research projects
HEAD OF THE PSYCHOPEDAGOGICAL DEPARTMENT Establishment of a multidisciplinary mental health department within an educational institution. Development and implementation of an experimental ecosystem-based clinical resilience program that helps students and their families in difficulty. Analysis of practices with a team of experts and specialized teachers.  Psychometric evaluations.  Animation of workshops, discussion groups with the different actors.  Training of teachers in the educational relationship.  Collaboration with other partners in the psychosocial field for comprehensive patient care.  Intercultural co-therapy.
SCHOOL MANAGEMENT Educational management: Design and implementation of the cycle project, communication of educational information and official texts. Supervision of the teaching team: support, training, evaluation. Administrative management: Organization of apprenticeships, animation of the teachers' council, preparation of the budget, drafting of various reports, recruitment. Relational area: Regular reports to management, distribution of the organization chart and internal regulations, inter-cycle liaison, cooperation with parents, search for suitable external partners for the diversification of teaching resources, reception and supervision of trainees , relationship of trust and caring collaboration over time

Art, Humanities, Religious Sciences

Resilience, Ethics, Clinical psychology in schools, Psychology and health.

Dijoux, M. & Anaut, M. (2020). Accompagnement à la résilience en milieu scolaire au Liban : à propos d’une recherche action. Écrire le social, 2, 4-17.

Dijoux, M. (2020). Accompagnement de la résilience familiale dans un contexte de violence politique au Liban : Résilience de l’enfant ou de l’écosystème ? Thèse de doctorat en psychologie. Université Lumière Lyon 2. NNT : 2020LYSE2094