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Mlle Elise ZGHEIB

Ecole supérieure d'architecture de Beyrouth
École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Beyrouth

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext elise.zgheib1@usj.edu.lb

Doctorat en génie Civil, Eau et EnvironnementUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2019
Master recherche: Option- Structures et Mécanique des SolsUniversité Saint-Joseph de BeyrouthLiban2015
Diplome d'ingénieur en Génie CivilUniversité Libanaise (UL)Liban2012

Enseignement universitaire hors USJPaysEtablissementDate débutDate fin
LibanUniversité Saint-Esprit- Kaslik (USEK)15/02/2023
LibanUniversité Libano-Canadienne03/09/201801/09/2021

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Ingénieure d'étude à titre personnelleIngénieure d'étude à titre personnelle01/03/2021
Ingénieure d'étude à titre personnelleIngénieure d'étude à titre personnelle02/03/201501/03/2017
Ingénieure de projetCCL Engineering S.A.L.03/03/201401/03/2015
Ingénieure de StructureCCL Engineering S.A.L.01/09/201103/03/2014
Ingénieure d'étudeCCL Engineering S.A.L.03/09/201001/09/2011

Ingénierie et technologie; Sciences

Développement dun nouveau modèle et amélioration de la prédiction du fluage selon l’Eurocode 2 en utilisant des méthodes statistiques et en considérant l'effet des adjuvants.

Articles dans des journaux • Zgheib, E., Sawma, R., El Khoury, J., & Raphael, W. (2022). “New phenomenological creep model for predicting creep of concrete with silica fume”. Advances in Concrete Construction. Vol. 14 (1), 71-77 DOI: https://doi.org/10.12989/acc.2022.14.1.071. • Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2019). “Study of the admixtures effect on concrete creep using Bayesian Linear Regression”. Archives of Civil Engineering. Vol. LXV (3), 127-140. DOI: 10.2478/ace-2019-0039. • Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2019). “Bayesian Linear Regression analysis of the effect of silica fume on concrete creep predictions structures’ safety”. First International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components (IRAS 2019). Procedia Structural Integrity. Vol.25, 25-32. • Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., Matar, P., & Moukarzel, I. (2018). “Bayesian approach for quantifying silica fume and water reducer impact on creep of concrete”. Magazine of concrete research, Vol.70(8). 400-409 https://doi.org/10.1680/jmacr.17.00238 . • Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., Geara, F., & Matar, P. (2018). “PCM17 and PCM17WR new models for predicting creep of concrete deformations - Phenomenological Creep Model 17 with and without water-reducing admixture”. International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering. Vol.5(2). 84-88. • Zgheib, E., Matar, P., Faddoul, R., Moukarzel, I., & Raphael, W., (2017). “Approximate Bayesian Computation Method: SAFE_USJ_Update of the Eurocode 2 Creep model. Deterministic and Probabilistic – Rejection Algorithm Approach”. International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering. Vol.4(1). 29-33 • Raphael, W., Zgheib, E., & Chateauneuf, A., (2018). “Experimental investigations and sensitivity measures for the explanation of bridge of Cheviré large creep of concrete deformations”. Case Studies in Construction Materials. Vol.9 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cscm.2018.e00176 Conférences internationales avec actes publiés • Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2020). “Enhancement of creep predictions by considering the effect of water reducer using Bayesian approaches”. The 3rd International Conference on Material Engineering Research (ICMER 2020) 22-24 May 2020. Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea. • Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2020). “Study of the effect of silica fume on concrete creep using Bayesian approach”. The 5th International Conference on Applied Engineering, Materials, and Mechanics (ICAEMM 2020) 24-26 April 2020. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. • Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2020). “Effect of humidity on concrete creep predictions”. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 809 (2020) 012017, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/809/1/012017. • Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2019). “Bayesian Linear Regression analysis of the effect of silica fume on concrete creep predictions and structures’ safety”. First International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components (IRAS 2019) 1-2 July 2019. Porto, Portugal. • Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., & Faddoul, R. (2018). “Linear Regression Analysis of the Eurocode 2 Creep Model with Bayesian SAFE_USJ_Update”. 40th International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering Symposium (40thIABSE Symposium 2018) 19-20-21 September 2018.Nantes, France. • Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., Geara, F., & Matar, P. (2017). “PCM17 and PCM17WR new models for predicting creep of concrete deformations - Phenomenological Creep Model 17 with and without water-reducing admixture”. 6th International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ACSEE 2017) 09-10 December 2017. Rome, Italy. • Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., Salameh, N., Matar, P., & Chateauneuf, A. (2017). “Study of the Influence of Admixtures on Creep of Concrete in the Eurocode 2 using the Approximate Bayesian Computation Method”. 12th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR2017) 6-10 August 2017.Vienna, Austria. • Zgheib, E., Raphael, W., Matar, P., Moukarzel, I., & Faddoul, R. (2016). “Approximate Bayesian Computation Method: SAFE_USJ_Update of the Eurocode 2 Creep model. Deterministic and Probabilistic – Rejection Algorithm Approach”. 4th International Conference on Advances in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (ACSEE 2016) 15-16 December 2016. Rome, Italy. Présentations Orales • Zgheib, E., & Raphael, W. (2019). “Effect of humidity on concrete creep predictions”. The 5th International Conference on Architecture, Materials, and Construction (ICAMC 2019) 2-4 December 2019. University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal. • Forum Doctoral à l’école doctorale des Sciences et Technologie, Université Libanaise, Hadath, Beirut, Liban. 10 Mai 2018, présentation orale. • Zgheib, E., Matar, P., Raphael, W., & Moukarzel, I. (2017). “Evaluation of the Eurocode 2 Creep Model for Concrete with Admixtures by Using the Bayesian Method”. 23ème Conférence Scientifique Internationale de l’Association Libanaise pour l’Avancement des Sciences (LAAS23) 6-7 April 2017. Lebanese University, Beyrouth, Lebanon. • Forum Doctoral à l’école doctorale des Sciences et Technologie, Université Libanaise, Hadath, Beirut, Liban. 18-19 Mars 2016, présentation orale. Posters • Forum Doctoral à l’école doctorale des Sciences et Technologie, Université Libanaise, Hadath, Beirut, Liban.27-28 Septembre 2017, poster.