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Mlle Yasmina TRAD

Faculté des sciences de l'éducation
Institut de gestion des entreprises

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext yasmina.trad1@usj.edu.lb

6+ years of relevant experience in planning coordinating communication projects and events, public relations, content creation, social media, data analysis, market study, etc. I have present and previous work experiences that cover different marketing aspects such as digital marketing, communication, events planning, social media, market studies, sales, negotiations, merchandising, etc. I am very detail oriented, highly organized, hands-on and dedicated. I graduated from Saint Joseph University of Beirut with High Distinctions (Bachelor in Advertising and Marketing-Masters in Information and Communication). Im trilingual, being fluent in English, French and Arabic.

Information et CommunicationUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2021
Licence - MarketingUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2018

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Regional Marketing and Communication Manager - MENA RegionIpsos 01/07/2024
Coordinatrice de communication et d'évenementielUniversité Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth15/10/201830/06/2024

Économie; Gestion; Banque; Assurances

• Redynamisation du Souk de Zouk Mikael • Quand le Souverain Pontife visite un pays islamo-chrétien : Etude de la stratégie de communication, de protocole et d’organisation événementielle processuelle
