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M. Ibrahim BOU ORM

Institut de psychomotricité

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext 2285 ibrahim.bouorm1@usj.edu.lb

Le Dr Ibrahim Bou-Orm (MD, MPH, PhD) est médecin et expert en santé publique mondiale. Ses recherches portent sur lanalyse des systèmes de santé dans des contextes fragiles et affectés par des conflits, en particulier au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique. Ces dernières années, il a exercé en tant que consultant pour des ONG internationales et des agences des Nations Unies, notamment l'OMS EMRO et d'autres bureaux de l'OMS à travers le Moyen-Orient. Le Dr Bou-Orm est également chargé de cours principal en santé mondiale et sciences sociales à la Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine (LSTM) au Royaume-Uni et professeur associé à l'Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth (USJ) au Liban.

Doctorat en Santé GlobaleQueen Margaret University EdinburghRoyaume-Uni2023
Master en Santé PubliqueAmerican University of Beirut (AUB)Liban2016
Doctorat d'exercice - MédecineUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2015

1.Olabi A, Almohammed M, Loffreda G, Hellowell M, Witter S, Bou-Orm IR. Health Service Utilization across Public, Private, Humanitarian Sectors in the Conflict-Affected Region of Northern Syria: A Cross-sectional Study. Under review (BMC Health Services Research) 2.El Masri R, Zreik T, Chaar S, Ali R, Elias J, Meksassi B, Brown FL, Bou-Orm I, McKee M, Asmar M, Roberts B. Barriers and enablers to a coordinated MHPSS response in Lebanon: A case study of the MHPSS Taskforce. SSM-Mental Health. 2024 Oct 9:100354. 3.Afiouni R, Helou J, Bou-Orm I. Knowledge of the risks of ultraviolet radiation, sun exposure attitudes and practices among Lebanese university students. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2024 Oct 10:102900. 4.[Report] Bou-Orm IR, et al. Principles and Interim Priorities to Guide Health System Recovery in the occupied Palestinian Territory (oPT). Report for WHO. 2024. 5.Hazimeh B, Bou-Orm I, Mroueh M, Ammar W. Health Care Providers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Toward Medicinal Cannabis: The Case of Lebanon. Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research. 2024. 6.[Abstract] Loffreda G, El-Berri H, Byström M, Fouad H, Hag E, Hammerich A, Bou-Orm I. IDF23-0335 Diabetes Prevention and Control in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region: Inequitable Progress amidst Complex Emergencies. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2024209. 7.[Report] World Health Organization, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean. Progress report on addressing diabetes as a public health challenge in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Cairo: WHO EMRO; 2023. https://applications.emro.who.int/docs/Progress-report-RFA-Diabetes-eng.pdf?ua1 8.Loffreda G, Arakelyan S, Bou-Orm I, Holmer H, Allen LN, Witter S, Ager A, Diaconu K. Barriers and Opportunities for WHO ‘Best Buys’ Non-Communicable Disease Policy Adoption and Implementation From a Political Economy Perspective: A Complexity Systematic Review. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2023;12:7989. 9.Bou-Orm IR, Loffreda G, Diaconu K, Witter S, deVos P. Political Economy of Non-Communicable Disease (NCD) prevention and control in Lebanon: identifying challenges and opportunities for policy change and care provision reforms. BMC Public Health. 2023 Dec 18;23(1):2526. 10.Bou-Orm I, DeVos P, Diaconu K. Experiences of communities with Lebanon’s model of care for non-communicable diseases: a cross-sectional household survey from Greater Beirut. BMJ open. 2023 Sep 1;13(9):e070580. 11.Bou-Orm IR, Moussallem M, Karam J, deLara M, Varma V, Diaconu K, Apaydin MC, Van den Bergh R, Ager A, Witter S. Provision of mental health and psychosocial support services to health workers and community members in conflict-affected Northwest Syria: a mixed-methods study. Conflict and Health. 2023 Oct 4;17(1):46. 12.Witter S, Diaconu K, Bou-Orm I, Jamal Z, Shroff ZC, Mahmoud A, Daher M, Varma V. Evolution and lessons from an integrated service delivery network in North West Syria. Conflict and Health. 2023 Mar 24;17(1):12. 13.Moussallem M, Zein-El-Din A, Hamra R, Rady A, Asmar MK, Bou-Orm IR (corresponding). Evaluating the governance and preparedness of the Lebanese health system for the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study. BMJ open. 2022 Jun 1;12(6):e058622. 14.Lokot M, Bou-Orm I (corresponding), Zreik T, Kik N, Fuhr DC, El Masri R, Meagher K, Smith J, Asmar MK, McKee M, Roberts B. Health system governance in settings with conflict-affected populations: a systematic review. Health Policy and Planning. 2022 May;37(5):655-74. 15.Moussallem M, Jreij M, Yeretzian JS, Asmar MK, Bou-Orm IR. Colorectal cancer screening knowledge and uptake in Lebanon: a national survey. Revue dÉpidémiologie et de Santé Publique. 2022;70(2):67-73.

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
Professeur Royaume-UniLiverpool of Tropical Medicine (LSTM)02/10/202420/11/2024
Professeur à Institute for Global Health and Development Royaume-UniQueen Margaret University of Edinburgh01/01/202102/09/2024

Médecine et Santé

Systèmes de santé et politiques, Prévention et contrôle des maladies non transmissibles, Migration et santé.