En | Ar

M. Tarek ZEIN (EL)

École supérieure d'ingénieurs de Beyrouth
Faculté de langues et de traduction

Chargé de cours

(+961) 1 421 000 ext tarek.zein@usj.edu.lb

In addition to his current job teaching English classes at university, Tariq El Zein has more than 17 years of management, marketing, talent development L&D experience. Known as a passionate and dynamic facilitator, he has trained, consulted, and worked with all corporate levels including upper management at different national as well multinational companies in Lebanon, Armenia, Turkey, KSA and the UAE. Tariq later attended workshops at different levels in Europe and worked with Thomson Reuters and got promoted later to a position of a Senior Business Executive. He also spent seven years in KSA and the Gulf region where he attended multiple workshops, trainings and seminars, analyzing the different teaching and learning methodologies in order to find the best practices and to develop his own unique facilitating style. He also held the title of a Business Development Manager at IPT group in Lebanon and Commercial Manager at VivaCell, a leading telecom operator in Armenia. Due to the many years spent abroad, Tariq has developed a great understanding of cultural- differences and managing diversity he is also perfectly fluent in both Arabic and English and fair in French. Some of the attributes that make Tariq a successful and a distinguished facilitator are: • Well-developed organizational and time-management skills • Attention to detail • Pride in doing good work • Excellent communications skills • Good conflict resolution abilities • Creativity and a drive to succeed.

B.S. in Marketing - LAUN/ALiban1997

English Language classes

Expérience professionnelleOrganisationDate débutDate fin
Freelance trainer and facilitator-Soft and business skillsFreelance01/02/200605/09/2023
Commercial ManagerVIVACELL05/12/200508/08/2006
Senior Business ExecutiveReuters01/10/199206/12/1997

Économie; Gestion; Banque; Assurances