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Faculté de gestion et de management
Faculté de pharmacie
Institut de gestion des entreprises

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext elie.ghanem@usj.edu.lb

• Mentored developed more than 50 SMEs • Managed delivered effectively more than 20 projects on time and upon customer satisfaction in the field of Education and Waste Management with a remarkable economic, social and sustainable impact • Empowered and trained more than 2,500 individuals nationally and abroad • Designed and delivered Leadership and Life Skills programs for companies, schools & NGOs • Organized and participated in numerous International meetings & forums • Led and founded several NGOs

Bachelor of Business AdministrationNotre Dame University, Louaizé (NDU)Liban2005

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
InstructorLibanLebanese International University03/10/201631/01/2022

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Managing partnerSolutionsInc01/06/201629/04/2019
Managing partnerSnowball s.a.r.l01/09/201529/10/2024
Operations ManagerElectronic spaces01/08/201429/05/2015
CAS coordinator- IB Program/SupervisorSagesse High School03/10/201129/08/2014
Project ManagerCCO-Center for the Christians of the Orient01/05/200929/07/2011
Community Service Coordinator/SupervisorBHS- Brummana High School29/09/200728/10/2011

Économie; Gestion; Banque; Assurances
