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M. Hicham KHOURY (EL)

Institut de gestion des entreprises

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(+961) 1 421 000 ext hicham.khoury@usj.edu.lb

Hicham El Khoury is a full professor at the Lebanese University and has been a member of the LaRRIS Lab since 2006. He also serves as a part-time faculty member at the USJ (University of Saint Joseph), LAU (Lebanese American University) and has been involved in online instructor and module pack developer for the MSC/MBA program at GBSB – Barcelona S.L. since Spring 2021. He earned his doctoral degree in Computer Science and Telecommunications from Paul Sabatier – Toulouse III in 2013.Furthermore, he holds the position of Senior ICT Advisor at CERD (Center for Educational Research and Development in Lebanon) through a contract with S2R2, a World Bank program supporting education in Lebanon, since 2018. From February 2021 to August 2023, he served as a Tech Hub SAL Consultant and lead instructor for the Workforce program.Dr. El Khoury is an active member of the MEHE National Digital Learning Committee for higher education. He is the coordinator of the curriculum core committee at CRDP-MEHE. He is also the founder of Mindscape SARL, an academy specializing in robotics, coding, and AI.

A Formal Data-Flow Oriented Model for Analyzing Network Security ConfigurationsUniversité Paul-Sabatier (ToulouseIII)France2014

-        063PRG1L1 – PROGRAMMATION I


-        063INIAL6 – Introduction à l’IA

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
Associate ProfessorLibanLebanese American University (LAU)01/01/2024
Online InstructorEspagne Global Business School - GBSB18/03/2020
Associate ProfessorLibanUniversité Libanaise (UL)18/09/2015
InstructorLiban Arts, Sciences, and Technology University In Lebanon(AUL)18/09/200918/02/2018

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
ICT senior advisorCRDP18/09/2018

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

Recommender System - Machine Learning - AI in Education

A comparative analysis of different recommender systems for university major and career domain guidance

C Lahoud, S Moussa, C Obeid, EH Khoury, PA Champin
Education and Information Technologies, 1-27

A novel hybrid recommender system approach for student academic advising named COHRS, supported by case-based reasoning and ontology
C Obeid, C Lahoud, KH El, PA Champin
Computer Science and Information Systems 19 (2), 979-1005

Conceptual clustering of university graduate students' trajectories using formal concept analysis: a case study in Lebanon
C Obeid, H EL-Khoury, C Lahoud, PA Champin
International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education and Life Long

SpCLUST: Towards a fast and reliable clustering for potentially divergent biological sequences
J Matar, H EL-Khoury, JC Charr, C Guyeux, S Chrétien
Computers in biology and medicine 114, 103439

Ontology-based recommender system in higher education
C Obeid, I Lahoud, H El-Khoury, PA Champin
Companion Proceedings of the The Web Conference 2018, 1031-1034