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Chargé de Cours - Vacataire

Faculty of Dental Medicine (FMD)
Center for Research and Analysis (CAR)

(+961) 1 421 000 ext

Aicha El Cheikh, born in Akkar. Passionate about science since a young age, I dedicated my studies to physics. In 2021, I obtained my PhD from Saint Joseph University of Beirut, as well as from the University of Western Brittany in Brest, France. My academic journey has allowed me to explore various fields of physics, I am eager to contribute to scientific research inspire future generations of students in this fascinating field.

• physique
• photonique
• Master de capteur et instrumentation
• master de capteur et instrumentation
• licence en physique

mécanique 1, signaux physique, optique ondulatoire, programation C++, technique digitale, informatique industrielle, python, acquisition et traitement de signal, matlab, physique pour les biologistes .. etc

Engineering and Technology, Sciences

Study of Speckle Fields: Applications to Dental Restoration Materials

1. Monitoring the curing kinetics of glass ionomer cements by modeling the temporal correlation of speckle images, Aicha EL CHEIKH, Fabrice PELLEN, Bernard LE JEUNE, Guy LE BRUN Marie ABBOUD, Applied Optics, Vol. 58, No. 28 (2019). 2. Single speckle image analysis for monitoring the hardening kinetics of glass ionomer cements, Aicha EL CHEIKH, Fabrice PELLEN, Bernard LE JEUNE, Guy LE BRUN Marie ABBOUD, Applied Optics, Vol. 59, No. 28 (2020).